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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. I noticed on twitter that they were trying to compare the Haunted Stars with Magic Milo. NO Ron, the girls kept their clothes on!!! In the case of under age Molly, thank god, as to the rest I wouldn't mind seeing them in scanty undies. Sorry, does that make me a bad person? If so what does that ,male Ron who keeps striping down the actors HE wants to see?
  2. Never having been a Bold and Beautiful watcher I just looked up Ron Moss on Wiki. He is 62 putting him in the Luke age bracket not the Blackie group. I wonder if he could be FakeLuke (another mask or something a little better than that).
  3. I do think that Ron writes a lot of this stuff for himself. I have said before that if the actor who plays Milo were a woman people would shout sexual harassment. He is never on screen except to be an object. I think it is exploitative of Ron, the same is so for all the shirtless men scenes. Why do we not get scenes of Sam or Liz or Robin topless, or at least in just thongs and bras? As a straight male soap viewer I would enjoy that. Weather Ron is writing this show as a "Gay Man" or not is NOT the point, what is the point is that he is writing this show for himself (Milo, Spencer, Sabrina, Kiki and all that) and not the viewers. What is even the point of bringing back Backie at this point? He is no longer connected to any one on screen. His foster father Rick is dead, his adopted sister Laura is gone. Rose Kelly is a distant memory. Jackie Templeton and Tiffany Hill whom he was close to are no longer on screen. Frisco is off the stage. There is no one he knows left in town. What would be the point.
  4. I think this is suppose to be a play on the fact that Matthew Ashford is the last actor to play Tommy Hardy and so many of us had hopes that TJ was Tom and Simone's Son, this is a big F*ck from Ron
  5. You are right I forgot about Fluke hitting on Kiki and Sam, and I must have FF the Ava bit. So I agree Victor is out, even Ron is not that creepy. Still thinking that somehow Deke is involved, since FakeLuke was "talking" to a 'Woody'. Maybe FakeLuke is the long promised Valentine Cassaidne, who somehow befriended Deke? I always wanted Valentine to turn out to not be the illegitimate son of Mikos but of Helene's one night stand with Port Charles Dock Worker Tim Spencer, which then could explain the resemblance and FINALLY explain why Mikos targeted Port Charles of all places all those years ago with the Ice Princess. It would be a nice tight piece of history if some how both their fathers were reaching from the grave to destroy Sonny and Luke.
  6. Just did some research Sonny's hated Step-father Deke's last name was Woods: Could he be the Woody that Fake Luke is talking to? And so could Fluke be Taggert? (and yes I know that Taggert was both a cop and African-American, but this is Ron and rubber masks are cheap)
  7. I have long been of the opinion that FakeLuke is Damian Smith but after watching Wed-Fri, I am wondering if he could be Victor Jerome. The Sonny hate is still out of character but the way he just bossed Julian around makes me wonder if it could be dear old dad. It seemed to me that Fluke said something about "Woody" at some point when he was in the office counting the money, any idea who that could be?
  8. It seems that Morgan has become the voice of the Greek Chorus of Fans fed up with Sonny. He said everything today that we have heard said on this and the TWOP board for years. In many ways Morgan has the potential to become the New JAX, the character who always cuts though Sonny's garbage, except that while Ron does seem to love MB/Sonny it does not appear to be the same unhealthy love that Guza had and Morgan may be allowed to win a round or two. Setting up Morgan like this would be all kinds of awesome. Maybe Jax's could set him up as head of Jax's business concerns in the States, thus giving him a seat of power away from Sonny and Carly. Was it me or did Morgan actually begin to physical resemblance Jax today?
  9. Just Watched Friday's show. Morgan mentioned JAX and said he was a great step-dad. That alone erases a lot of the other trash for the week
  10. What GHScorpiosRule said !! I am of the mind that FakeLuke is Damien Smith it fits more with the Sonny Hate. Bill had no reason to hate Sonny, nor was he ever a mobster or drug dealer and his taste in art was much better then the crap is he buying Tracy. Smith meets all the needed points the only thing I cannot figure is what is going to be his excuse for keeping realLuke alive and the Ned hate since they went to school together. (His being with Tracy is Okay since he is "acting" older to pass as Luke)
  11. Is Sabrina a part of the litigation? She was not a OLTL character so I am not sure it would effect her.
  12. Some county jails allow you to keep your own clothes until conviction. Most people in Jail have actually not yet been convicted of a crime, it is only people in prison who have been convicted. Last I checked (and it has been a few years since I was up that way) Riker's Island in New York, which is nothing more than a five county jail allows inmates to keep their own clothes.
  13. On the bright side there is Ned. I bet he would have a drink with me. Still think Fake Luke is Damien Smith, Maybe we will get more clues in his conversation with Ned, they went to prep school together.
  14. Oh Crap Sabrina is back. Yuck. I need a drink
  15. I realized at some point yesterday, that I can deal with a lot of the nonsense on this show if I factor in one word HYDRA. How do Heather and Jerry always end up alive? Hyrda How Did Victor C end up head of the WSB? Hydra How can Sonny run a mob without drugs/guns or women? Hydra How can Jason still be alive? Hydra Why hasn't anyone just punched Felix in his smug ass mouth? Hydra It kind of works. Now if we could just see Fitz and Simmons working with Robin, my life could be good.
  16. Oh God I hope not, he will end up being Mac son via Miranda or Katherine
  17. No we can't but I do not think either she or this new guy Levi-Jeans (The one coming in with Maxie) could be coma-baby, since "coma-baby" would have to be 19. It has been said time and time again that Nina was in a coma for 20 years. There is no one on canvas (except maybe a re-con Rafe) who could be coma baby if coma baby is 19. Is it me or is fun to type the words coma-baby?
  18. I think, and I may be wrong, that RHo has no chemistry with any one as Franco (as opposed to as Todd, where he had chemistry with Sam, Heather, Starr, McBain and even Luke) because RHo was invested in Todd and he is not invested in Franco. There are a number of soap characters/actors who could it always seemed hold a hour all to themselves. Todd, Vicki, Luke, Scorpio, and Erica Kane come to mind. Franco on the other hand could not hold three minutes with a room full of the best soap characters. I would dare to say that RHo as Franco does not even have chemistry with himself..
  19. This works if there is plausible reason. Robin is NOT Luke she cannot be seen to be skipping town every three months. Again hooking her into research for the WSB, and having the WSB move its HQ to Port Charles gives the writers the ability to put Robin front and center at times and then move her off to research at others. The problem is that Ron does not seem to want to be creative in how he handles characters, instead he wants to be campy and to push his own agenda/favorites
  20. I saw Ingo/Jax in Tyler Perry's Alex Cross the other night. My wife is a James Patterson and Tyler Perry Fan. I like Perry but Patterson gives me hives, so she was surprised that I was watching. I did not have the heart to tell her it was to see JAX!
  21. I am big fan of Kim's and for that matter JJ's, but I am a bigger fan of Robin and Lucky and I am not sure, if the show is to go forward, that it is wise for TPTB to not re-cast Lucky and Robin. I think we have to consider that if the show is salvageable, and I am no longer sure it is, that the salvation has to be built on the backs of legacy characters who can resonate with the audience, and not on newbie's and mobsters. With the Q's decimated, the Scropio-Jones and the Spencer-Cassadine-Webbers need to be re-built and beefed up. Lucas is a good addition, his ties to the entire canvas make him lynchpin. But we do not know enough about him and Ron is not investing in him. He is a bed warmer for Felix/Brad. He needs a backstory (and a JOB). Michael, for all that is wrong with the character, plays a key role, he too is tied to the whole canvas and if developed right could straddle the line between the corporate raiders like Edward and Jax, and the out and out criminals like Sonny, he should be played as a morally conflicted John Ross Ewing type not as eyeore and Kiki's bed warmer. Archtyping Monica into a smarter "Sue Ellen" and Tracy into an out and out "JR" would be helpful as well, perhaps the return of Dillion as the "good cousin" would also be a good move. Even if we then get a Michael-Kiki-Dillion Triangle. Morgan should go all out mobsters, slowly taking over Sonny's business and being unapologetically evil, then Morgan sits on one shoulder of Michael leading him to evil and Dillion on the other leading him to good. Liz and Nic, together or apart, like them or not are also key to moving the show forward. Liz is the last hold out for the Webber-Hardy's and she is raising the next generation of Spencers. Maxie needs to assert her Jones genes and Scorpio upbringing. She would make a better partner for Sam then Spin ever did. Lucky and Robin are also needed on the canvas, preferable in my mind either as a couple or as partners. They should have each others backs in the same way that Luke and Robert and/or Robert and Anna have. A return of Lucky as the East Coast Operative for the WSB and Robin has head of research at the WSB, (Which is now housed at GH, as repayment for forcing Dr. O on them) would give miles and miles of story, especially t if they interact with , but occasionally have to hide things from Dante, Lulu, Maxie, Patrick and Sam. So a re-cast if done right may be in order. At this point, as much as I love the snark, I am in favor or looking for practical solutions to the problems on the show. Ron seems to have a sense of history but he never learned the writers rule of "Kill your darlings" he is to in love with his own work and agenda. He needs a co-head writer to balance his unnatural love for RH, KA and a few others.
  22. I am starting to warm to the idea that the Fake-Luke is Damian Smith. The Smith Family was in charge of the mob both before and after the Jerome's, which links him to Julian. He has reason to hate Sonny and Luke. He had the money to buy out Barrett Industries, he has reason to hate the Q's since it was Justus who "killed him. He is about the same age and height as real-Luke and since he "died" in the fire at Ward House, plastic surgery, would be an acceptable (and better than a mask) explanation for his new look. of course this being Ron, I am over thinking aren't I?
  23. I agree. I think it is "new blood" coupled with a respect for the audience that is lacking. Most of the posters on this and other boards could do a better job. Too bad we can't start a "kickstater" campaign or something similar to raise money to hire a new writer. With writing samples and plot lines (for a year) as a per-requstite for being hired.
  24. I would not only feel bad for the actors but I would also feel like I was giving up if I wished for cancellation. GH and I are the same age and some of my earliest memories are playing on the floor at my Nana's house while she watched. The genre needs to go on, and nightime soaps just don't cut it. The shame is that with the end of Soapnet what I always felt was the future of soaps, moving to their own network (like cartoons have) seems far away
  25. What I liked best was that very briefly you could see a picture of Lucille March, Audrey's sister and the first Head Nurse, next to Amy. I think this may be the first shout out to her in many many years. Other than that Ron is a jerk.
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