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Everything posted by miles2go

  1. I suspect Scary Poppins is delusional about the "boyfriend" bit. Time will tell.
  2. Tonight's dinner: pork medallions, rice, and a vegetable dish made with summer squash, bell peppers, onions, and fresh-from-the-farmer's-market corn. Dessert will be plums from my backyard tree, or maybe peaches from the same market I'll get the corn.
  3. I'm trying my hand at Pollo Asado. The recipe calls for a grill, but I'll have to make do with a frying pan.
  4. I'm probably in the minority here, but I really didn't care for the episode much -- it just seemed like a rehash of earlier material, and not a very creative rehash, either. I liked Capaldi; he has the makings of a fine Doctor and I hope he gets better material to work with. The final scene was intriguing -- i guess that's our plot arc for this season: Who is Missy and what is she up to and what exactly is the "Promised Land"? And, yeah, count me as one of those who got irritated by all the references to Doc 12's older appearance. For pity's sake, he's not THAT old -- from the way they were going on about it, you'd think he was ready for a nursing home.
  5. Charlotte isn't rich; her late husband left her the ranch, but no money. Perhaps she should have sold the ranch and left town, but the tunnel lady (forget her name) probably wouldn't have let her. I think you're right, though. She need to get out of this mess pronto, and I don't think that arrogant DEA guy is really going to help her much.
  6. I can understand her reaction,( it's appalling to think of Daniel fathering a child!) but it may have been safer for them to have stayed undercover -- pretended to be a young married couple looking for a new home. Why broadcast to the bad guys that you're aiming to expose them to the world?
  7. Not to mention cold. Can't get a hot shower at a car wash.
  8. I think they discovered the cash house by accident. They were sent to do a fluff piece on the old woman, who was of an advanced age (100+?), but she had died of a stroke or something. Daniel and Adriana see her collapsed on the floor, then break into the house to help. They stumble upon the piles of cash in a spare room.
  9. I understand your feelings about Moffat; I haven't cared for some of the things he's done with DW, either. Still, can't wait for August and Doc 12! Hurry up, August!
  10. David Tennant is always a pleasure to watch, but I think his talents were wasted here. Didn't hate it, but I doubt if I'd ever bother with a second viewing.
  11. I like what everyone else has written. A few thoughts of my own: I'd rather never see Tony again, but if he has to come back, at least make him a useful character. More background and some explanations -- why make clones, anyway? Must be some reason for all these people to spend money and time on this project. Why exactly did Beth commit suicide, and why in that theatrical manner? Sure, she was under a lot of stress, but why come unraveled at that particular time? And right when one of her sister clones was nearby? (although, if she hadn't offed herself right then, we wouldn't have a series!) I'd like to see something nice happen for Felix. He deserves it.
  12. My watch list: Doctor Who (returning sometime in August with a new Doctor!) Graceland (although I'm a bit lukewarm about this one) The Bridge (second season starting sometime in July, I think) Game of Thrones (catching up on DVD since I don't have HBO) Supernatural (past its prime, but still watchable) Also, I'm heard rumors of an American version of Broadchurch, but I'm not sure when that's going to happen. I've also heard there's a second season of the UK Broadchurch in the making, but maybe not this year.
  13. Good point. It did strike me as very foolish for Rachel to destroy that bone marrow. She is, after all, susceptible to the same illness that Cosima has. She may need treatment someday, too. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
  14. Yup. And I really want someone who's clever with photoshop to do an "evil eye-patch Rachel". (If it hasn't already been done.)
  15. Ah, yes. How could I have forgotten that? But I did remember that Sarah drinks tea, LOL.
  16. Howdy, OB forum. I've been a lurker here (ever since TWOP shut down). Season two has been awesome (except for that episode with Tony -- was seriously worried that OB had jumped the shark in that one). Great finale; I figured there would eventually be male clones, but didn't think Mark would be one of them. I'm wondering about something (well, not just this one thing!) When Sara sees the male clone working out, she says she knows him, but I don't remember when she encountered Mark. Can anyone refresh my faulty memory? And, yeah, a whole year before we can find out what happens next!
  17. Hi! First time posting on this forum. <waves at group> Anyway -- I'm rather lukewarm about Graceland. Watched the first season, and decided I wouldn't bother with a second -- but then I forgot to remove it from my DVR record list. Figured as long as I was recording it, I may as well watch it. (because I'm lazy that way) So far, season 2 has been okay, though. I'm interested in the new guy; what's his story? And Mike trying to throw him out was a wee bit high-handed, wasn't it? And as for Jakes, I really feel for him. I think he's had his son's best interests at heart all along, he removed himself from his kid's life in order to protect him, but now is trying to move too fast to be a dad again. I didn't quite catch whether or not he was married to his son's mother, or whether he was recorded as the boy's legal father. If not, he may have some difficulty establishing any parental rights. I agree with the comment that he should have seen a lawyer first.
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