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Eater of Worlds

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Everything posted by Eater of Worlds

  1. I agree that she wasn't upset for Nicole and she wasn't even that upset at what Jim was saying. I think that if anything, she was pissed that she wasn't the center of attention and Jim took that from her. In the preview for next week, you could see that Amber was actually on Jim's side with the shit that he said. She was excited and happy when they were alone and you could tell her crying and need to smoke were fake.
  2. Thanks for the explanation on her last name. What I was lipreading was not matching up with how I thought the name was pronounced and I just could not figure it out. I think that a lot of people might be mixed up on the name going by the responses here, so I'm far from alone in this!
  3. Can someone describe how to pronounce Shannon's last name? I can't lipread it well enough to tell if it has two syllables or three.
  4. Someone mentioned the dog's name was Compass. It's spelled Kompis. In Swedish it means friend or buddy, and Buddy is a popular name for dogs. I kept on reading it as Kumpis, which in Lithuanian means ham.
  5. Regarding cooking food with bare hands, they have found that the food gets less contaminated with bare hands. This is because people tend to rely on the gloves being clean instead of their hands, so with gloves someone might not wash their hands as nearly as much as they would with bare hands. There's nothing that somene's bare hands are going to put into the food that isn't there with gloves, because what is on your hands gets on the outside of gloves as you put them on, plus that false sense of security that things are cleaner.
  6. I've read two blinds on various Real Housewives, and both were about Ramona. One before Mario's infidelity came to light, one after. The one before was correct, it was about Mario's cheating and I think the pregnancy. It's been a while, can't remember exactly. The one after stated that not only is the marriage over and she's staying with him for the money (same reason he's staying with her), but she's also seeing a guy who's a bit younger than she is. Who knows if any of that is real. It would not surprise me if she and Mario decided to live separate lives but stay together so that they could continue to live the lifestyles they are used to. I also wouldn't be surprised if her daughter was well aware of the situation, has been aware of the cheating for a long time, and just goes with the flow.
  7. When LuAnn was upset with Sonja about the facialist in Montana, Ramona said that LuAnn was jealous of Sonja. LuAnn said she wasn't, and Ramona replied (maybe under her breath, I can't remember) with something like "yeah you are" and this look of unfettered glee hit her face. I was shocked at how happy she seemed when she thought she discovered that LuAnn was jealous of Sonja and maybe her relationship with Ramona. I honestly can't remember, the childishness and meanness that Ramona was showing with that look of pleasure shocked me enough to make me forget the specifics of that conversation.
  8. Tamra needs acting lessons. That way someone might believe her when she states she never said that Terry is going to take the Beadors down. She also needs to learn how to cry, because it seemed like she was faking when she met her soon to be daughter-in-law.
  9. Whoever first posited that Aviva throws her own leg is entirely correct. I can't wait to see it. I did happen to read a blind gossip item thought to be about Ramona, and it stated that Mario is still cheating and she's just staying with him for the lifestyle and if it weren't for that she'd leave, basically.
  10. Did anyone catch how Josh said he actually doesn't mind take out when he came home and she was cooking? That was probably the most asshole thing he did in that episode.
  11. How is it supposed to be pronounced? It's not a word that I commonly use and I'm deaf so I don't hear others using it.
  12. Yeah, that's Andy's fat dog. I hate seeing it because he's going into potato on sticks territory. I don't care about seeing fat people, but it's so easy to keep weight off a dog there's no excuse for it (barring medical conditions, obviously).
  13. Joe Guidice's trial date (I think that's what was moved) was actually scheduled to be moved regardless of his father dying. That his father died when he did was just coincidence.
  14. Ramona's attachment to her daughter in the preview (or was that the First Look? I honestly can't remember) is scarying. Lolling all over her daughter while sobbing "I don't want you to go?" Yikes. Her daughter, on the other hand, can't wait to leave that place.
  15. Oh my gosh, goldendoodles? They found out from breeding labradoodles that you only get a pure poodle type coat with low allergy response a very small part of the time, and that holds true for other breeds mixed with poodles that aren't already low shed. If she had done a shred of research she'd know that. It's part of the reason so many end up in shelters. My friend got a labradoodle as a Guide Dog with the thought that it would be easier on her partner for allergies. It was terrible, the dog had super long hair (from the poodle) that shed like the labrador. She spent one night at my house and I was cleaning up clumps of hair two weeks later. It's a big reason why they stopped using them in her Guide Dog program, they don't breed true with one type of hair or a steady temperament and they washed out as Guide Dogs way too early, so they stopped using them. Labs are fine, poodles are fine, but mixing them just created too many things that didn't make them better. It's also why they stopped using them as Guide Dogs in Australia, or stopped using them as much. She'll be lucky if those goldendoodles grow up with the kind of hair she's hoping for.
  16. I must have missed it, the show wasn't keeping my attention in their scenes. What exactly did Eddie do to fuck up the floors? And what "breed" did Heather get?
  17. `Have we seen the episode where Aviva's leg has fallen off yet? That's the only thing I've been looking forward to this season and I'll be unhappy to have missed that. Also, is it me or did I see a bit of affection between the skeet shooting coach and Carole? She gave him a real hug and he didn't hug any of the other women that way.
  18. Since Sheree was mentioned, can someone tell me how her name is pronounced? I'm deaf and while I used to have hearing and I can figure out most pronunciations of words I've never heard, names are iffy since not everyone spells them the way they pronounce them. I'm assuming that her name is She-ray, like the ending of Renee, but for all I know her name might be said Shih-ree.
  19. I'm deaf and the video wasn't captioned. Could you or someone tell me what her explanation was? I'm curious now.
  20. I wonder if Riley gets her name from Kandi's dead brother? That was his last name on his gravestone, and Riley was also a pretty popular name when she was born.
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