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Future Cat Lady

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  1. They do circumcisions. It’s okay to mutilate your baby but not the dog?
  2. It's their 3rd. The oldest is 2. And yes I think he's competing with Jed. They probably want to have as much kids as their parents. They are disgusting. They probably ask for sex asap after birth.
  3. That guy has a very punchable face and he keeps getting her pregnant. Let her rest asshole.
  4. A person who wants to take away the rights of others because of their sexual orientation, gender or the color of their skin is not a good person.
  5. The worst part is that The Vuolos are the kind of people who are against any programs helping children and parents like free healthcare or free lunches.
  6. If someone doesn’t want children for selfish reasons, it’s their choice and nobody else’s business.
  7. She’s repeating what some conservative politicians are saying.
  8. Musk and Ivanka are there for political and opportunistic reasons.
  9. Brianne looks like a fundie cosplayer. We have no idea what she does outside of dating Sam. Like everyone is wondering, how does she financially support herself? She seems to be living in a fantasy fundie world. If she marry Sam, her llittle bubble may burst. She will be married to a barely literate boy with very little work and life experience. She won't be living in luxury and will be exepected to pop out kids like a Pez dispenser. Reality is going to hit her hard. Another scenario is that she's being all nice to Jill to get Sam. Once they're married, the gloves will be off and she's going to be leading him by the nose and clashing with Jill.
  10. Heidi has a strong support system around her. Her family is what is keeping her from being absorb by the Jill collective. Brianne seems estranged from her family, but she's a college educated woman who's lived in the outside world. She might be docile right now, but it might change later on.
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