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  1. We have our first cast interview from NY Comic Con: https://www.findthemetaverse.com/film-tv/nycc-2021-the-wheel-of-time-exclusive-qa-with-cast-showrunner-virtual-screening I have a virtual ticket but I'm fairly certain everyone can watch it for free. I think all the cast look great and all seem to really get their characters. So impressed that Josha has read up to Book 11 (with Zoe and Madeline right behind). I can't imagine what it must be like to read the series knowing you have to play Rand. I wouldn't know whether be excited or terrified! I'm also loving Zoe Robins. Nynaeve is my favorite female character and I wasn't sure about Zoe when she was first cast (due to her previous work), but she seems to genuinely get Nynaeve, and she looks great in the new clip. Love that she goes straight for her belt knife like a mama bear. Meera Syal totally looks like Verin to me! She's a comedian so I think she'll be wonderful playing a fumbly absent-minded professor type role for Verin. My first thought for Natasha O'Keefe was possibly Lanfear, but now I'm leaning more towards Elaida. In the interview Rafe says they are two of the most important characters in the series, and I think that Elaida has a more important role than Lanfear. I think anyone can update IMDB and Wikipedia, so I'm not convinced about the "Selene" entry since she hasn't been officially announced.
  2. Show releasing in November!
  3. Speaking of books, there is also one coming out in August about Rios called "Rogue Elements." Synopsis: I hope we find out how his holograms came into being! Here are some links to various sellers for pre-order: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Star-Trek-Picard-Rogue-Elements/John-Jackson-Miller/Star-Trek-Picard/9781982175191 I've been a trekkie since the TNG days, but never read any of the books. Then recently I decided to try the Janeway Autobiography read by Kate Mulgrew. It was great! Now I'm spending all of my Audible credits on Star Trek books. It's a never-ending rabbit hole of nerd heaven.
  4. I read an interview with the showrunners about this topic. They said when they were filming they had puppets standing in for all the daemons on set, and the scenes were too crowded and confusing. It distracted from the human actors. I’d still love to see at least a few wide shots of crowds with lots of daemons mixed in, but I suppose it makes sense stay consistent throughout the show with the number of daemons they’re showing. I know budget is also a factor. I love the actor playing Will! He’s my favorite character from the series and I was so shocked and excited to see him introduced in this episode. He seemed to get more character development in this one episode than Lyra has had all season.
  5. Had to come and chime in on the location of this season. I’m born and raised in North Carolina, and many years ago I came to hike at Grandfather Mountain. Like Jamie, the mountain “spoke to me” and I dropped everything and moved to live near it. Now it is 25 years later, and I still live next to Grandfather Mountain (no one lives on it… it’s a state park and protected wildlife preserve). I’ve always lived with a couple of miles of it and hike on it as often as possible. It really does have an amazing “vibe” and I expect to live the rest of my life hiking its trails. This is one of the things I think Diana really captured in writing the Outlander series, is how beautiful this area is. It’s clear that they are not filming here (though there was a shot of the real Grandfather Mountain in the background of the Highland Games in last week’s episode), but I think they’ve a good job of finding a comparable location. This whole area was clear cut in late 19th and early 20th century, so all of the current forests and trees are much smaller and closer together than they would have been in Jamie and Claire’s time. In modern times it would be very difficult to travel through the forest with donkeys and wagons without a well-worn trail. There are a lot of huge rhododendron thickets now that makes travel through the forest very difficult. We do have a lot of moss covered trees and rocks, and it’s nice to see those in the show. I'm also glad that they consulted with the Cherokee and have worked hard to get the Native American parts right. It's been a while since I read the book, but I believe it had the Mohawk tribe living near Frasiers Ridge. As far as I know there were no Mohawk living in this area. It's all Cherokee land and all of the trails on Grandfather Mountain have Cherokee names. One interesting note, I worked at the Highland Games this year and there were a lot of Outlander activities. I didn’t get to attend any because I was working while I was there, but I thought it was great that more people know about the books and are coming to the games because of it. I expect there to be even more Outlander fans next year after this season. I would highly recommend it to anyone who can get this way. :-)
  6. This has to be the only show where I have no idea what is happening with the plot, and yet love every second of it. It's all about the characters and relationships, set in stunning locations with joyful music (Beethoven's Piano Concerto #5 played by Riley's adorable dad! It doesn't get any better). These are some of the best characters in any show I've ever watched, and it doesn't matter what they're doing so long as they're being their totally awesome lovey-dovey badass selves. I'll eventually go back and rewatch the whole series to get a handle on the larger plot, but for now I'm happy letting the emotions and beauty of it wash over me.
  7. "Fergus Claudel Fraser" is my favorite moment of this season so far. The relationship between him and Jamie makes my heart happy.
  8. Boy am I happy to see Mr. Willoughby/Yi Tien Cho being treated with respect in the show. I finally have a chance to love his character as much as I wanted to in the book. I expected him to pull out his needles during the surgery, but they'll probably save that for Jamie's sea sickness. Fergus and Young Ian are adorable and made the episode for me. They are so well cast, and I love seeing their brotherly relationship. Fergus and his menage-a-trois story, ha! Like others, I didn't care for the surgery scene... couldn't the guy have died when he hit his head and saved us some time and angst? But I guess we needed to establish that Claire still wants to save everyone, and get her to the apothecary to meet Mr. Campbell (can't recall his first name. Arthur?). It's curious that he is now Margaret's fortune telling pimp rather than a reverend. Though I agree with Claire that Jenny and Ian deserve to know where their 16 year old son is, I wish she would wait to find out all the facts before jumping to conclusions and accusing Jamie of wrong-doing. She's walked into the middle of his life and has no clue what's going on, I think she should give him a chance to explain before judging his actions. That said, she's right in many cases. The upcoming Laoghaire fiasco makes me grit my teeth in frustration. The longer J&C are together, the angrier I get with Jamie for not telling her. What is he thinking?! It's right up there with the Book 4 Roger situation as one of my least favorite storylines. I just want to hug Ian. The tears in his eyes when he saw Claire was so real and touching. He seems like one of the best guys ever.
  9. Okay, maybe I am a hopeless romantic but I freakin loved this episode. I cried through nearly the entire thing. I totally bought Jamie’s WTF look of astonishment at first hearing/seeing Claire, his expression of awe and reverence while looking through Brianna’s pictures, and his total devotion to Claire during their scenes in the brothel. Claire maintained her go-to "I am too overwhelmed to fathom this situation" teary, wide-eyed expression through all of it, which completely fits her personality. I don’t recall crying during these scenes during the book, so I attribute my reaction to the actors and their facial expressions, body language, and words. I buy pretty much anything Jamie says to Claire in that soft Scottish brogue, no matter what words he uses. I didn’t fully understand half of what he said, but I believe he meant every word of it. I am so glad Jamie told Claire about William up front. I was angry with him in the books for neglecting to tell her about his WIFE and his SON. These are important tidbits that she should know right away. I can understand that he would tell Claire about William because he loves and cares about his son, and their daughter has a brother. He probably doesn’t find it as important to tell her about Laoghaire because he doesn’t really think of her as his wife, in the truest sense of the word. It’s just a legal thing to him, and Ned Gowan can take care it. Grown up Fergus is gorgeous, and I didn’t mind his wooden hand. I didn’t recall that he had a hook in the book so the hand worked for me. Ian is adorable with his talk of Auntie Claire the Fairy. I was also relieved by Mr. Willoughby's portrayal so far. I thought Claire treated him with respect and dignity and I hope this trend continues throughout their interactions. One of my favorite parts of the episode was the set of the print shop, including that catwalk on the second floor, and Jamie operating the printing press. It’s a fun tidbit that this set was also Master Raymond’s apothecary, one of my other favorite locations in the series. One of my favorite things in the episode was Jamie with his adorable spectacles, and his embarrassment at having to wear them. I totally get it, I am the same way when I have to put on glasses to read. Not sure about the ending yet, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens next week. Perhaps I am forgetting something, but I don’t recall who the man is in their room. All in all I am happy with the episode, and I am surprised others did not see all it as romantic and believable. I guess we each have different things that move us, which makes life interesting. ?
  10. I'm glad we’re past the The Geneva Situation. I never liked this plot line in the book and didn’t care for it in the show either. It always seemed like a convenient way for Jamie to have a son without the responsibility of choice in the matter. I think it would be okay for Jamie to have a periodic fling without betraying his love for Claire in any way. That being said, I think the actress who played Geneva did a great job. She does a perfect “brat face.” I totally bought that she would blackmail a guy into having sex with her. Sweet Isabel was even better, and a great contrast to Geneva. She won me over with her concern about the horses being caged. Anyone who has compassion for animals is high on my list of favorite people. The two scenes at the end between Jamie and Lord John, then Jamie and Willie, were absolutely perfect. That kid is adorable. I wish his hair had been slightly red, but otherwise he did a great job acting for such a young boy. Those scenes had me in tears. Like others, I’m a little confused on how the Claire story will play out from here. I’m guessing Roger will keep looking for Jamie, and will call her with the news that he has found Jamie during the print shop years. Claire will proceed to prepare by selling her house, wrapping up the job at the hospital, and spending some time with Joe. I wonder if we’ll get the “bones” scene. It seems important to tie into the events near the end of the season. As for the Scotland parts, I assume we’ll go straight to Jamie in Edinburgh, with all the Laoghaire events being revealed later when Claire finds out about it. I feel like we would have seen Laoghaire in the preview if she was going to be in the next episode. Either way, I look forward to seeing how it plays out!
  11. Did we see Fiona at the end of last season? I don't recall seeing the actress or hearing of her casting. Anyway, it was good to see her in the sneak peak. I wonder if we'll see any antagonism between her and Bree over Roger.
  12. I was a little late watching this episode, and most everything I wanted to say has been said. I had one thought that I haven't seen mentioned... Isn't there a scene after Jamie kills the deer in the forest, where he has an otherworldly vision of fairies or non-human entities moving through the forest? I'm not sure if it was in Voyager, or if he later told the story in one of the Lord John books. I was struck by that scene when I read it, and would have been interested to see it in the episode to add a magical element to the show. It reminds me of the previous otherworldly vision Claire had with the baby in the forest in season 1. I know Outlander is more historical fiction than fantasy, but for a world that includes time travel, I think it would be interesting to have a little more magic and mystery. Overall I loved the episode, and teared up at several character interactions. Absolutely love Jenny, she is a hero.
  13. I love Jamie's line "I willna tell anyone if you don’t" when Hal says they can't shoot him. Poor Jamie, he just wants it to be over and no one will let him die. Regarding the barbaric twilight birth, it's my understanding that it caused women to be disoriented and hallucinate during the birth, and they had no memory of it afterwords. I can't imagine Claire's panic when she woke up without her baby and not knowing what happened, after what she went through with Faith.
  14. Wow, this show! I can't remember the last time I watched 10 episodes of TV in two days, but I couldn't stop. Not only are the story and characters amazing, but the way it's filmed, the visuals and music, are beautiful and sensual. It's like a moving work of art. I think I teared up at least once per episode. I was yelling at the TV at the end of this episode. I have a crush on Wolfgang, and now he is left strapped to a hospital bed in some creepy torture lab. Argh! Watching everyone feel what he felt was excruciating. I was so worried they wouldn't all make it to their destination, that they would all be rushed to hospitals and unable to go anywhere. But they made it to London somehow, and they're all together, yay! Like everyone else, I would love to have seen them all meet for the first time, but I guess it would have disrupted the intensity of the last few minutes. Add me to the Detective Mun love train. What a cutie! I have confidence that he will make a full recovery and bring the douchebag brother down. I'm glad Sun didn't kill him, but I'd love to see him end up in prison and Sun's name cleared. I still have a ton of questions. It will require a rewatch. How exactly are clusters made or birthed? It looked like Angelica was literally giving birth in the forest in one scene. Did that just happen a year ago when our main sensates first became aware of each other? Are the sensates connected in some way prior to the cluster birth, or are they randomly put together because they share a birth date? Do all clusters have eight people or does the number vary? What is going on mentally/neurologically/psychically to allow them to see/hear/touch/move/speak through each other? My favorite aspect of the show is the concept of the "sensorium" species, how they evolved, and how their connection works. Want answers now.
  15. I just found this episode for free on Amazon Prime. I am so happy with it. I love Doctor Who, but for the past two season I wasn't feeling it, and thought I disliked Peter Capaldi as the doctor. I loved him in this episode! Obviously Clara has been the problem. It was so good without her. I really like Bill. I liked how she related everything going on to stuff she'd seen in scifi shows or movies. I would be exactly the same way. I would think the Doctor's screwdriver was the "clicky clicky thing" from Men in Black, there to wipe my memory. I went ahead and bought the whole season from Amazon so I can watch in in real time. Hallelujah, I can love this show again.
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