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Everything posted by Meow25

  1. The first time I watched GG I loved Logan. Upon rewatch I have moved over to Jess. I still hate Jess's early scenes, but in S6 at the Gilmore mansion Jess won me over. That being said, I still like Logan *after* he decides to grow up and essentially ditch Colin & Finn. Dean remains (in my UO) the creepiest POS ever. From S1 all the way through...Dean sucks. Jason was my favorite Lorelei boyfriend, but on re-watch I am less "anti-Luke". I just watched "The Prodigal Daughter", and I HATE April. What an unfortunate plot contrivance. So sad. :( I still hate Christopher....what a tool.
  2. My personal wish for Lane was that she rebelled by leaving her crazy college to go to a small liberal arts school to become a music teacher, and maybe show up on screen occasionally with her college band, and for spring breaks, christmas, etc... It wouldn't have assassinated the character. Her scenes were so boring post-high school that I often FF through them.
  3. I'm rewatching S4. I adore Loralai & Digger this time around. They seem so natural together.
  4. Meow25


    I loathed Dean from the moment I saw him, but I see the appeal. I think. I saw Mr. Stalker in S1, so I really didn't think that changed at all. I think they could've left Dean alone, but if they REALLY needed the marriage/affair storyline I'd have prefered this: Dean/Lindsay: Pregnant Dean joins the Marines, and marries a pregnant Lindsay after boot camp. Dean comes home on leave to see his family. Runs into Rory. They have dinner to catch up. Dean is overcome with romantic nostalgia, Rory is overwhelmed by Dean is his uniform. They have sex. Dean is overcome with remorse, goes home to his wife & baby. Rory realizes that she made a BIG mistake and grows up a bit from the experience. End of arc. I just, for the LIFE of me, understand WHY they chose the story they chose.
  5. Upon GG rewatch: *I hate Luke. I hate Luke/Lorelei together. Lorelei deserves someone who can laugh. *I hate Christopher too. *I loved Digger. *I love Logan, and I think his story could have been so deep & profound. I love him with Rory, and there were SO many ways they could have gone with Logan/Rory, but they just wrote them so shallowly. His life is very interesting, so parallel with Lorelei. *I LOATHE Jess...angry boy is boring, but I loathe Dean even more. He's a creepy creeper. Those round out my unpopular opinions.
  6. They should put a trigger warning on stuff like that. Ugh. None of my family showed for my wedding. It was really rough. I cried like a baby through the whole episode. Gah.
  7. I HATED Arizona when she cheated on Callie. HATED her. I've never been a big Callie shipper. I thought she was over the top annoying with George, I never saw the chemistry with Hahn, and while she had chemistry with Az...it dwarfed compared to her chemistry with Mark. There is literally ZERO compatibility with Penny. Zilch. It's just NOT there. I have been a Callie fan on and off. I'm not a fan of people who fall in love at the drop of a hat, and emote incessantly, but her medical stories (few & far between) have been fun to watch, and I want her to be happy. I don't think Callie will ever be happy though, because it really seems like Callie has no idea WHAT she wants. She just wants that butterfly happy lusty feeling which always wears off eventually. Regarding her current storyline, I am angry. An adoptive mother IS A MOTHER. Not just a 2nd mother, or an after thought...she is a CO-PARENT with Callie. I would bet that if this story line included Mark instead of AZ, we would be seeing mass support for Mark. That is just pure BS. When Az adopted Sophia she became EQUAL with Callie, biology be damned. If Callie didn't want that, she should've thought of that BEFORE she gave half of her parenting rights up.
  8. Vincent story was very sad. BUT....old guy was a straight guy with a wife and family for the past 50ish years. You all expect him to leave the woman who gave him children, who obviously LOVES him, and piss off his kids right before he dies? Over what....a bisexual awakening that may or may not be anything more than forbidden fantasy? I don't know, I think I'd want to be surrounded by my loving family who I've devoted my whole life to, rather than another person who I've not so much as seen puke (I believe that you can't really know someone until you've seen them puke...sorry, it's a thing with me). It's easy to get carried away with butterflies for a person you don't REALLY know, but his wife devoted her whole life to loving JUST HIM. To abandon her at the end of his life would be so selfish and wouldn't serve his memory well. It's not fair to judge the wife on the tip either, she was very sweet & gracious about it.
  9. I'm really hoping for a Colin Sweeney ending. I hate scary/gore stuff, but Alicia is insufferable. I hope she takes that annoying new girl with her. I can see it now, "Ahhh Alicia! Ménage à trois, how thoughtful. It's good to know you're a full-service firm..." fades to a knife behind his back. Last scene is Cary/Kalinda on a beach in Maui drinking margarita's. Cary has a small time low stress estate firm close to the beach. Eli finds incriminating evidence against Peter and is the one to send him to jail for good. FUCK YOU Peter! (I can so see Eli finally saying those well-deserved words!)
  10. The PSA they SHOULD be doing is the appalling lack of care given at most ER's, including Seattle Grace/Mercy West/Grey Sloan what ever the F they're calling it now. A couple in our neighborhood adopts foster children, many of them who are disabled. All of them are black in a very pasty rural town, and we love those kids (they have 6 I think? They are such super ladies!!!) One of them was confined to a wheelchair. Her moms took her to our local hospital. This isn't a rinky dink small town hospital, it's about 30 minutes away from our town...but it's connected to one of the best children's hospitals in Pennsylvania. The girl was coughing, and had a high fever. They asked several times to be taken back because she was feeling worse. After 5 hours, the girl died in the waiting room...her fever at time of death was 105. It was 103 when they arrived, but they hadn't reevaluated her once. This episode made me SO mad. It's been 7 years since her death, but her moms live with that pain of watching their daughter die in a hospital waiting room EVERY day. To see a TV show shove all of these doctors into an ambulance bay was stupid. They most certainly had something to do. While it's tragic that a child shot another child....there are REAL people with real problems in every ER, and they count on the doctors to help them. Physicians should not be so caught up in the drama of it all that they just ignore every other patient in their care. Idiocy. Ludicrous writing. I was waiting for ***SOMEONE*** to say, "This is sad, but get your frigging asses back to work!!!! There are lives to be saved people!" On another note: I HATED the gun story. I hate guns. I grew up with a father who was a card carrying NRA member. I live in rural PA where hunting is THE state religion. I remember my father storing his guns in a beautiful gun case with *glass* doors to display them all. They weren't loaded, but the bullets were in the same cabinet with the guns. We were taught from a very young age how to shoot (much to my dismay) and how to respect the gun. The cabinet was always locked, but....glass doors. Fast forward to my adulthood...I married a man who isn't a sportsman. We don't own guns, and I don't allow my children to play at others homes unless I know they A) don't have guns at all -or- B) have the guns in a real GUN SAFE (not a locked drawer), and the bullets are locked up separately from the guns. ...and they have to SHOW me. The kids have been taught that guns are NEVER to be touched for any reason at all, but KIDS are STUPID! I have a neighbor a few homes down who keeps a gun (LOADED) on his night stand. Unlocked. Sitting out. Education is the best defense. Especially in a state where guns outnumber humans. The whole concept of "YOU OWN A GUN?!?!? WHAAAA!!!!!" Was so annoying. It came off as ridiculous & "Hollywood" to 80% of the country. The whole episode, except Meredith/Steph banter, was so annoying to me...
  11. This is completely April's right. Jackson was completely bitchy and unsupportive of APRIL's decisions. Her body, her baby, HER decisions. He had been NOTHING but combative about every single pregnancy issue from the moment he found out. When April overheard Catherine's plans...she did what she thought was best for her & her baby. If we want women to have autonomy over their bodies, it can't stop because we don't happen to like that particular womans values. I could go on a rant on the autonomy over a woman's body and birth choices too, but I won't...but look up birth rape sometime. "Choice" isn't all about abortion ladies. April isn't my favorite character, but being a woman of faith myself, I ABHOR the way they write April & her religious beliefs. I'm a progressive, red letter Christian (and it appears April Kepner is too seeing as her sort-of only BFF is Arizona)...and neither I, nor any of my friends act like April.
  12. Yes....up until this season. They've made a clear point that Callie will do things she wouldn't normally do for Precious (pernicious) Penny. They made it *very* clear that Callie is "ALL IN" with Penny.
  13. The anvils were CLEAR..... Callie will leave. With Sophia. Az will have a fight, and April will be there for her. Mark my words. Grey's doesn't do subtle. april & Az are mirroring each other. April's story will probably resolve around the time that Callie takes off with Sophia for Pathetic Penny.
  14. OK....I guess I am curious here. Jackson left her. Shouldn't she have full autonomy over this pregnancy, baby, all choices regarding baby? She has every legal right to terminate the pregnancy without Jackson's consent...can't she raise it without his consent? I say she absolutely has every right to keep quiet. It's her body, it's her baby, this has nothing to do with Jackson.
  15. Lucca is horribly annoying. She bugs the crap out of me. I miss Cary. Alicia is a wretched character. I loved her from S1-S4/5, and she's now taken a nose dive into being the worlds most narcissistic asshole. I miss Diane & her husband. I miss Peter, and I now hope that Alicia ends up in jail....not Peter. I miss Cary & Kalinda. I miss Kalinda. It's all so sad. I will say that the firm is a character in and of itself, and having it back was nice. I hate Lucca and Alicia. This show has taken such a nose dive that I actually enjoyed this weeks Grey's Anatomy more than TGW. ::yikes:::
  16. I just bulk watched this show from S1 to this episode over the past few weeks. I was also very (very) into Ally McBeal back in the day, and I have noticed quite a few parallels, not just in this episode (thinking of you Elsbeth Tascioni!), and the mentioning of the Chinese adoptions most certainly was a David E. Kelly move. Watching it all at once, I can say that this show took a hard, sharp downturn when Alicia & Cary left the firm, and I'm really bummed that they've never gotten back into the swing of things. The second nose dive was when Alicia ran for SA, and I don't think it can come back from that. On topic: This episode was one of the worst on this show so far. Watching in bulk I can say that I do not even give two craps about the new girl, Lucca. I miss Cary & Dianne, and losing Kalinda was the nail. Such a boring, boring episode. Doesn't anyone remember that Will & Alicia already worked out the voicemail conundrum?
  17. I thought the entire thing was so contrived....but a few things: #1. I was a Grey's junkie. I fizzled during seasons 7-11. I watched every epi, but unenthusiastically. Lately, however, I find myself looking forward to having Grey's on my DVR now. I guess the writers are doing something right, though I'm having a hard time putting my finger on what it is that I like. #2. The writers need to figure out what they are doing with Owen and Arizona. I like Arizona, I don't like Owen, but regardless...they just don't seem to be adding anything to the show. #3. I think Alex & Mer will be the end game for their parts in the series. Alex has grown so so so much in the last season or two. He was on Jo's level (maturity wise) when they hooked up, but he has outgrown her & it's obvious. Mer & Alex are friends first with a major hint of chemistry in this episode. I've NEVER noticed any chemistry between them before (as lovers) so that moment between them was there FOR a REASON. Mark my words. I would bet anything that Alex and Meredith eventually fall into a romantic relationship, and that will be the end of their story on Grey's Anatomy. Shonda is planning for Meredith's departure, she's reestablished the house of Grey in Maggie. Don't get me wrong, I was a HUGE MerDer shipper, but if there is ever to be love once again for Mer, it has to be a mature, grown up love...and I can see that from Alex. #4. Speaking of Maggie, but forgive me........is her new relationship a backward mirror of Mer/Der? Woman head of cardio bangs an intern? Just saying. I see some similarities. #5. This Penny shit is so frigging convoluted. The idea that Callie, who is supposedly so IN LOVE with Penny, wouldn't have known ANYTHING about her??? What? Do doctors not communicate properly? Color me confused. I see *zero* chemistry between Penny & Callie. Zero. Like less chemistry than she had with George. Penny is no substitute for Arizona or Mark. Anyway, are they all so self absorbed that only Alex notices the tension in the room? So weird. The fact that she is working at GS is so stupid, and something I called right after Meredith made her speech to Penny after Derek died. Shonda is SO transparent.
  18. I would like them to wrap up the story of Grey's Anatomy. Give us a great final season. #1. I want to see Alex be awesome. ON HIS OWN. I want him to grow up, and I want him to end up as a big sucess #2. I want Bailey to be "the Nazi" or shut her face. #3. I would love for Izzie to show up, in the beginning of the season...not as a FINALE! MUST! SEE! TV!, but just to say hello, very minimal shots...just to let us know she's alive & what she's up to. Maybe also to apologise to Alex for being a giant anus. Her story wasn't done well. #4. I want to see Mama O'Malley visiting with Callie #5. I want Arizona to do her volunteer work, and make it permanent. #6. I want Amelia to get it together, and shut her face. #7. I want Owen to take April over to the HERO! MILITARY! BOMBS! SCARY! HERO! COMPLEX! SURGERY! place and have awkward ginger babies together...awkwardly. During combat. Bombs. They all die. #8. I want Jackson to take a job in Miami making the world a bigger place, one boob at a time. #9. I want Webber and crazy lady to retire and live in Peru together. #10. I want Addison to show up to say Hi/Goodbye #11. I would love for Thatcher/Mer to have some healing. #12. I want to see the single mom struggle. #13. I want Meredith to choose the kids. She could easilly raise them & work part time. That's the end of the show. I want Meredith to choose a different path from Ellis. I want her to choose family, to work as much as she needs to work, and to parent as much as she possibly can parent. I want the final shot to be of Meredith and the kids playing at home.
  19. Is it just me, or does the resident/intern working on Derek look very similar to the girl George pushed away from the bus? They're not the same actress, but there is quite the resemblance.
  20. I don't think Shonda ever intended on Mer/Der 4-eva, and was pressured by the network. Now that she has clout, I picture her as Cartman. "I do what I want!" She must have dark & twisty mer, and dark & twisty we shall have. I call a Meredith pregnancy reveal in the season finale..... :::puke:::
  21. A M E N to THIS. One more death, and I am OUT, seriously.
  22. I'm a Christian. I've seen all "degrees" of Christianity, and I can tell you that April is NOwhere near being fundamentalist. Not even close. I don't particularly like April, but I'd say from watching the show that I'm about on the same "Christian level" as April Kepner. Trust me, she (and I) are considerd liberal "red letter" Christians. In fact, if you're interested, do a google on Tony Campolo/red letter Christian. I think they write her as whiny and....emotional which makes her seem more conflicted than I think she is. IMO. http://chronicle.uchicago.edu/050714/doctorsfaith.shtml Many, most, doctors belive in a higher power. Also, being a Christian doesn't mean you are a Ken Ham type literalist. Most of us believe that science and God can and do co-exist.
  23. Thank you. I realized watching last night what a special SPECIAL show Grey's Anatomy once was. Seeing Burktina together just MAGNIFIED how far out of control the writing is. I am actually considering the Finale, when Cristina leaves, as MY series finale. It's been going on far too long, and what was once something amazing, is now a joke.
  24. Seeing Burke was a stab in the gut. Seeing some of the earlier shows...WOW. Grey's was once a very special show, and I'm so glad that I tuned in for the first episode...by accident as I was curious about Desperate Housewives before it. In watching a few early episodes on Netflix, I saw two piviotal moments: Izzie should have been fired and stayed fired after the LVAD incident. Bringing her back to the hospital was the first incomprehensible, ridiculous thing which led to many others. I think THAT was the moment the show started going down...the moment Izzie was re-hired. If that wasn't obvious enough....Meredith dies and goes into limbo, sees dead Ellis, and comes back. From then on Shonda had NO boundaries, no sense of reality. I wish I would have shut off the TV when Mere flatlined and pretended that she died and that the series ended.
  25. I wonder if the pregnancy is MerDer? Oi Vey, that'd be crazy.
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