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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. if he were written with the same style as a JR Ewing or Barnabas Collins or Dexter, He could be. Sonny the Hero-Mobster is not a soap lead
  2. I don't see anything in the RH handling that is designed to protect MB as the male lead. They signed him as Todd and they must have known that the character was far to compelling not to moved to the forefront. Once they lost the ability to use Todd they made the massive mistake (Whoever wants to take the blame step on up: Ron? Frank? TPTB? it really does not matter as Homer Simpson says "mistakes were made") of casting him as Franco. I would listen to an argument that not signing Tristian Rogers to a contract was done to protect both MB and TG, as Robert FuckingScropio was lighting up the screen during the time he was on. But not RH. This is just the sad case of a bad decision from which there is no real hope of recovery for the actor or the character. He can't come back as Todd (a la the fail that was Bill Echerkt and the ability for TG to once again be Luke) because of the PP law suit (and even if he could how would they handle it? "Gee Kiki you look just like my daughter Starr?" ) and a third re-cast would be too much to handle
  3. Are they related? No one has confirmed Victor as Nathan father have they? If they do then is he Sam's second cousin once removed?
  4. DollEyes you just made me sad, it has been a long time since I was able to work up enough joy to go into that much detail over a week on TAAS. How do you do it? I am so jealous (really that is Not sarcasm. I used to be able to talk at length about the weeks worth of shows on GH...have I gotten old?)
  5. Shag: Liz Marry: Robin (Cause I've always wanted to marry Robin , KMc was the first name on my list when Mrs Fylaki and I did the Friends : Cheat list thing) Kill Emily Harlan Barrett Slick the Cab Driver Foster
  6. Exactly there were a thousand different ways to do this. Even if we were stuck with Franco there could have been more. There was a moment when non-tumor Franco "killed" Heather when he could have smiled and said as she was falling to the floor "It wasn't the tumor, stupid" and we could have opened up and entire can of worms. A ruthless Franco building and empire which would eventually force Luke, Sonny and the Q's to work together to bring him down would have been awesome. The angst that KS could have played as he realized his son was out of control (something we only got a glimpse of with Logan), the scenes between Scott and Lucy as Scott worried that his "bad seed" manifest in Logan and Franco would appear in Serena. Luke having to grapple with the idea of Carly and Franco and realizing that of all his relations he actually is closest in character to Carly. Sonny finding a force more ruthless then himself. Ava realizing what she has let into the inner circle of the Jerome's. Even Kiki as kind of the Fay Wray loving the beast despite himself. This could have been great soap stuff. Instead it is Ron's spoof.
  7. And therein lies part of the problem. Ron is writing a soap for himself (and yes many writers do that but not to the extent of Ron) or better said a spoof for himself. And as in a spoof sometimes we stumble upon something that is compelling or good but often it is just shlock. We have no idea how RH is playing Franco because RH has no idea how he is playing Franco: with Sonny he is cold and almost Todd like, with Spencer he is in comedy mood, with Carly he is trying to be romantic and failing, with Ava and Nina (god help us NINA!!) he is showing soap chemistry. I wonder if on some level his performance, as well as that of KA, ME and even MB is the fault of the directors, the shows budget and Frank more than Ron. Does no one on set ever say to KA, "Hey Kris, you know the Lady in the hospital room is suppose to be dieing could you stop making goo-goo eyes and look sad?" or "Maurice let's do that again and this time pronounce each word." Or "Mike, Mike, Mike could you pretend to be an actor? Look interested " and mostly "Roger can you just play One character consistently, Franco has too many faces." Is the budget so tight that the director is simply on set to have their name on the screen?
  8. I think the bigger issue is how out of control TPTB have let FrankenRon get. Did not any one at Disney think it was a bad idea to try to re-cast A serial killer as a romantic lead, especially when Steven Lars Webber, Tom Hardy and Mike Webber (Ginnie and Rick's child, who I think was also a Barrington) all were in the age group. Heck if they wanted to let Ron have a hissy fit they could have re-cast RH as Blackie. Any of these characters would have been a viable historic character. So while I blame Ron and Frank a lot for what is going on...you have got to ask the same question the cops do when they pull up at the 14year old's house party "Where are your parents? Are there any adults here?"
  9. Shag: Simone Marry: Jesse Kill: Laura next: Let's go for the triple A's Ava Amy Vining Audrey
  10. The Aztec Treasure story could work if Levi, turns out to be working for Anna Donnelly or Sean's son (What was his name he was the bar tender at the Outback. I think he sang and no it was not Miguel) since Sean was after the gems himself at first. This then sets the same kind of redemption arch for Anna Donnelly as we had for Sean back in the day and moves Maxie into the adventuress mode al la her mother with the same kind of general flightyness Oh wait this will never happen on Ron's Spoof of GH
  11. This is why I do not buy into the "Ron Loves Soaps" Thing. He is writing a spoof, not a soap. It is like those bad summer movies where they make fun of the other summer movies: If He does love soaps he needs to stop writing the "Not Brand Echh" version and get back to writing a soap. (old obscure Marvel Comics Reference I have a rocking chair on Mary Mae's front poach for anyone who gets it.
  12. What if Robin's fear was not at Victor and the WSB, but at Jason? That would explain her reaction to Sam being there. Maybe revived Jason is all rage and anger: Taggert's Anger-Boy (who in some ways I liked better than Jason Q or the Borg that Jason M became), along the lines of Frankenstein's monster when it was brought to life. The conflict then when Jason returns is the Jason Q in him trying to take control and this awful rage monster inside: Shout outs to Bruce Banner could easily happen.
  13. I was going to watch today but once i read all the comments and realized this was one more round of Ron bashing Robin, I deleted it. When is Ron going to get the message that trashing a fan favorite and the ultimate legacy character is just never going to work. He shows all kinds of respect for KA having grown up on OLTL and NONE for Kim having done so on GH
  14. I think this show has effected my life far too much, my step-daughter is expecting a girl and they have decided to name her Skye: I've been calling her Blaze both in my head and out loud ever since, the rest of the family just looks at me like I am nuts. (Except of course for my son, who I called Lucky for years)
  15. I got nothing to add to this. BTW another missed opportunity to connect GH to the larger ABC world, a shout out to the Box, from ABC's Black Box could have easily been thrown in during the Samtrick NY trip: They were at one hospital in NY and could have easily been going to tour another one, or at least said that
  16. I have had the same feeling, Geary just has not looked well the past several years. It would be a tremendous loss for the industry, when he was at his peak: usually with Monty in charge no one understood soaps better than Tony. He is in my prayers.
  17. None of this would be necessary if Ron and TG would give up the insane idea that FakeLuke is Bill Eckhart (which does not Make any sense). Simple do a scene of an actor pulling off layers of make-up and stand revealed as Damian Smith (The only real choice: No one else hates both Luke and Sonny, and would have the mob connections to control the Jerome's), Joe Scully Sr, David Gray, Mouse or Papa Z. And then have them arrive in Port Charles. The once Tony is well, the search for Luke can begin. It is insane that Ron (and Geary) are holding the show's movement hostage to a storyline that any sane person could see would not work. Isn't there any one at ABC or Disney watching this?
  18. Because that would ruin TG and Ron's plan for Fluke to be Bill, even though doing so will be stupid, out of character and make no sense. Instead we are all suppose to sit back in awesome amazement, .
  19. I have recently been reading some articles concerning MB, he does say that he tries to bring some of his bi-polar to Sonny, and having just been diagnosis as Bi-polar I can see that, even the mumbling may be an effect of his meds, and certainly all the broken bar ware and the sexual promiscuity. The problem is that Guza, Wolfe and Ron have not really written Sonny as bi-polar, we get these little bits of him off his "meds" but the truth is much more complicated. Further the people around Sonny are the biggest pack of enablers I have ever seen. If Sonny was portrayed as an unrepentant thug with bi-polar, he could actually be very compelling as a character, we would not like him, but we damn sure would notice him and tune in to see what the hell he was going to do next. But this St. Sonny who has a few odd personality quirks, like threatening men who could snap him in two (Julian) and the like is just unwatchable. And I wonder if it is fear on the part of the network to go there, inability on the part of MB to act there, or as I suspect the fact that Ron just does not think we the audience are bright enough. So instead we get wonderful Sonny and Count Chocula
  20. The problem with all the film comparisons is that none of the gangster were suppose to be heroes. I do not understand the backstage politics that makes Sonny a hero, he could be a lead and still be a bad guy (look at Breaking Bad). I also know that MB weaves a lot of typical bi-polar behavior into Sonny, which explains a lot of what he does, really. But what I cannpt phantom is that we are then subjected to a never ending stream of enablers, which MB knows as a bi-polar suffer is worse then the illness. Luke got an intervention, how ever flawed when he ran over Jake and they had the nerve to have Sonny there. Sonny has needed an intervention on his behavior for a long time now.
  21. Wasn't there a talking dummy on Passions? That was more real than Count Chocula. This needs to end
  22. Count Chocula: ARRRRHH Stop Please: That's all I got to say: Peace out Bit*hes
  23. This is the lily case but I would love it if some how Alice was Mickey's next of kin (we know nothing about her family) and she is like "Hell Yes I'll take his heart."
  24. They have had several chances over the years to do this and just never seem able to wrap it up: Most recently on the 50th Anniversary instead of having Luke and Laura race to save Lulu, it should have been Dante, and a re-cast Lucky (who as a character is needed on canvas) and even Ethan. As the three younger men raced off to save their wife/sister, Laura could have been fretting and Luke could have sat back in a chair taken out a cigar and put his feet up: When Laura called him on it he could have said "I've taught those boys ever thing I can: Dante is a cop, Ethan has street smarts and Lucky, well Darlin Lucky has all my skills and all your heart: Helena does not stand a chance." it would have been and awesome passing of the torch moment. Luke could have then, with or without Laura, re-opened the Blues Club or joined Mac as a partner in the Rib and spent the rest of his days dispensing booze, humor and advise, as the younger men had adventures. But TG's ego and Ron's ego are far to big.
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