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Everything posted by WearyTraveler

  1. Do zombies eat books? Is that why they can't go to a library and get books on how to build all the things they want to build?
  2. I am going to make a wild prediction: Tyrion betrays the Starks Jon dies as a result (something I would hate as he is my favorite) As Tyrion's trial unfolds in the dragon pit, Daenerys is watching from a high point. Ghost is beside her and Boatsex baby is on her lap petting the direwolf. The baby is around 1 year old When Tyrion is found guilty of treason, Daenerys looks up to Drogon flying overhead She makes some sort of signal to Boatsex baby who says "Draccarys" Boom! Tyrion is roasted Drogon comes to Boatsex baby who also pets him Dany, baby and Ghost climb on the dragon's back and fly away The end
  3. The one thing that would truly surprise me is if one of the people in the judging panel turned out to be the winner. That has never been done before!
  4. I'm with you! The smartest play from any of the ladies right now would be to go to the final 2 with Brian. I think no one in that jury would vote for him. LOL!
  5. The man takes off his used shorts and dries his face with them. Using the inside surface! The INSIDE! And in the latest episode he blew his nose into the leaf from which he was eating and then continued to eat from it. On gross factor alone, I dislike him tons. I never warmed to Shonee. Initially I mostly didn't care, but after she said she had never lifted a finger and had been coasting through, I have hoped she doesn't win. I know the game is outlive, outlast, outplay and coasting is a strategy (and apparently a successful one, if we go by Shonee's current standing) but I just don't like people who leech and don't even make the smallest effort to contribute. I think it's unfair. Also, when people get too cocky (see Brian, Matt, Benji, etc.). But that has more to do with my personal feelings than with the game. I just think humility goes a long way. Every time I see someone bragging about how much in control they are, and how they have this in the bag, and how they are the "king of the jungle", and so on, I just get this burning desire to see them toppled and blindsided. If Brian doesn't win immunity in the next IC, then he is a goner. And I will do a happy dance.
  6. There was a scene where Marin talked to Bess and begged her to help her get Julian back. Bess agreed. So, it follows that's why they took Julian away.
  7. I thought this season was better than the first one in that it was much less convoluted. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. Regarding the "rock", I don't think we need any particular explanation. Why do people follow crazy cult leaders to the extent of committing suicide at their command? The answer to that has already been given by scientists, and it's the same answer when it comes to adoring or believing in the special powers of some inanimate object that their cult leader told them to worship.
  8. He got 4 years in a juvenile facility, with a review in 3 years. His visit to Niagara Falls was authorized: while in the car, he reminded Ambrose and Heather that they had to be back by 6:00. He wasn't tried as an adult, he was tried as a juvenile, so his sentence was a juvenile sentence, he was never going to prison.
  9. Unpredictable in the context of this TV show is a highly subjective term, IMO. There are so many theories out there, across the entire world, that, however the show ends, I'm pretty sure, someone, somewhere predicted some of it. To me, an unpredictable ending would be one that had no groundwork laid for it in the books or the show. For example, an orphan from Flea Bottom, who we have never met before, ends up ruling the 7 kingdoms because the War with the WW results in every other character we know to die, and he's the only one strong enough to seize the throne in the resulting power vacuum. For people who think they have a good idea where the story is headed from reading the books and/or watching the show, an ending contrary to their interpretation would be unpredictable.
  10. The black girl that Amma murdered had given Amma the bedspread as a present after they became friends. There was a scene where the girl gave Amma the bedspread in Camille's presence. That's why Camille noticed it and fished it from the garbage to put it back. At first she probably thought it ended up in the bin by accident. After discovering the teeth of her r she realized that Amma was "done" with the girl and so she also threw away the present.
  11. If Tyrion betrays JD and there is a trial, one way JD can be present, even though Kit and Emilia didn't film in the Dragon Pit with Peter and the other actors, is if JD are sitting on dragons who are perched on the walls of the Dragon Pit. The dragons would function as thrones. They would have been filmed at a VFX studio and added during editing. If the sentence is Draccarys, this would also explain a potential need for actors that are not usually involved in action sequences (e.g. Sophie) to have a stunt double. Their characters could have to jump out of the fire path, or something.
  12. I don't know how I feel about this episode yet. I have a feeling many people are going to LOVE it, but I'm tired of time loops and alternate universes colliding. I don't know. Maybe it is because I really got into Westworld and their first season of non-linear storytelling was great, but the same tactic didn't work so well for the second season; or maybe because I just recently binged a German (I think it's German) time looping series called Dark, but I'm just exhausted with all the space-time continuum exploration everywhere. This series being billed as a Stephen King project, I was really looking forward more to the supernatural / horror angle than to the sci-fi angle. I have to think about this some more to make up my mind. But, I will say this, they got us good. The reason for "the Kid" not disclosing his name was a big clue that I don't think any of us even guessed right
  13. Some people speculated on the episode threads that Amma might have been Camille's daughter. Not particularly based on anything overt or specific the show did, but more along the lines of "what other surprises can be waiting for us down the road'" and "what if....?", and so on. This is what happens when people have seen many, many, many TV shows and read many, many, many books. Surprises are rare because as the old adage goes: there's nothing new under the sun. This is why I prefer showrunners that are not actively trying to surprise people because they either come up with increasingly convoluted scenarios or they don't put any clues during the episodes leading to the surprise (they don't want people to guess) and they end up feeling unearned. Same goes for books and book series. Example, GRRM (author of A Song of Ice and Fire, better known as, Game of Thrones). I have many bones to pick with him, but, when asked if people on the internet had guessed some of the upcoming plot twists and surprises he said that some had, but that he was not going to change it because people put 2 and 2 together. He said he put the clues in there for a reason, and if people guessed it, then they had earned it and they had interpreted his clues the right way, so, why would he change it?
  14. I'm starting to think of her as "she who must not be named"
  15. After the rescue Richard mentions that Amma's body had built a tolerance (very Flowers in the Attic, isn't it?) while Camille's hadn't and that's why Camille was so violently affected. I think that we are to take the stare down between Camille and Adora (best scene of the series, BTW) as an unspoken confrontation which went something like this: C: I know what you did to Marion A: What do mean? C; You killed her! A: And I got away with it C: I know you're doing it to Amma too A: Yeah? and what are you going to do about it? C: I'm going to stop you A: Really? C: I'm going to stop you if it kills me! And then Camille decided that she would put herself in danger to stop Adora from continuing to hurt Amma and to make her body evidence. She knew the police wasn't going to do anything to Adora because Richard gave her the file, if they were going to act, they wouldn't have given her the file. She also knew Amma wasn't going to denounce her mother because Amma basically told Camille several times that she is a willing participant of the sock relationship with Adora ("the things you let them do to you", changing her mind when Adora told her to do her own laundry, talking fondly about mama taking care of her after ahe had been out partying with her friends, etc.) Then when she realized she was being affected way worse than she thought she would be, she asked Amma (who was already getting better) to go find Richard, knowing that VIckery might not come to her aid, but Richard would. One of the roller skater girls was Ashley's sister, which is why Amma was using their pool. John moved to the carriage house after Natalie's death, so, it's possible that the girls kept Natalie locked up in the carriage house (conveniently away from the main house and closed off because it was not being used) until they decided to kill her. We know that Amma was an expert at sneaking in and out of the house late at night, after Adora and Alan were asleep. We know there was a bit of a self imposed curfew in the town. And we know that Amma had access to a golfcart and knew how to drive it. It wouldn't had been difficult for the three girls (Amma and friends) to meet at 3:00 am at the carriage house and carry the body of another slim teenager to the golf cart, or to walk it to the location where it was found, without being seen. They know the town, they know the day/night patterns, so, they could easily pick the most convenient time and route for body disposal. Natalie's body was found off of an alley from main street, which appears to be populated exclusively by businesses, and early in the morning. People can say as much as they want "I would have seen it", but the truth is that very few people look down an alley when they are going about their daily business.
  16. Or they are flying overhead on Drogon with the future King in tow ;-)
  17. I can't wait to see the Palin segment! It must be something since she reacted so furious about it.
  18. I read somewhere that he set up the background with tons of time in advance. Like the you tube guy had videos dating back for months and the "news" webpages had been set up way, way in advance with comments and followers and other stuff. I think some of these people think that they will be speaking to a captive audience of thousands who watch these shows or read those webpages. It shows that they are willing to pander to anyone, at any cost, so they can get support, even from the lowest denominator. I agree with the general sentiment that the show is sad and funny.
  19. All right, I'm done watching, who else?
  20. Robbie, Zach, Benji : "The girls are losing all the physical challenges". Robbie, Zach and Benji fall in the water in less than 3 seconds. First point for the contenders scored by a girl, second point by the only guy who has not been sexist (so far). Karma much? Zach's pissed off face is awesome. And the Champions rightly identified the one pick that would cause the most psychological damage to the Contenders, who then proceeded to give them even more of an advantage by sharing one of the most precious assets in the competition: information. Page should have lied about what she found out. It doesn't have to be true. She could have said that Shane was the one they wanted to vote out (confirming the tribe's own bias) and then tried to strengthen her position with one of her tribe's cliques by telling them another story (like the Contenders are divided in three groups, or whatever). Jackie and Shane always get stuck on those wall climbing challenges. And Jackie was full of shit saying Moana's illness is affecting the tribe now. She won her tug of war match up, Jackie, while you couldn't climb that wall (again!). So, bitch, please.... Moana must have been really sick to voluntarily want to take herself out of the game. I hated Jackie's smile upon hearing that. But her days are numbered (I hope), The Contenders need to get better at playing the game or Jackie will start controlling the vote and no one wants that.
  21. I enjoyed more when that other guy with the big grin on his face, giddy because Paige was going to be voted out got surprised. LMAO!
  22. Only because the show wanted it so. As we all know, Robb named him heir in his letter, which a King is allowed to do, so, in the books, Jon would be the rightful heir to Winterfell and all its titles, including King in the North. Although I suspect that in the books, just as Robb had to prove his mettle to Lord Umber (when Greywind bit his fingers off), Jon will have to prove to the Northmen that he can rule. D&D seem to want to emphasize the reluctant hero storyline by going for a perfect trifecta: Jon didn't want to be Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, but he was chosen Jon didn't want to be King in the North, but he was chosen Jon most certainly has not expressed any desire to go after the Iron Throne, but he is Rhaegar's rightful heir Third time's the charm?
  23. Yes. It's like coffee. I drink a lot of coffee. So much so, that I can have an espresso at 9:00 pm and be asleep by 9:30. I need to start drinking less coffee!
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