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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. I can agree to disagree, though I stand by the idea that Ron is equally as misogynistic as Guza and that while in the Guza era we spent far too much time worship the unholy three, at ;least two of the three were legacy characters who had ties and roots to the show, and that by the end Sonny was also a firm, if sometimes unwelcome, part of GH History. The current unholy three of Dr. O, Franco and Nina have no roots or ties to PC or GH history. And as to recognizing the characters: I am sorry I do recognize this Anna has compared to the Anna of the 80's or early 90's., I do not recognize Mac or Robin or Scott or Lucy or Bobbie or for sure TRACY. Hell I don't even recognize Luke, and not just because of Fluke. Love him or hate him Luke was deep. Weather it was the rapist turned lover of the 80's or the devoted family man torn between life on the road and love of family of the 90's or even the drunk-driver of the 2000's Luke had depth. This....this soap is a spoof...sorry
  2. Yes but then you realize that at least Guza was writing a soap, not a spoof of one moving from plot point to plot point. Yes Guza's "love in the time of war" was a horrible soap, that centered on mob violence and three awful characters whom we were suppose to love, but at least it was still a soap. I am not sure what Ron is writing and since he is too cowardly to address the matter with those who tweet him we may never know,, but it is not a soap. The only soap it vaguely resembles is the old sit-com SOAP, and frankly that was better done and much much funnier thanks to its cast.
  3. Okay I know I am over thinking, because this is Ron writing after all and over thinking is never good with him, But what if Fluke is not Bill (or Pat or Tim or any Spencer) what if he is Harlan Barrett. If I recall Harlan actually LIKED Bill, (Despite Bill being the one to 'kill' him to save Robert) and so that may explain his defending Bill to Bobbie so angrily. The "dont go there" over the lost Sister Pat may be simply Harlan's way of moving from a topic he does not know about and the anger at Tim Spencer could be a hold over from his own abusive childhood. Harlan would also explain the Sonny hate, since he would hate Sonny for destroying Brenda's life time and time again, but it is an easily forgettable hate and so they move on. Harlan also had ties to Larry and Fasion as part of the cartel. Again over thinking...because it's Ron, It's Bill
  4. Carly gives every one a headache. I think what I missing is the Carly who while a self absorbed twit always had a plan. Where is the Carly who hired Brook Lynn as a whore to destroy Dante, where is the Carly who talked Shawn in shooting Franco (well Olivia, well really a potted plant) and more important where is the Carly who dumped AJ in a laundry cart and wheeled him out of her apartment, and dosed him with booze? I may not like Carly but hell at least she always had something up her sleeve. Ron writes her as self adsorbed, with none of the cunning and intelligence that made her a formidable person.
  5. Here is what may be a dumb question, and I know that characters are what characters are despite the writer and that is one of the conceits of the genre, but is Carly a self-absorbed idiot or is that the way she is written by Ron because HE is a self-absorbed idiot. I just keep thinking that Guza's Carly (in any form not just LW) would have been crippled by what Michael said, maybe not for long but long enough that she would not have gone out on New Year's Eve and that should would have been planning some off the wall scheme to make him love her again (a fake kidnapping or herself or Joss, or even Him with her as the rescuer...something)
  6. Kiki is Sly, it will change her parentage once again, because Fluke is not Bill, Fluke is Franco and the RH Franco is a hypnotized Bill, and the real Franco is AJ. And that gives Ron everything he wants, Kiki as RH's daughter, AJ as the bad guy, and Sonny out of prison
  7. Why would a so-called writer like Ron who prides himself on knowing GH history have Bobbie start sprouting lies about Bill abusing Sly? Bill. Like Luke, when he first returned, was a good father and a flawed man. I am really getting sick and tired of writers like Ron taking their daddy problems out on the history of this show. Look Ron, I am sorry that your Dad didn't hug you enough or think that that your antics were cute, like you do Spencer's, but Man up for Christ's sake and stop taking it out on the rest of us with this insane drivel.
  8. Many Corrections Officers are class acts (especially Mrs Fylaki) but there is a under-element of guards who do ogle inmates female visitors in order to make the inmate uncomfortable during the visit, so I guess the same would apply in this type of situation
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQTqKcojrVY
  10. I agree and I am never going to be sure that was not intentional. GV's Lucky was a big goofy dope, much easier for Guza to make him a fool then the wiry intelligent JJ or JJ type Lucky
  11. The worse thing this show ever did was have GV's Lucky play the fool time and time again to Jason. Lucky as the heir to the most popular couple in soapdom should have been...and should be at the center of this show...Jason could have been interesting if at some point he had reverted to Jason Q but the endless borg crap just ruined him
  12. Question: How much of this mess is Ron's fault and how much Frank's? Here is what I mean, clearly the bad writing is on Ron, but does Frank's use of block taping prevent the character interaction that could sometimes save this tripe? For example JJY is on recurring, and so is not needed often, could we not have gotten a scene where he says "I'm going to Paris to look for Robin and talk to her?" and then weeks later he returns "It's odd I looked high and low and just cannot find her, it's as if she does not want to be found. I am worry, I'm going to contact Robert" and then he goes off again to Wisconsin to look for Robert. It would have made some one in the Scorpio family look like they gave a damn about Robin. So is the fact that nothing like this happened, Ron's fault for not writing it, or Frank's fault for not blocking it? There are other examples: We are all laughing at the long mayoral count but is this bad writing on Ron's part or Frank's inability to block the time for the actors?
  13. Since Robert will not be back any time soon I have one word JAX. The July-September look of IR and FH would be all kinds of hot. They both have international backgrounds. Carly's head would explode. They Both hate Sonny, Carly's Head would explode, Anna is maybe the last woman on the show who has not slept with Sonny or the Borg, Carly;s Head would explode, Mac could have some say in this since maybe he would recall he does not like Jax from the Miranda days and did I mention that Carly's head would explode?
  14. I just got a little vomit in my mouth
  15. Because Chem test do not matter to Ron. He has a couple planned, often even before the actor is signed nothing diverts him from the course he has written. It is why GH needs a show runner/co-head writer, to force Ron to divert when things do not work.
  16. I could go with this if it were complicated...but Ron does not do complicated well. To me if Fluke is Luke with DID the breakdown began the day he slapped Lucky after Jake's Death. In that moment Luke, who had tried for years to be a better man and a better father than Tim Spencer became in his mind exactly like Tim. In fact that is who Fluke thinks he is Tim Spencer. Luke's break down and DID continued though his retreat to the whore house where he told Lucky killing Jake was liberating and right up until he "killed" Helena, thus freeing himself of all of Luke Spencer's obligations to both family and foes. This could be a real pivotal moment for Luke as well as for TG and the fans, is Luke the man that Tony Geary wants him to be, the one who was always dark, tormented and never a good father or faithful husband, in short Tim Spencer (not Bill Echert) or is he the man we the fans have seen for thirty years, one capable of great harm and evil but also the one passionately in love with Laura, a faithful friend to Robert and a Great Father (just look ta old nurses ball clips) to Lucky (not so much Lulu) Who is Luke Spencer, Done right would not only win Geary another Emmy, but ER one for Lulu as well as she comes to grips with the fact that for most of her life her father has not always been the man that was also Lucky's father and JE as well as Tracy deals with the fact that the Luke she loves is "Tim Spencer" and that the "real Luke" always has and always will love Laura. Heck the whole show could win. yeah never going to happen...Ron does not have the talent to pull it off. Strangely enough Guza did...how sad is that
  17. I can take Robert back if his first scene is at the Q mansion, he stands for one minute in a room with Anna, Lulu, Dante, Tracy, Monica and Fluke and listens to the conversation. Then he takes out his gun points it at Fluke and says "I know Luke Spencer, Luke Spencer is a friend of mine, and You are no Luke Spencer" Then he shoots Fluke and turns to every one else in the room and says "For Pete's sake what is wrong with you people. I bet Spencer's in the Basement" and stalks out of the room
  18. See this is why I say it is not...too many things pointing to it...I think it is Damian Smith with Plastic surgery or an outside shot at Harlan Barrett
  19. Really? That makes no sense. Robert Yes, Frisco no. Frisco's whole character is as a wanderer, being head of the WSB would tie him down to one spot and take him out of any of the real action. Robert having been a police commissioner for years is the logical candidate, it is moments like this when I know Ron is lying when he says he watched this show as a kid.
  20. What I mean by thrown under the bus, is that Ric will lose to Jake weather he stays on the straight and narrow or goes back to being bad, because Ron the Hack wants Liz and Jake in a Quad/Tri with Sam and Patrick. And while Ric will plot point lose Liz to Jake, then Liz, plot point, will lose to Sam. I could care less if Jason or Lucky "stole" Liz from Ric, hell even Nic or back from the dead Ewan could steal her, what I object to is that this is being broadcast from a thousand miles away, that Jake will get Liz from Ric and then when he discovers he is Jason she will lose him to Sam. I could hop on the barge and come back in six months and what I have said will have happened and that is what I object to. It is formula and at this point boring
  21. To Answers your questions 1) No not really. I think that Ron and Tony were hell bent on Fluke being Bill but when too many people not only figured it out but called Ron on how out of character that would be for Bill, they began to scramble. Tony's illness and Ron's inability to write around it made it worse 2) Because Ron despite his cries of loving GH wants to piss on the memory of Steve Hardy and Alan Quartermain by making that nut job COS, instead of Monica or even Patrick (who is a douche but at least he is a legacy douche) 3) Okay this one I can by, it is Felecia in the middle of the recount. She likely loses count every time a bright shiny object goes by. Flea while a favorite has never been the brightest 4) I have to defend Ron here, it was implied that while Ric was away he considered his life and realized that Liz was the best thing that ever happened to him and came back with intentions of winning her and being with his daughter. What I hate is that Ric is about to get thrown under the Jake bus and then in turn Liz is going to get run over by the Sam trolley and both characters, who really do have chemistry (even if you do not like either of them) lose out 5) I think Victor began the brainwashing and he allowed Helena to be one of the people who could command him (No sillier then years ago when Faision had Anna under his spell) 6) Because Ron is obsessed with RH and will do anything to make Franco work 7) The show's conceit for 20 years has been to prop Sonny and Jason at the expense of the Police (especially Mac and GV Lucky) Ron has added Franco, the Jerome's and Nina to this list 8) Ron cannot be bothered 9) Because Ron has an unhealthy attachment to the character and he is Ron's Alt, a bratty nine year old with a smart mouth, who needs to be slapped and sent to his room 10) Jordon is suppose to be undercover, but Ron does not know how to pull that off: Hell Guza did it better with Dante
  22. I think Ron is torn, he cannot figure out if it will be Jackson, Liz, Sam, Patrick or Jackson, Sam, Carly, Sonny. I hope for Liz's sake she is out of the quad since she will lose. Jason and Sam are always an endgame Love her or hate her it is time for Liz to move into 'Audrey' mode and get a HEA. With no Lucky on the horizon she and Ric could make a nice stable couple, who given their pasts could give wise advice to a younger set.
  23. It's Christmas Eve so if I can't find anything nice to say I better just say Merry Christmas to all (My wishes for a Merry go for those who do not celebrate as well, The Merry is a good wish one way or the other) So Merry Christmas
  24. Okay I can see that to some extent, But isn't it fan base, which grows smaller every year more important. If they reported more fairly wouldn't more people read it? and isn't that more important than whatever bone FranknRon throw them?
  25. Can I ask why the Soap Press still matters? I mean there are only four freakin Soaps. Why does any one care what Michael Logan writes? RH failed as Franco, not his fault Johnny Depp would have failed as Franco under Ron's god awful writing. So the Soap Press is afraid of Ron and Frank? Why? Hell if the soap press still matters and I still do not know why it would, then they would matter more if they grew a spine and demanded better from GH (and I suppose all the shows) rather than kissing the backside of a prima donna weather that be Frank or Ron or even Roger.
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