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Primal Slayer

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Everything posted by Primal Slayer

  1. Im a sucker for Dopplegangers so Luthors E? is very intriguing even if COIE was useless outside of "merging" Supergirls/BL Earths w rest of the Arrowverse. Lois Luthor huh...though doesnt look like she was much different from our Lois. But funny that Luthor is the only one who changed physically on this Earth.
  2. A definite step up from last week. One thing I've always liked about The Flash is that it did a pretty decent job of covering their civilian lives so seeing them do normal things was fun. Iris's story w/the group at the end fell a little flat since yes, she experienced the Mirror-verse the longest, I'm just rarely a fan of putting main characters as "head" of things or the most important. After what seems like YEARS, Caitlin and Frost are seperated! Talk about a miracle. While the two should've fully merged into a new Caitlin forever ago, they gave her two full on personalities and it has been awkward this entire time. We even got a Laurel mention! Even though I hate that little device that makes absolutely ZERO sense.
  3. Yeah a lot of shows have done it but I feel like this is the 3rd or 4th time this show has done it. In 1x22 they travel through time/scenarios and lose their memories while having to find each other and regain them. 2x13 they get stuck in the command center and have to confront the "unspoken truth" to each other in order to get out 2x15 they get stuck in their dreams and have to confront their worst fears and find each other to break out of it.
  4. Kate was the mystery and something the characters had to deal with but Ryan was still shown to be just as important and have her own story. She was in no way shafted, we've been getting to know her just like we did Kate in s1. That's funny that she'd think that they'd want her back after everything.
  5. I feel like I've seen this episode before. The sisters get trapped in some typ of mind game where they must come together and find a way out but they get to learn more about each other along the way. Bright side? We finally get a Sister-centric episode where they spend the episode working together so thats definitely a big plus.
  6. Now that would be a valid storyline for her not suiting again.
  7. I just dont see this having any type of happy ending. For one its going to bring out the haters in DROVES towards Javicia and just start all kinds of fan-wars. I have no problem being wrong but....I dont see them being able to give Kate any type of send off that would feel genuine or not ruin the character. She'll most likely hang up the cowl, tell Ryan "it's yours, you've done great, you deserve it, you've done more good than I ever could" and it'll likely be an eye roll worthy moment (for me). Should've just written her off-screen.
  8. I'm getting exhausted with this show especially this episode. It was just a bunch of lazy writing. Ryan has been dying for the entire season so lets get her to this Island and get her this cure! But first she has to choose between her life and Kates "life". She chooses her own, cool, I get it. She's supposed to get her cure but what happens? The cure goes up in flames. Even though someone could run down very quickly and pluck a rose. So Ryan is on her deathbed right? NOPE! She's had the cure THE ENTIRE TIMMMEEEE that just so happens blooms while all the others die. So now Ryan has to get back home to get the cure....where she just left to get the cure... Alice goes to the island to get Kate...she has ends up having to choose between her sister or her amnesia boyfriend. She chooses her sister and kills her boyfriend. I get it, dont blame her. BUT what happens? Her sister isnt even on the island! She killed her boyfriend for nothing! BUT WAIT! He's not dead! The desert rose was on the knife and thus brings him back to life as soon as the knife is pulled out but Alice doesnt know this. Julia Pennyworth comes back just in the knick of time to kill an assassin but she has news to deliver...Kate is DEAD YALL! They found body parts and it matched Kates D.N.A! Everyone is shook! They are sad. Understandable. Then we end the episode with...Kate is ALIVE! I've never seen so many cop-outs in 1 episode. So many deaths that ended up not being deaths. It's a bit comedic.
  9. This kind of annoys me? We went the entire hiatus with the showrunner going "we thought about recasting Kate but decided her story was done and we arent going to recast Rubys role" just to bring in a brand new character to take her place....but NOW you are cool with recasting Kate? When it's no longer her show (lets be real....the likihood of Kate taking up the mantle of Batwoman again is slim to none). I'm so over this showrunner.
  10. Why is Chester tagging along for a crime scene? Does all of Team Flash need to be there? And just to many people in Star Labs now, Cheter/Allega are basically Cisco/Caitlin-lite. They'd work for a Wally based team.
  11. Well that episode sounds boring. I'll assume them being stuck in the 90s will involve the new big bad or a meta...
  12. I thought the same thing. They've been so disrespectful towards this show. We havent even gotten an interviews about the recasting and the only promotion they've gotten has been surrounding the spin off. I dont know what they expect from the Painkiller episode, if GA&tC getting 2nd highest ratings of the Arrow season and trending well on twitter wasnt good enough....what will they consider is a good limit for Painkiller? 500k viewers? .2 demo? Yeah that was not a good look no matter who is running the show. They've done a good job in the past just dealing with these type of issues that they dont need to directly rip off these peoples real lives that have lost them.
  13. If I never hear the word "Paragon of ___" again, it'll be to soon. It was the dumbest thing they added to COIE which I just want to purge from my mind in general.
  14. Chester just seems like a retread and ripoff of Curtis. Its like they just wanted an extra body in Star Labs that they now regret due to COVID.
  15. This was such a good episode and VERY well balanced. Lois Lane ripping into Morgan Edge gave me so much life. It was such a beautiful moment. Clark trying to play dad while trying to save the world was also good, the fight between him and whatshisname was fun. Only minor complaint is that I wish once Jonathan called him for him, they showed him try harder to fight back against Kilgore instead of basically be like "ok, im tired of this game. THUNDERCLAP!" Sam Lane proves that once he found out his son in law (I need a flashback episode where he finds this out) was Superman, he got all giddy and thought he could control Superman like the DEO did with Kara (still waiting for her to be mentioned btw). Once Clark wasnt playing by Sams rules, he goes and creates an anti-Superman force. So we have genetically born meta-humans now? Thank god. No more particle accelerator metas or greenlight metas being the main source for people being with powers, its refreshing. But if the government is schooling these kids? It can only be a bad thing. Im sure they are training them to be their own soldiers. This was the most un-bamford like directoral episode ever. He changed it up, good for him.
  16. This was a bad finale and kind of embarrassing at that. The whole bending over backwards to bring back Wells and make him a meta human...They are really desperate for a Wells on this show. The universe doing a balancing act because the world needs a Wells? Come the freak on. And OF COURSE he has the memories of all the Wells. Lame. "Love is the speedforce" I feel like this is a disney movie. Finding an excuse to get Cisco into the battlefield using his OG powers because he cant be a meta anymore.....but we want him to be a sidekick fighting in the streets.. Fighting Mirror Mistress only for it to end in a pep talk and her going back to her mirrorverse... If this is how we were originally going to end the season it really was all for nothing.
  17. Sadly I am not that interested in seeing a young Cat Grant that doesnt involve the Daily Planet/Lois&Clark. We had 2 seasons w/post DP Cat, if we get a flashback I want to see that aspect further explored.
  18. I still dont understand the showrunners obession with using special effects when they dont need to. It's a waste of your money when you have 2 characters with telekinesis and add light effects to it for no good reason. Is it because they want to try to make it seem like a different power? That does the same exact thing? The sisters come together for 5 seconds and then drift off to their respective love interest storylines again...do Maggie/Macy not care about Abby being a demon? Hopefully this demon prison thing will have the sisters actually save innocents together more.
  19. Its kind of funny that such a big part of the season is built upon something from the Superman mythos (Kryptonite) and then a knock off of the WW mythos (Themiscrya) Im really glad this season isnt 22 episodes long, it's already feeling drawn out.
  20. Listening to the Themiscrya rip off made me laugh a little.
  21. Do we know the reason why she isnt a full time host?
  22. It was a very teen heavy episode so it didnt make me jump for joy but it was still a decent episode. The family dynamic continues to be a highlight, Jonathan is a+, Lois's subplot was enjoyable. Daniel Cudmore is one of those actors that unfortunately just gets cast in 1 episode roles playing the strong guy. He could probably play a more interesting character for a CW show. I continue to feel that it wasnt the best decision to not have Lana in on the Superman secret. There doesnt seem to be much for her to do apart from being the mom of the teen love interest. Evil Kryptonian is here! I also wonder if she is from Luthors world. New Krypton/Argo does exist but I doubt that they'd bring that up.
  23. It was exciting to have an off screen crossover, i just wish the pacing was a bit better. Jefferson is like "i know someone! let me walk around the corner and wow its here!" But once again...we're at (well im at) you recast Jennifer and for what? You should've spun them off into a Thunder & Lightning show! But the dynamic between the two will surely change, and the actress is taller then China which will be interesting.
  24. So....we arent going to talk about Jennifer being recast? lol. Did not think they'd be doing that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought that China would be in fewer episodes...not 4!
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