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Everything posted by Kalliste

  1. On the other side of the world it's stupidly hot.. until it isn't. We are rotating between really cool days (and our lowest minimum for a February, ever) and then really super hot days, until it rains and repeats. It's currently one of the really hot ones 36C/96F I bought new headphones and they arrived today! They're the first pair of overears I've ever own. I'm not overly fussed right now.. they feel like they're squishing my face and my ears are getting hot
  2. There was a bit of an applause on my flight from Auckland to Wellington but that seemed mostly because it was incredibly windy/turbulent and the pilot did an awesome job of getting is down. Not going to lie, I wondered if we weren't going to get through that. Worst turbulence I've ever experienced. My friend mentioned the other day that she did have people applause when she went on a flight to Vegas though
  3. I have never once applauded at a movie :P And last night was the first time I've ever seen it happen.. that being said I very rarely go to the movies. I plan on seeing Logan in March and that will be 3 movies in less than 6 months which is more than I've seen (at a cinema) in 5 years. Hidden Figures was a good movie though. I'm am interested in things that happened around the civil rights movement (even though I'm not even in the country) so this was something of interest to me. I also liked that it was a drama but it was also funny.
  4. Got to go to an advanced screening of Hidden Figures tonight and am wondering... have you ever had a movie theatre applause a movie at the end? Because that's what they did and I thought that was kind of weird. Who are we applauding? The only thing there is the credits guys!
  5. I think I'd probably chance the eggs @possibilities, their shells should protect them.. right? Also, the snowball fight in summer sounds good, except we don't get snow :P I'd have to start collecting frost :D
  6. It's 40C/104F here today... they're telling everyone to reduce power where possible otherwise they're going to have staged power outages. At work all public service buildings in the ACT and NSW had their aircon put up to 26C/78F. It wasn't pleasant.
  7. I'm marking this down as 'pilot episode syndrome' and hoping the rest of the season is better. When I found out this has Drew Barrymore (and then later I found out it had Timothy Olyphant! Oh yes!) I thought "I have to see this!" and then I found that neither of them seemed to do comedy very well. Not this sort of in your face style anyway. They just seemed very stiff, especially Barrymore in her 'pre-zombie' persona which I assume was intentional but came off as bad acting to me. Olyphant's shrug at the end made me groan out loud. It just seemed so... corny. I was hoping for something a little more subtle and dark rather than Nathan Fillion as lunch. Will have to decide if this one stays on my 'watch' list.
  8. As in post in the message board sections in IMDB? I have read occasional threads but haven't posted in any myself.
  9. I don't even have any sisters @King of Birds! Or brothers for that matter. So hopefully I never run into these situations :D I don't think skunks even are in Australia so I'm probably safe on that front.
  10. I recall he went to battle @green but I don't remember him actually seeing Ecbert, other than maybe from afar. Granted, what I mostly remember of Bjorn's first battles were Ragnar and Lagertha protecting him and then telling him how terrible he was :P
  11. Was there anymore deleted? That's how they show Torvi is alive? Just having her in a conversation? And they couldn't give 1min to let us find this out. Also, does Lagertha have a snake headband on?
  12. Me either! Initially I thought "what is different here?" and then I realised he didn't have his eye make up and couldn't believe how different that made him look. The episode definitely would have been better if it ended with the shock over Sigurd's death. I could happily have waited for JRM's intro to have been at the start of season 5 especially given the scene they did decide on just seemed to diminish what we had just seen. It reminds me a little of when, in Doctor Who, Tennant/10 is has just had to say goodbye to Rose and it's a heartfelt moment and then Donna is there in her wedding dress. Just takes you out of the moment. I also couldn't hear the Bishop's name when the widow said it and even if I had I wouldn't have known who he was and the shot of the sword meant nothing to me. I know that the history buffs here knew the relevance but given the show didn't lead up to it or give any insight on the character I didn't particularly care about some bishop banging a widow just after burying her husband. Overall this episode fell a bit flat for me. After last episode I was really hoping for more. The end of the battle was great but seemed a bit short and I also found it interesting how quickly they could clear out of Wessex, how many people were meant to have lived there? Also, why did it take the vikings so long to find Ecbert and the priest? And I can't believe that none of them would have killed him before he made it outside. The majority of those people wouldn't have known who he was. Has Bjorn even met him before? How did he know was? Maybe if it had been Ivar who mentioned it. I'm glad Ecbert got to die in the bath. I would have loved for him to say something about his first meeting with Ragnar having been there and then a side note about hooking up with Lagertha :D Anyway, I will miss my Thursday nights being filled with Vikings, I might have to go back and do a rewatch from the beginning.. or maybe start watching Versailles :)
  13. Well at least all the complaining I didn't wasn't wrong :P The whole month I was like "aaaahhh, why so hot? It's not usually like this, aaahhhhhhh" and everyone was like "psh, it's Summer.. Summer gets hot. duh" According to a local article it's the hottest January we have on record, I'm not sure when our records began though we didn't exist as a city until about 100 years ago so not as old as the Sydney stats go I assume.
  14. I didn't get the impression that there was an attraction between Yates and Claire, especially given her previous encounters with him. I definitely saw it much more previously between Yates and Frank. Which he also admitted to a few episodes back. I hope team Leanne and Seth can take down Doug, at least a little. Hopefully they don't both end up dead.
  15. This just popped up on Teefury: http://www.teefury.com/portrait-of-greatness-1
  16. Perhaps recently but Ecbert sent Aethelwulf and Alfred on that pilgrimage back when he was younger. And there's also the time gap where we have no idea what happened between them.
  17. @whoknowswho, Harald was King of wherever he's from (King of Vestfold & Rogaland according to this wiki) since he's been in the show. He introduced himself (to Aslaug I think it was?) as King and that one day he'd be the King of all of Norway which apparently included Kattegat if you believe that conversation. He also mentioned in this episode (or maybe the one previous) that Ealswith married an earl even though she told him she couldn't marry him because he didn't have enough power (hence his quest to be the king of Norway), although he was king at the time she said it.
  18. This came up in my youtube subs this morning, strange timing given our conversation recently :)
  19. And also because Harald has basically told everyone that he plans on taking it over multiple times. I don't consider Astrid to only have started learning with Lagertha. She's been around for the 2nd half of the season which has had quite a long timeline and not only that but it's implied she has been around during the timejump so we don't really know how long she's been training with Lagertha. I'm not much of a fan of hers but I think if Torvi is considered a seasoned warrior (we believed she was capable when all she had done was pick up a cross bow and put on some armour) then Astrid should be too. I thought it was pretty obvious why she was there and expected her to take out the knife long before she did. I didn't think the brother would be there to kill her just in time though.
  20. I thought "aww poor Torvi" and then she blinked and started to breathe. Given it looked like she only had an arrow in the shoulder I'm assuming she's ok. I can't see her being killed off without Lagertha mentioning it while roasting that guy. Poor Athelwulf seemed so confused this episode"My wife is saying nice things to me, the army is cheering for me, Alfred thinks I'm amazing.. what is life". I was glad someone finally showed him some kindness after all this time. I wonder if Ivar will be even more insufferable with his "but Daddy chose me!" whining and ranting now that his plan worked. Hopefully they'll just realise if they work together maybe they can get somewhere. I wonder if next episode will be our last of Ecbert/Wessex and co.
  21. I've read a lot of old King. The Green Mile was the first book(s) I bought myself. I couldn't wait for the next one to come out and it was nice they were so cheap given I was 12 when they were released. I was a strange child :P my friends were reading Goosebumps and I was reading Stephen King.. Pet Sematary gave me nightmares for weeks. I could never read The Stand, too long! Maybe that's why I liked The Green Mile and Skeleton Crew :P
  22. I thought Astrid was going to the altar too when it was mentioned it would be a human sacrifice. Sort of the way that Ragnar had offered up Athelstan because he was important to Ragnar. Hopefully next time :P I'm pretty sure we knew the backstory of why Harald was trying to be king of Norway. Didn't he mention it when he first met Lagertha, that he was going to become king of Norway for a girl? The Aella stuff was hard to watch! Much more so than what they did to Ragnar, although I didn't like watching that either. I guess their message will be loud and clear. I like the scene with Ecbert and Aethelwulf and how we finally know now that Aethelwulf knows he's been a pawn all this time. Given Ecbert can lie about just about everything, you would think he could have just told him he loved him. Have to admit I'm still in the "I miss Ragnar" camp. That battle would have been so much more amazing if he had been in the lead. Although Floki looked pretty awesome. Aella and the priest seem to shit themselves when they saw him. Hoping Bjorn stops being a dickhead (although he was always a bratty, annoying kid) and Astrid goes bye bye pretty soon.
  23. Not really @King of Birds (re: Hugh Jackman) I haven't seen a Wolverine movie since... I forget its name, the terrible one in, I want to say Japan. The Wolverine maybe? I really haven't kept up with the whole Marvel universe really but I did like the trailers for this one. I used to really like Wolverine from the old animated tv show but I preferred Gambit :D There was a good comic series a few years back that I enjoyed too, also mostly because Gambit :D
  24. This is how I feel about pretty much all religion to be honest. Religion fills a hole in your life. It's a community of people who want better lives or be better people and think some higher being is going to guide the way for them. Any religion can be scary if you let it. I mean, how many wars has Scientology started? That being said, I don't know much about Scientology, other than that they try and get me to complete stress tests :P Unrelated to religion (probably), I'm actually planning on seeing a movie this year. It's pretty unlike me, although I did see Fantastic Beasts. This year I plan on going to see Logan.
  25. That could be a possibility, although @nodorothyparker does have a good theory.. perhaps he is pissed because he took this massive journey and still Lagertha's exploits overshadow them. Perhaps that is what Hirst intended? In regards to him wanting to be king, he could have done that years ago. When Ragnar disappeared he could have made himself king (I assume he could have outranked Aslaug?) if he wanted.
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