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Everything posted by LennieBriscoe

  1. .Can we just give out the major Emmys now? And may I add: Sterling is really transforming my memory of Chris Darden. ;-) Lange and Vannatter wrote the book "Evidence Dismissed."
  2. Singing about a belief system isn't really the same as singing songs reflective of the human condition. YMMV.
  3. I thought Sef said his mother designed lampSHADES. I have only one comment: HGTV s***s with not putting any episodes on the website, on TV On-Demand, or on YouTube. I missed some episodes, including 90% of the Finale when I fell asleep, and that appears to be that.
  4. I agree with the posts about "first impressions." Tres of Vanessa: Beautiful woman! Woot! Vanessa of Tres: Fiiiiine. David of Ashley: Lovely girl! I can live with this choice! Woot! Ashley of David: WTH?! Why did I bother telling the "experts" that I had a definite "type" and a slightly-overweight light-haired guy ain't it?! Neil of Samantha: Attractive person, but WTH is up with that weird dance spasm thing coming up the aisle? Getting an odd vibe here. Samantha of Neil: The 98-pound googly-eyed weakling with bad hair who gets sand kicked in his face. Fuhgeddaboutit. At the end, some egos might have been bruised (particularly because...TV), but I don't think any of the above changed for real. Except maybe with David. Awesome exit, Buddy!
  5. The only answer Ben---or any man---can give to the rejected women's "WHY did you sleep with me?!" is: "Because I could."
  6. Go for the short-cut, get cut short. No quarter for both idiocy and sloth.
  7. Rebecca deserved the win, but Yashimabet did not deserve to be in the Finale, not with a blatantly sweet "savory cupcake" in the penultimate show. Even in the Finale, D & V tried mightily to make a simple BROWNIE, a SMUSHED Brownie, seem like some kind of feat. Agree, mlp about Matthew's good looks! He has eyelashes to die for! :-)
  8. I wish David and Neil had different hair styles. I can't imagine wanting to touch their heads! Man, Neil's "No" was cold.
  9. The Peace sign faces palm-front. Back of two fingers to the recipient: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_sign#As_an_insult "Fine dining, but rustic" to Phillip? An amuse-bouche served on a rock.
  10. So THAT'S the bit in canned Pork and Beans! Who knew?! My final comment on MB: He showed contempt for the show and the judges with his "trying to make what they want" episode. To the very end, he was cocksure about his opinion's being superior to the judges'. "I know I made it right." Not "tasty" or "delectable," but "right." Well, now he can go make food "right" in his TWO restaurants! (The gesture looks like the British "FU" to me.) Maysie: "As long as there isn't visible armpit hair and the body is clean, I don't care if arms are bare, tattooed or whatever. And I'm not going to quibble over the cut of someone's clothing or whether it's flattering...." Reminds me of this; substitute "food" for "purse":
  11. And one more thing about Phillip: He has zero social skills. His cocktail of choice should be a big glass of SHUT THE HELL UP.
  12. Delusion, thy name is ManBun. (Did you know he has TWO restaurants? DID YOU?!) Good for Isaac! Now, just ditch the aggressive "Or I'll...", okay?
  13. Clearly, a major criterion for S15 is having an unusual moniker. The eliminated dark-haired girl was 100% robbed. The duets bit came way too early in the season. I thought Caleb, Ruben, and Fantasia were great, and that Scotty sounds the exact same no matter what the song; he really took that "lane" advice seriously! CAN WE NOT HAVE ANY "TOP 10" SPOILERS HERE? THANKS.
  14. Ashley must think she has the body of a goddess, the way she insists on tight and short. But sorry, David; "Ask you out for a drink" is not neutral language. He also seems to think marriage is a tangible object, a "thing" he must defend, "fight for," and try to keep, like a football. Weird. I can understand Sammi's being unhappy at suddenly living alone after seven years, being 100% responsible for everything, having no-one to talk to. But if Neil has any brains, Sam will be returning soon. Tres. He sees Vanessa's good qualities (being a good mother some day, e.g.), but whether she's The One for him, I don't think he's made up his mind on that score yet.
  15. I think that the final two decisions were wrong.
  16. Without spoilering, I'll just say: I'm not crazy about the manner in which the judges are informing the contestants.
  17. Patience. Hastiness. Different approach. Same approach. Less hypocrisy. More hypocrisy. BAH, HUMBUG! Ashley rejected David from MINUTE ONE. NOTHING she has done or expressed FROM THAT MINUTE has wavered from that initial reaction. She's been a veritable hobgoblin of consistency! Anyway, why should David change for her, and not vice-versa? That's correct: Neither "needs" to. They, as the others, were matched "'as is." So be it!
  18. Is this a photo of Jessica Castro (S2)? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3432352/Want-online-date-DON-T-browse-anonymously-researchers-tell-women.html
  19. To me, the biggest FAIL of the Instagram stupidity was that we weren't even allowed much time to see the plates! The nom de Instagram "Merde" was spot-on.** As for the exercise in messy gluttony, the chefs needed to think "Henry VIII." A haunch of this, a trencher of that. Bones to the wolfhounds! ** I don't really care what her intent was, re: "Jacques" for "Jack"; when one strives to be oh-so-clever, one must take care also to be, you know, RIGHT. (It's a fail, too, if she was going for the like sound, as "Merde" certainly sounds nothing like its English version.)
  20. Samantha: She sounded a tad cocksure when she said, "I made the shorts in 10 minutes, so...." I think her "Military Uniform Chic" is pretty unattractive, but at least she could use non-military-oriented colors, like 2016's pastel pink and light blue! I thought the other three were trying too hard to be who they are not. And when the best look was done by one's younger sister, well. Zach's balloon bottom doomed him.
  21. This is the Spoiler thread. Why are people being less than spoilery, or suggesting they ought to use spoiler "boxes"?? Not everyone is on Twitter, or FB, or Instagram, or anything other than here and the TV. So mere allusions and references can be frustrating. Anyway, I think both Neil and David would be better-looking if they reversed their hirsuteness, to wit: Shave the face; grow the top (and sides) more and ditch the creepy gel on the up-combed front, which just emphasizes a receding hairline. As for David in particular, IMO he's got Prince William Syndrome: Hot about five years ago, not so much now! Ashley and Friends of Ashley can say what they want, but nothing could "explain away" at least two spontaneous flinches and more that Ashley did when David touched her. That's not "editing." Sam is simply Being Sam on Twitter: uncouth; brash; insulting; "tough." And "experts" need to have some sense of pride and class, and not go on Twitter with defensive and/or sarcastic language to anonymous commenters.
  22. This is snark, right? Gotta love a Journey allusion on this...journey! Sure, Ashley was ready to marry---HER TYPE. EOS.
  23. What episode was it where we learned Ashley had head surgery? Anyway, I'm not buying any "Asperger's" or some such; or not only would she not have been cast; Ashley would be pleading for David to bear with her. Her "problem" is, in a word, INDIFFERENCE. UTTER INDIFFERENCE (two words!). She is DETERMINED to say nothing remotely positive to or about David. ZEE-RO. She doesn't want to "try" or "get used to" him or compliment him or look at him or touch and be touched by him or anything else associated with this man named David! Now, whether or not she took on this contract in bad faith is another matter. I think both Sam and Ashley might have been hoping for the same type of guy they've always been attracted to, but that the "experts" would somehow make it turn out right this time. Did Neil outright state to his friend that he was "not attracted to" Sam? Why would he say this on-camera? As for Tres' Dorito salad: SODIUM! (Taco shells are not Doritos, Tres!) I don't think anyone was thrown literally to the wolves! Ha!
  24. Ashley has a very odd problem: She regards the most innocent of questions or "assignments" in a sexual way. "Where do you like to be kissed?" As David showed, she could've said, "Cleveland!" Or "Note three nice things about David." She could've said, "He has all four limbs!" But no; her mind goes elsewhere and ties her tongue. Finally I noted Vanessa's incessant giggling. Is she simply very nervous about being around Tres?
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