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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. Since Ron is writing fan fiction it is easy to see why he gets bored. Unless of course it is shirtless men and six year old Count Chocolua
  2. My God, GH just posted its Throwback Thursday Action Sequence: I want to cry, What happened to that show? Even characters I do not like, (I'm looking at you Sonny and you Jason) use to spark. When was the last time we had a good fight scene, some real action, some adventure, some romance? Remember Luke and Laura arriving in town in the Pink Cady? Now we get Joss throwing water balloons Remember Sonny and Brenda in PR? Now we get Felix and Brad talking about the Golden Girls. Remember Frisco in the show down in the Asian Quarter? Now we get Levi doing yoga. Remember when Grant was so crazy it was scary? Now we get Nina who is so crazy it is funny. Remember Lucky making his way to Port Charles all on his own and on the run from Frank Smith's men? Now we get Spencer doing his impersonation of a Gay Six year Old Count Chocula As much as I hate Franco and Nina and many others on the screen I do not believe that there is an unusable character on this show, just a writer who no longer seems to care.
  3. And I will co-sign it Francie and add an AMEN
  4. OMG, I may die of heart failure from laughing. Spot on does not begin to sum it up. BTW: It irks me that Ron has the opportunity to break stereotypes and chooses instead to pander to his own fantasy. Lucas could have been brought back to the stage as a WSB agent like Uncle Frisco or ner do well adventurer like pre-Guza Uncle Luke, Ron could have given us a gay leading man action hero type. Instead we get swishy Felix. Yuck
  5. I agree and I think this is more of the self indulgence on Ron's part that is making this show unwatchable. Female leads in Anna, Alexis, Ava and even though I hate her Carly, on the younger side Lulu and Maxie (both legacy characters) and then Molly. KA in boy shorts and hording in on every story is as ego indulgent as Milo shirtless. And again it is being done as if Ron was writing the show for himself. He fulfills his personal fantasies by removing the shirts from men he finds attractive and plays dress up doll with KA. Guza may have made the terrible trio far to much the center of the show but at least Jason and Carly were tied to the show's history and Sonny by the time Guza came along had paid his dues and was woven into the fabric of Port Charles. Kiki, Nina, and Silas really do not have a place here. Maybe if Kiki was in the Jerome story line but her relationship there is at a dead end, and her clinging to Franco instead of her Father Silas is again an indulgence on Ron's part as he just cannot seem to give up on OLTL. I fully expect Rafe to be whisked away to Eternia by Victor Lord.
  6. But she is being treated differently then her peers, we don't see Lulu or Maxie or Sabrina or Sam or any of the other women in boy shorts and tank tops. Yes they are but again is she more sexual than Maxie? Or Britt?
  7. See that worries me as well, Ron watched KA grow up, I always noted that Gloria Monty and others never put KMc in a position where she was suppose to be a "sex kitten" in part I know that was because it was the Robin character but I also always thought it was because they had known her as a child. There is something vaguly perverted about Ron pushing KA as male eye candy (even if she was) as opposed to Sam or Liz or even Robin none of whom he personally knew as an underage girl
  8. But they don't have them hanging out, they are fully covered. Hanging out is what they do on HBO. Now if they wanted Sam or Alexis to go topless, it with boast rating and take away the sexual harassment argument but until then It is a serious double standard and I am sorry I just can't help but think that Ron is doing it in a self serving way. He constantly does it with characters no one else cares about (re: Milo) or thinks are attractive (re: Levi)
  9. I stand by my statement from before if a heterosexual male writer was having female characters parade around with their tops off not only would the censors be up in arms but some one some where would be screaming sexual harassment. Ron is exploiting young male characters (even if they are of age on the show and in real life) with the topless stuff. The male strippers at the nurses ball was just the most gross example.
  10. I feel so much better this morning, thank you
  11. I am all for blaming Levi for everything but I blame Sonny for Levi: it makes me happy that way.
  12. I thought the same thing. Maybe she is?
  13. In a city filled with serial killers, mob bosses, hitmen , and filled with people who have slept with their sons GF's, Mother and Daughter, Two or three brothers, all of whom are loved and respected, Patrick yelling at Rafe does not even meet minimal standards of inappropriate. Which may be why the idea of a "Head Writer" on a Soap is passe, what is needed is a Head Historian who can over rule the writers if they step out of line on history or character behavior. Soaps unlike any other genre (except maybe comic books) are driven by continuity as much as writing.
  14. I am in the ripping his heart out camp. How Patrick did or did not feel about or treat his baby is not the issue. That was still his son and Rafe is still a Junkie. It may sound mean but Rafe woke up every day and choose to be a drug addict, he choose to run Patrick and Sabrina and EMMA!!! off the road. Now it is time to pay the Piper. I wish that Patrick would have decked Silas, it is also time that parents/guardians of minors start to pay for the crimes that the people they are suppose to be in charge of commit. I know Ron is going to go for the easy plot point of Patrick operating on Rafe but I would like to see him go for the much harder one of Rafe dying and Patrick/Sabrina suing Silas for civil penalties over Gabriell's death. I am not sure it would legally stand up but it would be a much better soap story then the same old same old.
  15. Oh no!! Are we in for Borg Two? Will Molly "blow out her frontal lobes" and forget Alexis, TJ and Sam and instead become a super Hitwoman and mass Murderer? This could be Re-Ron at his worst!!
  16. While I loath Nina and am not found of MS as an actress I don't think she can be blamed for this: Her eating of the show is on Ron and Frank and the fact that Ron loves the high camp that some one like Nina brings. It is also like the longer he stays on the show the worse his writing gets. This stuff is awful. I miss the Ron who gave us Jerry Jaxs and the poisoning of the town water supply and who kicked Jason into the river. It may not have been great but it was so much better than Nina and Rafe and Levi. This gets more and more unwatchable
  17. My understanding is that in New York State they only have to do so if the person is convicted of a felony. Not that the actual law has ever effected GH. (This not just a Ron problem though as an attorney he should be held to a higher standard but Guza did it with the whole Jake thing and Wolfe with Danny, in NYS it does not matter WTD as far as DNA is concerned, if you are married to a woman and she gives birth the child is legally yours.)
  18. I just saw the news that Bob Hastings has passed away: RIP Captain Burt Ramsey, I always thought you were framed to take the fall as the Big Man.
  19. I so agree. And that statement means on the one hand that Ron will surely take this easy way out. On the other FonDuke turning into Fasion was awesome and handled well. The problem with this storyline is that it is not centering on Luke. I know AG has said he likes this story because he gets to be dark, and I can understand an actor wanting that, but at some point Luke is going to need to be the hero of this tale. Even if this is a throwback to the "Luke on the run" days, where everyone thinks he is the mastermind behind this and he has to prove his innocence. It would be better if Laura or Lucky or Ethan or Robert could be there to help but I am not adverse to some out of know where help from say Scott. And giving KS and AG one last big go round working together would be a nice touch on the part of the show. In any event the Fluke story is falling flat because it is a "Sonny/Ric" tale and not a "Luke" tale or even a "Luke/Sonny" tale and there is no denying that back in the day AG and MB were good together. The shoot out at the Spencer house was one of the best done soap shoot outs ever IMHO, because you could believe that these two very flawed men still has each others backs and still cared deeply about the woman and children in the house.
  20. Shirtless Morgan, like shirtless Milo and Shirtless Nathan and Shirtless Levi just strikes me as Ron being self indulgent, and if a straight male writer was making a female character walk around topless there would be cries of sexual harassment. One of these fines days one of these young men is either going to get fed up or have religious/marriage objections to being objectified al la Steve Burton and sue the pants off of Ron.
  21. I just can't see Levi as Sly. Sly was a nice kid and far from the jerk that Levi is. While Jenny was an environmentalist I am not seeing her and Paul raising Sly after Bill's death to be a moron. Further I still do no by Fluke as Bill. Bill has no reason to hate Sonny and Fluke is all about the Sonny hate. And there was Fluke's very cryptic reference to Woody (Deke Woods). I am holding to Fluke being Damien Smith. As to Levi, hopefully he is no body but an annoying twit. My worst nightmare is that he is the son of Mac and Miranda
  22. Kaka likely tried to "talk" to Rafe over the past few months but between her sprouting "Michael and I" and Rafe moaning "Molly" I doubt that either of them heard the other.
  23. I am going to be terribly politically incorrect but could Ron for one second remember that not all soap viewers are female and not all of the men who watch are gay? I admit Sam showing the "Ladies" the other day was fun but hardly equal time and the truth is I fast forward any time there is a shirtless man on, I am just not interested. Again being Politically Incorrect I would bet bottom dollar that GH's rating would jump if it became the first day time show to show a ladies butt (a la NYPD Blue). Not to be crude but it is all about the ratings.
  24. I so agree, as I said Lulu (Dante)-Scott-Tracy-A returned Lucky (or Ethan)- Bobbie-Anna (and yes even Sonny) would need to be up front if Fluke is Smith. If it is Damian I would love a scene where Ned says "You were going to kill me? I'm the only one who showed up at your funeral you son of a bitch." But of course it won't happen.
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