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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. I agree with everything YOU said but this section really struck me. I have seen a lot of talk about the lack of heroes and the cartoon villains both here and other places. The lack of "good guys" and the idea that Ron is trying to cramp Franco and Nina and others down our throats as heroes, in a similar way that Guza tried with Jason-Sonny-Carly, though to be fair to Guza, which I hate to do, the Unholy Trio had more depth and especially Carly and Jason were deeply tied to the show's history. I have heard from Guza, and his followers what he was trying to do: "Love in a time of war" and while I think personally it sucks as a story theme at least he defended his choices. I have yet to hear why Ron thinks we should love Franco and Nina and see them as heroes. What is it in them that I am suppose to care about? He never articulates what he is writing. I wish he had the spine to come on here and explain, not attack or be attack but make us see what it is he is doing. At the end of the day like Guza I may disagree but I think I could stomach this more if I knew what he was writing: Is this one long long long redemption story? Is he trying to tell us that people can come back from the most awful things: Serial Killer, baby stealer, killing your son's father and be better people? : Is he trying to tell us that medicine can make people better: Weather it is Jason/Jake or Franco or I assume soon Nina. What is he saying what is he writing? Cause it is not heroes and villains
  2. I agree I dont use MTV Generation to necessarily mean short attention spans, but more an addiction or maybe an affection for more rapid telling of tales. while Harry Potter is long it does not seem nearly as long as Pride and Prejudice which is actually a much shorter book. The pacing is quicker. I also think that the MTV Generation is use to getting its media across platforms. I am of two minds on the budget thing for web episodes. On the one hand it may be beyond the budget on the other I think that ouinason is right and that a decent episode could be shot for $500 or so. Given how bloated the cast is cutting back on one recurring character (I'm looking ta you Milo, but that is just me) could free up enough cash to handle weekly episodes for a year or more
  3. As a Big Fan of both Lucky and the concept of adoption, legal or otherwise, I was being sarcastic and I could not agree more. BTW dead beat dad Lucky pisses me off a whole lot more than deadbeat dad Luke or Robert. Robin can friggin Skype* from captivity but Lucky can't do so from Africa. Ron has bigger Daddy issues then he does Mommy ones. edit cause Skype is how you reach some one and Skye is my granddaughter and her dad is only a semi-deadbeat
  4. Cameron "Mom why don't you have a picture of my dad, or Aiden's dad?" Liz "There is a picture of Lucky here somewhere." Cameron "My Dad is Zander Mom, can't you keep track of your baby daddies."
  5. Yes but did Michael say "Oh shut up Kiki it was never your bed, it was Abby's and I always thought of her,when we were in it."
  6. My earliest GH memories are my pre-teen years but they involve Mark Hamill as Jesse's Brewer's nephew Kent Murray and the really pretty girl who played his sister Caroline. I do not even remember the plot but I do remember that the actress playing Caroline was hot. I think though that now a days there would need to be more. With Kim Kardashian flashing the full monty anywhere people want to look, a hot actress is just not going to be enough to pull in younger viewers
  7. I did not know that. Interesting by why such a minor character (B Level at best for his run) why not the big guns:They would not need to have the actors run thier own account they could have one intern do a massive number of twitter feeds. Facebook accounts as well...Anything to be more interactive. I know that there is not a lot of money in advertising for the show but a properly run social media campaign would not be so bad I also still think that they need to consider webpisodes like the Walking Dead and other shows have done. This would also help promote the show and with the bloated cast and block taping why not. We are all waiting see Monica's reaction to AJ's killer being revealed. And that should be on the main show. But how about Ron's favorites Eppi and Milo...a small web cast of them talking about Sonny and Sonny's role in the death of Eps son, who would be older than Milo, would be interesting
  8. Serena has taken after her father and grandfather and is just finishing law school. In fact she is coming to town to represent Carly because her childhood friend Lulu has asked for her help.....Lulu would have called her about the custody thing but she was still just a student
  9. I agree pacing is a problem for the MTV generation, and a change in that may bring in more and younger viewers but I was also wondering if the younger viewers need or want a more multi-media presentation in order to get hooked. We tend to snark about Ron writing half the show on twitter....but what if he is on to something that he does not even know about...what if a viewer could get tweets from the characters (not the cast) :( @Iusetobestarrthenlaurennowkiki Wow they just arrested Carly #mymom'sstillfree ) would that help drive them to the show? Other than pacing (which is really in Ron's hands) what can be done? Younger cast members? More action? More Romance? More Camp? The ratings did go up during General Hospital Espionage, is that the kind of action younger viewers want. If you are an under 25 viewer what would make your friends tune in?,
  10. When Carly gets out of jail i so want her to get home and find a note that says "I took Joss, She is happy. Oh I hooked up with Skye, we are going to raise LilaRae and Joss together. Tell Morgan to call me. Good luck with the whole Michael thing" JAX
  11. I've been watching GH since I was six or seven and the show and I are the same age: So serious question, not that TIIC will care but what would make more young people watch the show? In the late 70's and early 80's Luke and Laura made this show must watch TV on college campuses across the country. In this new era of cross media pollination what would it take in your opinion as a younger viewer to do that again?
  12. The rating clearly say that: last year this time when it was General Hospital Espionage the ratings were up. The bad thing is that Ron and Frank only care about what they like and Ron is thrilled at his Franco and Nina
  13. As much as I hate Sonny and Carly for the years of torment they inflicted on PC, this is correct Michael still loves them, what I think we will see over time, if Ron does this right,is that Michael no longer likes or trusts them. You can love some one and not like them or trust them. I alienated a friend once, we got past it and he loves me but he is never going to trust me again and I really do not blame him. Michael should find that place with Sonny and Carly. If Carly has a stroke, Michael should be there, if she asks for help after wards he should be like "Yep I have arranged doctors and nurses to care for you, Bye" As to Carly and Shawn in jail the problem is that Ron let this spin out of control, half the cast will end up in jail if justice is really served: Carly, Shawn, Kiki, Morgan, Ava, Sabrina, Nina, Magda and Franco have all committed obvious crimes. Even to a lesser extent Silas and Julian who both knew a known mobster was threatening a pregnant woman and failed to report the crime. Now mind you with the exception of Julian I could do without any of these people on my screen but Ron is not going to do that.
  14. If they played Kiki and Morgan as Ron and Kim they may be watchable.
  15. I think this was the problem, the last week was good, but the lead in was awful. This is one of the main things that GH would need to over come if it went primetime (even on ABC Fam or some other network let alone on the Big A) Sweeps for Soaps, like for local newscast, have become stunts. In truth you could watch GH (or DOOL or YnR or BnB) in Feb, May and Nov and really see everything you need to see all year. Ron and Frank have to stop building towards sweeps and make each week as good as sweeps. Now not every episode is going to be a hit, but you cannot keep going weeks on end with drivel and then expect the audience to suddenly appear for sweeps
  16. Okay can we keep this week's Ron? He has not been great but he has been better than he has been in a long long time (since the poison water and Jason Dock Kicking IMHO) If he goes back and fixes the Robin mess I think I may be able to forgive him and even stomach Count Chocula on screen once a week or so.
  17. I always thought this was one of the great lost opportunities of the show, which perhaps they can now re-visit as Sonny falls. Given Sonny's bipolar, I always wanted to see a "Truth teller" : maybe Kevin, or a new shrink in town, or a returned Tom Hardy, call out Carly and Robin and Olivia and face it half the town, as enablers who have over the years actually made Sonny's condition worse.
  18. For some reason I like this idea. I think that it would improve the quality of the writing Ron would need to step up his game. Why not go four nights a week on ABC Family
  19. Ahh for the days when Alexis remembered she was a Cassadine. Ah for the days when the Cassadine's had TEETH. I have wondered for a long time if Guza-Wolfe_Ron wrote the Cassadine's as clowns in order to prop Sonny, so that the people he was in conflict with looked really evil. Maybe with Sonny going down we can get the return of scary evil Cassadine's and scary evil Fasion
  20. Frank and Ron need to re-cast (or get Lexi back) Kristina and take Mob Princess on line. Treat it like a real reality show within the fictional show GH. Especially with Sonny going to prison this could actually work this time.
  21. What bugs me is that ABC has at this point nothing to lose with GH and should be looking at some experimentation. Frank and Ron should also be pushing for it. OLTL and AMC got good reviews for their on-line stories, it was a lack of money on the part of PP that prevented an effective media campaign to launch the shows that doomed them in the long run (IMHO). With GH still on the air, and a bloated cast, all of whom have their fans, now is the time to launch GH on line, while it is still on the air. Hell Ron writes half the show on twitter as is, why not take those scenes and put them on the web. Could it flop like on line soaps seem to do? Of course on the other hand they have never tried to launch an on-line show while the main show was still on the air. I agree that Frank and Ron should do all they can to save the show but they should also be looking for the next horizon.
  22. So this, even if Sonny "gets away" with AJ's murder this would help curb the mob on GH: Michael as a corporate raider a la Jax, coming in and taking all of Soony's legit business, Sonny morphing from gangsta to evil business man. This would not only help both the characters of Michael and Sonny but help the show as well.
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