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Everything posted by juppschmitz

  1. That's what I'd love, and what would actually make sense. However, didn't Jared already blabber something about maybe Amara possesses Sam? *eyeroll*
  2. Sounds to me like they want to have a Jensen and Jared lite episode - they usually use other actors to play the Weechesters.
  3. What's surprising is that any of this lot "remember" this (joke: of course they don't remember, it's just coincidence that something they write happens to align with past canon).
  4. Is he putting his life on the line when he goes to Hell, though? He was part of a group of angels "laying siege" to Hell, and he personally "gripped by Dean tight and raised him from perdition. Ah, but those were the days...
  5. You mean the Primetimer site? I'm on Opera mobile and they block ads nicely.
  6. I read somewhere that once a writer creates a character they get paid extra whenever this character is used in later episodes...
  7. Oh please, no, don't let this crowd bring Benny back! No mention of the Ferrari of vessels AT AL??? Nincompoops!
  8. I'm really curious how they're going to explain how Adam is there in his body and Michael is there in... Adam's body, too... Hopefully I'll find out from you guys, because there's no way I'm gonna watch it.
  9. With Dean we got that scene of "telling" and a few sparse other infos that were needed to bring the story along. With Sam it was "showing" the effects of his time in the cage (which we weren't "told" about a lot, true) for practically all of Gamble's run. If Jared didn't put more effort into the "showing" whenever he was around Lucifer in later seasons, that's on Jared. Jensen did the best he could with the nothing he was given. Feel free to disagree.
  10. Short-changing Dean out of a significant Michael story yet again is adding insult to injury for Jensen.
  11. For me Jack's continued presence on the show was well and truly the last nail in the coffin of the SPN I used to love.
  12. Well, at least that might cure him from his permanent constipation...
  13. Sorry, but all of this reminds me of the English band Half Man Half Biscuit and now I can't unsee Sam as, well, half man, half biscuit :DDD
  14. Well, the simple Doylist reason is that the actual actress is actually deaf 🤷🏻‍♀️
  15. Apparently Kripke told Jensen he liked the ending and it made sense, and Jared liked it, so I still reckon a rehash of 5.22 🤮
  16. I hatehatehate asparagus! And here in Germany in the summertime they have those roadside foodstalls selling both strawberries (yum) and asparagus (yuck). How dare they!
  17. Yeah, that could have happened before Dabb, when the actual heroes of the show used to be smart and competent.
  18. I keep reading how people say Jared shouldn't be apologizing because legal proceedings pending and whatnot. What I'm wondering is, if it should go to trial (which it mightn't even), how will it look like if he keeps making fun of the situation? Like, say someone asks him how he feels about what happened and he's like, "Oh yeah, sure, your honour, I totally regret what happened *snicker snicker*"
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