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Everything posted by Lambie

  1. I walked out for a few minutes. Where are they and where is the rest of the group?
  2. The show sucks, agreed, but that overhead view of her falling into the herd was pretty amazing. Can it be that this finale will actually deliver?!
  3. That was INTENSE! She has come a long way from the Lara Croft days. Go Rosita. That was badass
  4. I like all the sponsors who did TWD themed commercials. It's cute Rosita went next level saving her daughter. I felt that.
  5. All I could think of when he delivered that line was this scene. I don't know but it made me laugh so hard.
  6. I love this theory because there has to be a point in this show going onto a whole freaking universe with 3 spinoffs. But we've seen kid walkers around Judith's age or younger. Maggie had to kill one a few weeks ago. Of course, Judith may be special because she has a magic combo of Lori/Rick/Shane/Michonne DNA. That would need some serious explanation but we also just started having walkers climb walls 12 years in. Kudos to the poster in the live discussion thread who said the climber walker looked like he just won American Ninja Warrior. I can't believe there's only 1 episode left. I really hate that we're not getting an actual end (or a good last season) because they're just doing spinoffs and as they all get cancelled, one by one, we never got the payoff we wanted when there's an *actual* series finale.
  7. I just saw this movie trailer tonight and I thought, wow, that's creepy. Then I saw Auriela (sp?) tell that story about the girl who was made because her man cut off their engagement and I thought, nah -- that's WAY creepier.
  8. I still don't understand the clusterfuck of CPP. Most people who buy a piece of land buy it to build on. It all goes into the mortgage payment. Why can't they build on the land until it's paid off? No one would ever buy lots if that were the case.
  9. Heh. Dingleberry. That's the perfect description for her. Keep on clinging, Meri.
  10. Christine, you are a spiritual gangster. You brought these fools to their knees without histrionics, threats, meanness, or insults.
  11. Am I missing huge parts of the show? How did no one hear a big ass train coming to the commonwealth?
  12. Oh Ezekiel, what a beautiful speech. You lovely man. You will not make it past this episode.
  13. Everyone gets nostalgic for their courting days but Robyn is downright terrified that this is her life now: Kody going on rant after rant about Christine and all his ungrateful kids. How he's been marginalized and disrespected. Gone are the days where Kody would swoop Robyn up in his arms and rush her upstairs when she wasn't feeling well. I think their dynamic is totally different now and I don't think she was kidding when he said he didn't trust any of his wives. Kody lives with Robyn so he's undoubtedly on her ass the most. Robyn, you earned this. All of it. Happy wife, happy life, you idiot.
  14. Agreed. Without any dialogue we saw the fear and torment when she first saw the child walker and her decision not to kill it. Then when she had no choice the pain in her eyes as she held him while putting him down. She didn't need words to convey how much the ZA has taken from her and how her natural maternal instinct has been completely altered in order to survive.
  15. How many episodes are left? Agreed, this was filler. We're in the last stretch of this show, every episode should be bombastic. #bringDogback
  16. OMG. This preview of Kody screaming at Christine with Robyn sitting there horrifies me. What a fucking lunatic.
  17. LOL! That image of Robyn sitting alone on the bench was EVERYTHING!
  18. I got followed here by a demon? I think she was very excited to have me introduce her as Mrs Caldwell? What?!
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