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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. Never thought that soaps were for kids, however I am a subscriber of "Little Elephants have Big ears" .
  2. And yet it is still summer and kids are still home from school and this is inappropriate. I am more and more convinced that either everyone at Disney is at the Park of Ron has blackmail pictures of Robert Igler
  3. Shag: Kelly (wasn't she a sex addict on Night Shift?) Marry: Lainey (she kinda looks like Mrs. Fylaki anyway) Kill: Ewen Liz Taylor Helena Constance Towers Helena Old Lady Dying (Like one epp with Luke) Helena
  4. If this had been any other character other than Milo coming out I would not be appalled, but this poor actor who is clearly Ron's man crush. Seriously??? Hell after Olivia and Sonny's talk about finding some one who "gets" him I would have rather seen Sonny kiss Shawn than this crap.
  5. Of course he did. You knew this was coming. Shirtless Milo here we go. How trite. I may be on the barge for the first time in nearly forty years
  6. Oh God really? Shag: Nina Kill: Kiki Marry: Carly (at least she has a ton of money) Jagger Blackie Frisco
  7. There is something warm and fuzzy about the 3PM slot I remember getting home from school (I lived a block away) and watching GH with my Grandmother over milk and cookies.
  8. Shag Tom Baldwin Kill: Phil Brewer And right from the bottom of my straight guy heart: Marry Steve Hardy (Oh come on who wouldn't?) Lucille March Weeks Lucy Coe Lulu
  9. I'll bring the beer and popcorn to that one
  10. Did any one else see that Soaps.Com is saying we are going back to 3:00PM ?
  11. Ron should have done the whole Spencer kidnapping as a Ransom of Red Chief kind of thing. Spencer runs away and gets kidnapped by some nerd/thug (a great time for a big name guest star) and drives him so crazy that when it comes time for the Ransom the guy offers Nic money to take him back. At least it would have made sense considering Spencer's personality and Ron could write his spoof without offending any ones intelligence
  12. Strike the word "gay" and it sums up the whole show. No one gay or straight has a real relationship it is all camp. Ron is writing a spoof not a soap
  13. Shag: Lisa (again and again) Marry: Olivia Jerome Kill: Heather cause she'll get better fast Joe Kelly Rose Kelly Paddy Kelly
  14. Marry: Anthony Z cause life has to be a little insane Shag: Karpoz Kill: SONNY of course Ballentine (the first head of the WSB) O' Reilly (The old lady who worked with Robert on the Ice Princess Caper and was gunned down in a phone booth) Victor
  15. Just because he is back from the dead (Crap I can't believe some of the sentences we write on here) do we know for sure he is not Jason Q, or at least Jason Q with Jason M's skill set?
  16. I kind of understand the backstage stuff that goes into contract negotiations but I guess what I don't understand is why the writers, the actor and TPTB are so afraid to make Sonny...or many of the cast....more? More than they are, more than they have been. If the genre is dying than why the fear to push the envelope? I mean if I was the cruise director on the Titanic I'd at least open up the bar for drinks on the house. Why not go for broke. At this point you have nothing to lose, a slow death over time or a spectacular crash and burn that people will speak of for years. With all due respect for the man, it is kind of like Old Man Bush jumping out of airplanes. Every time he makes it people are amazed that a man his age can pull it off, and if he'd died, than we would all stand around and talk about it for years.
  17. I can appreciate that. Perhaps more germane and more to the point is exactly what are the Backstage Shenanigans, that are moving the character of Sonny? Between MB acting tics and the way the character is written Sonny has made no sense in a long long time. What is it that compels the writing staff to keep him front and center. I know that Sonny has fans, but given that, would they not rather see their favorite written in such a way that there is meat on his bones? What is it that keeps the writers turning out Sonny the way he is time after time. Ratings must play a part, but weren't rating higher back when Sonny was first introduced? Maybe if it is not time for Sonny to exit it is at least time for Sonny and maybe all of GH to return to its roots.
  18. Without medication I have a tendency to talk non-stop, I notice it leaks over to my posts here and other places sometimes where I am rambling on and on and on. I agree with you about MB for whatever I think of Sonny (which is usually 'die motherfucker') I admire MB
  19. MB's bipolar medication could have something to do with this and with the mumbling. And here is an epic fail on the part of the writers. MB is very open about his bipolar, how hard would it be to every so often throw in a line that points out that Sonny sometimes mumbles and has a hard time finding the right word because of his medication, but his mind is as sharp as every. Instead of trying to hide what we can all see, use what we can all see, to enhance the character and educate the public.
  20. Shag: Brenda Marry: Karen Kill: Tock...I mean Lilly Crane Tollivar David Gray Hutch
  21. I so agree with this there have been several great Broadway runs of big name actors on limited time in for set shows. You would think that with block taping this would actually be easier. It also speaks to "cross-pollination" What if spme of ABC's prime time actors came in as their characters for a short stint, even if it was just a gimmick: Like maybe when Victor is exposed and arrested, Gregg Clark could come and take custody of him: "Who was that?" asked Dante. "Said his name was Couslon." Replied Anna. A simple one day shoot that opens many doors Or for a longer stint have some one like Kelly Reilly come on as Catherine Black (From Black Box...and the cross pollination could have helped that show as well) to assist Patrick with a case and some how she meets Sonny and they bond over their bipolar. Or she calls Carly on being an enabler all these years. A short three or four week in and out that still effects the canvas. I think what happened with Franco was that James Franco fell in love with himself, and Guza was so in love with Jason that the thing dragged. Franco as a one up was great, after that......argggg
  22. Interesting. But FV is not a Director right he is a producer....aren't they different unions and different skill sets? I wonder what this show would be like if some one like Kim Mc was appointed head director.
  23. Thanks Tiger I can understand the constraints on filming material, but is there no way to rehearse more? Maybe instead of thinking of soaps as regular TV Shows or movies the genre might be better served if they were consider plays. It is just that having acted on stage (small college and local theater) it just seems to me that the Directors are giving nothing to the actors and not changing the material on the fly when it does not work. Do Soap Directors have that power? or is all vested in the Head Writer?
  24. True but in part because over the years MB has gotten as lazy with Sonny as the writers have. If under Guza the unholy trio had taken a different turn there was still enough chops in MB that he could have pulled off a different character. Who knows maybe acting is like being an athlete, if you don't use the skills if you do not continue to push yourself you become lazy and lose the skills you did have I think that this happens a lot on Soaps because characters stay for years and years and writers change again and again an actor can become lazy. Even if in their own mind they are not. I sincerely believe that TG wanted to bring something to this Fluke story line. But I think that he has been walking around "In his own shirt" for so long and Ron is such a lazy writer and there are clearly no Directors with any power on set, that the very real talent that Tony has is being lost. I think that MB believes he is bringing all he can to Sonny, every thing you hear about him behind the set indicates he is far to nice a guy not to, but without a writer and director to challenge him to push it, to go beyond his talent level, to play up as they say, he just phones it in. You can see the same thing in RH, this is not the RH of the long hair and gang rape, is that his fault? Maybe in part but it also on the writers and Directors. I would be curious to ask if any one who has ever been back stage at a soap has heard a director say "That was shit, let's try to step it up here people. One more time with some real emotion please." or something similar. I get the feeling that as long as marks are hit and lines said no one really cares about anything else.
  25. For the whole year? I had a GF like that once, don't tell Mrs. Fylaki
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