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Everything posted by kitcloudkicker

  1. Travis did choreograph something for him, for the Stars on Ice tour I think. And then he gave a weird interview where he said he wanted to choreograph Adam’s finale dance - weird because, sure Jan, Jenna totally toiled in the troupe for a billion seasons to then go ahead and give her “big moment” (in a shortened season) to you. I’ve given up the contemp fight, others are welcome to have it! ;) I just can’t ever see it changing at this point. I just wish they’d teach the judges how to actually judge it for real.
  2. Eh, contemporary and jazz are equal to ballroom dances on this show now, it’s no use getting surprised by them anymore. Adam’s song is this one: so I imagine Jenna will be adapting this piece. Dance connection: Benji Schwimmer did this choreography.
  3. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/brennan/2018/05/06/adam-rippon-dancing-stars/585352002/ Pretty icy
  4. I think the most entertaining thing about all that was Lindsey and Kareem. It's all Lindsey and not Kareem, but Lindsey's becoming my MVP for consistently entertaining dances. (And props to Hayley for pulling that off.) That was just fun. Disney's need for a Disney commercial every season is getting gross. "Mirai loves Disney!" Sure she does. ?They emptied the Disney prop closet onto the stage for that one. Gleeeeeeb, I know Arike was toast this week anyway, and her dance was fine, but why put her in that color? You can do a conservative dress without it looking like a Mother of the Bride dress. I've seen claims it was "You Make Me Feel" by Janelle Monae, which if true...is not that risque? The video is sexy, and the album is more overtly about her sexuality, but the song on face value is just medium sexy. Fine, I guess. Jennie's definitely out next week. I'll give props to Sasha, he's got a strategy with Tonya, and he's working hard to make her memorable each week. You can't vote people out, only in, and he might be doing enough. It just might get him into the finals. On a normal season, I'd say handsome Chris would be there, but I'm not sure if he has enough time to make an impression this season. And since there's always at least one person I don't particularly like in the final, I'm going to go out on a limb and say my new final 3 guess is: Tonya, Adam, Josh. Mirai is a good candidate for being "shockingly eliminated" for "not connecting with the audience" (and crying over scores, the audience hates that)
  5. Lol, I like their friendship but I’m laughing because I saw this photo right before I read this comment.
  6. Can I confess a thing? I have never been able to tell the difference between skating jumps, they all look exactly the same to me. I’ve watched enough skating to know it’s about what edges of the blade you’re taking off of, and what direction you land, etc, and that makes some way harder than others, and all that, but the only thing my brain processes is, “glide, SPIIIIIIIIINS, land!” (Or fall on your ass) I also can’t tell triples from quads when the guys do them. (I can tell doubles from triples, but after 3 my brain just does, “ooooh, spiiiiiins”) Anyway, that tangent to say, its hard for me to be impressed by fancy jumps even though I logically know they’re harder.
  7. I get why people want to see their favorites but I really think that 26 seasons in, they’ve got to get their audience to care about some new pros or they are really and truly dead in the water. Whether that’s these pros they have or some new ones they pull from somewhere else. For me the old pros turning up (even the ones I really like!) are starting to feel like that kid in high school that went away to college but won’t stop turning up for the homecoming game. Maks and Derek for sure need to stay away. Mark’s last season felt a bit like a swan song, and Val and Cheryl are getting there. Cheryl’s a little better because she takes seasons off, but I’d still almost rather see her mentoring other pros or something rather than running through the same motions again. (Confession, I’ve always hated Karina and find her uninspiring to watch ? I’ll own up to the fact she’s the most decorated of the pros and probably technically the best but it’s always done nothing for me.) Jenna hasn’t always been my favorite but I kinda want to see what she does - it’s at least some novelty. I think Lindsay, Emma, and Sharna have developed into some solid partners who know how to work the show, and Witney has had some hit or miss seasons but when she’s on I think she’s fun to watch. None of them have the star power the old crew had at their height but they’ve developed into a pretty solid crew. On the guys side, Alan’s just so enthusiastic about being there that it’s catching, and again, he’s got the novelty/drive to push himself thing that I’m interested in watching. Sasha’s a fine sidekick but not inspiring as a leading man. I want to like Artem because I like how he dances and seems like a solid enough guy, but he’s just so stoic that unless his partners have outsized levels of personality (Patty LaBelle) they just sort of fizzle out. Keo’s gotten better, but still doesn’t catch me, and I still don’t know why they keep Gleb around. So yeah, I think they need to figure out this crop of pros for sure, but I think it can’t be just bringing old ones back, because that feels stale to me too. Maybe they can bring them back in some sort of creative way? (Trios with classic pros, mentor/guest choreography week?)
  8. Anyone have pre-season predictions? For me this show is only fun to follow along with if I get 'em right ;) I haven't decided if this quick format is going to make it super predictable or unpredictable. But here's what I think: Eliminated Week 1: Tanya Harding Poor Sasha is trying his best on social media, but I think there's still enough anger towards her (and she's not exactly an approachable personality) that this isn't going to fly. Jamie Anderson Has been doing more traveling than dancing ever since the GMA announcement, and posted an instagram YESTERDAY that was like, "welp, better start dance practice, any team name suggestions?" Others have been at it for weeks, I can't see this being good. She's also probably going to blend in with the other blonde, similarly aged contestant, and I think Jennie Finch is going to stand out more between the two of them. Eliminated Week 2: Arike Ogunbawale She's the "Alek Skarlatos" of this group in being the least ready for the spotlight (and not being fully allowed to step into it by her NCAA restrictions.) I don't have a lot of faith (barely any) in Gleb to guide her as well as Lindsey did Alek, get creative to bring out and show off her personality. She could easily go week one as well but I'm hopeful that the novelty of being the first NCAA participant, and ND being in the time zone to be able to watch it live and rally campus votes might get her through week 1. Could also be my own wishful thinking because I do have some school pride, I like her, and I want to see her do well. (Dammit Gleb) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Legend, very nice, seems to be trying hard, but lets face it, gonna be awkward. That said, he might surprise me an Tommy Chong his way another week. Eliminated Week 3: Jennie Finch Watched a little bit of her with Keo on Instagram and they seem to get on well, she's trying hard, and can move. 2nd best of the women's side. But seems pretty chill, in a way that I think might not take her farther than this. Johnny Damon Putting him here out of fanbase, really. He seems fine, has the likable family man thing people will like, I don't think he's going to be a great dancer, but I trust Emma to work around that and show him off. Final Four (In no particular order) Mirai Nagasu Adam Rippon Chris Mazder Josh Norman Mirai and Adam are going to be the best dancers. I don't think Mirai is going to win, she seems to have gotten herself cursed with the "I don't like her attitude" reaction that plagues female contestants like Nastia or Tamar, that seems to be the kiss of death on this show. If I had to put money on it, I'd probably guess Adam for the win, but I don't think he has it in the bag. Chris and Josh are my wildcards. They are both VERY charming on social media, have great chemistry so far with their partners, seem to be putting in the work. Chris is giving me serious James Hinchcliffe charming vibes and Josh seems like a big teddy bear. I'm on the record that I love Adam, but I could see either of them giving him a run for his money. Some overall thoughts It's interesting to me in doing this how much stronger the 5 female pros seem than the 5 male ones. I'm so much more interested in their partnerships, and believe that they'll be able to turn around a challenging partner much more than guys could. Alan is sort of the only one I'm interested in seeing develop a partnership at the moment. Curious how the producers see it - it feels like they need some new blood to even it out. (Why. Not. Hire. Paul. K. He seems like he'd be great.)
  9. The problem comes when only one part is deemed “acceptable” to act. Guy/girl romantic attraction is not the only emotion dance can portray, it’s just the only one we ever see. Jordan and Lindsay never portrayed much sexual attraction and won their whole season. And I watched Baby Ballroom on Netflix and girl/girl couples compete regularly so the idea of dance competitions needing feigned male/female sexual attraction feels like an antiquated myth, that I’m sure Len can handle or get over.
  10. Have you seen Adams other appearances? That’s who Adam IS. Unapologetically himself. He quoted RuPauls Drag Race at the GMA reveal, it would be more unnatural if they forced him to be some antiquated notion of “masculine” and act like he was in love with Jenna.
  11. I am lolling at Glebs Instagrams of trying to amuse himself in South Bend in April in the snow. Haaaaa, have fun, it’s going to be cold and/or muddy and there’s literally nothing to do if you’re not a student on campus.(I went to ND, the only thing that helped you make it through Aprils was that you usually had finals to keep you occupied and student parties to keep you distracted. I can’t imagine what he’s going to do to keep himself busy between rehearsals.)
  12. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/515998002?__twitter_impression=true ☝? Agree with this take. I hope it “opens the floodgates,” the college system is badly in need of reform, and raking in too much money to continue to argue with a straight face that it’s players can’t share in it in some way.
  13. It is odd. I’ve been debating with myself if it’s any different from when my friends and I thought Britney+Justin or Reese+Ryan were “OMG so perfect” and it’s the perspective of adulthood that makes this feel creepier or if it really is something new. It’s maybe the feedback loop of social media - we had no way to send them our obsessions and they didn’t have to feel obligated to respond. I think the pros have gotten themselves a bit stuck with the gifts - the teens give them to get a social media shoutout, the pros feel obligated to give the shoutout/thank you, and the cycle continues.
  14. Maybe not. Notre Dame fans can be as loyal as Cubs fans, promo or no. I’d be more optimistic if she were with anyone but Gleb though. He only seems to know how to beefcake, not create memorable dances or show off his partners. (He’s worse than Henry I think, he sells an underwear calendar of himself every year!)
  15. Nah, the twitter fans are all mostly babies, and they like to start “drama” for their own amusement, see things as black and white as teenagers tend to do, and Mandy probably just blocked them because they were annoying. Instead of doing it in a note they pass back and forth they have twitter now.
  16. Okay, but those are people who are 1) Superfans and 2) An average age of 16. I’ve never had the personality of a super fan, but even at 16 I wouldn’t have recommended that one of my *NSYNC obsessed friends give an honest appraisal of Lance Bass’s acting chops and whether or not he should win awards for On The Line. Of course they love her and everything she does! That’s the point of being a fan! But because she’s not quite so awesome as her biggest cheerleaders think she is doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to be there, or that she slept her way into a job which is where the other extreme seems to go. I think maybe we agree? I’m not denying that a vote of confidence from Derek helped, just that it wouldn’t have mattered if they weren’t expressly looking for industry dancers (from the same dance agency) who could hit their marks, learn choreography quickly, and had shown an aptitude toward picking up ballroom steps. They hired her and hired Britt and Shannon, later Morgan, soon after, who had similar non-ballroom backgrounds, the same talent agency/representation, and were not hooking up with Derek. Several things had to line up for her to be the right choice for troupe at that moment. I find Hayley interesting, in that I find her wonderfully magnetic in group numbers and in bumpers. She pulls my focus every time, she’s a standout for me there. But as soon as they put the spotlight fully on her she shrinks or pulls back. Which is why I like her in the troupe and find she’s got a ways to go to prove she’s ready for pro spotlight.
  17. ?? I don’t know the ins and outs of his training but he was always introduced as a ballroom specialist on his season of SYTYCD. I assumed he was on the same circuit as the Utah kids.
  18. Okay but again, their next few troupe hires (namely Britt and Morgan, that Shannon guy) have proven that she’s exactly what the producers been looking for for troupe - a cross-trained industry dancer who picks up ballroom after they get the job. The Hough’s can help with a connection, I fail to see how they can be the reason you keep the job for 3 years, especially when there’s no Hough’s to “keep happy” anymore. And she’s since trained outside of the show with at the very least, private sessions with Sasha, Keo, and Shirley. (I often wonder why adulthood training doesn’t seem to “count?” Ballroom training ages 12-17 is training but 18-23 is not? And a top 6 finish is higher than any other SYTYCD alum on the show besides Witney, I think.) It, all of it, feels gross to me. Sure who you know gets you connections, that’s how the world works. But there’s an extra layer of vitriol when it’s lobbed at Hayley and Jenna both that grosses me out. If they were both dramatically unqualified it maaaaybe might have some legs to it, but Jenna seems more than qualified to be a pro compared to the other people they’ve hired for pro, and Hayley more than qualified to be troupe, compared to the other people they’ve hired for troupe. If we were talking Hayley as a pro I’d say she has more growth to show, but we’re not there.
  19. Maybe, just maybe, Jenna got her opportunity through hard work and her OWN relationships she’s built with people over the last 5 or so years? I find all this Val stuff really gross. Jenna knows everybody Val knows, has her own relationships with them, they’ve had plenty of time to see what she can or cannot do. She has her own agents and managers, she’s logically the next pro to bump up, (and if the argument is why not “old pros” well Jenna has an active contract). So why does her success have anything to do with a man? Did Val also “get” Mirai for Alan? Is Val dating Alan too? I also never get this “turns” thing. THERE ARE NO TURNS. It’s also assuming that Sharna’s partner is a dud, which he absolutely is not, he seems great for her! I watched part of an Instagram live they did yesterday and he’s charming, they’ve got great chemistry, she says he can move, and he’s already sent her a bunch of music he likes and dance inspiration he wants to learn, so he’s super engaged. He’s considered one of the best cornerbacks in the NFL, since when is the NFL guy dead weight?
  20. Alan, not Artem. Artem has the skier snowboarder.
  21. This season feels to short to get grumpy over - it’ll either be a fun ride or a mess but over before you know it either way. I say bring on all the “ringers,” because otherwise it would just be bad dances for 4 weeks and then done. I unabashedly love Adam, so I’m here for that. And I made fun of Jenna plenty for her unfortunate pube dress in her first outing, but I think she’s learned a lot in her last few rounds on SYTYCD and I think she’s got a good shot at making this a good season for her. The luger is adorable and giving me charming James Hinchcliffe vibes and may be a sleeper hit. I have a soft spot for Arike and glad they’re highlighting her. She’s clearly got the least media experience and I don’t trust Gleb to truly bring her out and make her memorable though, the way a Mark or even an Alan might. I’m curious how that works for her NCAA eligibility though. Is it that it can be considered an outside job and not being paid or sponsored for basketball? She’s a junior I think so would have another year to play.
  22. No, he never claimed to choreograph anything. AFAIK the connection was “getting advice as siblings who are dance partners,” people are obviously going to draw that parallel. That photo is from Move rehearsals and no one ever claimed anything beyond they hung out and swapped tips. Beyond the Hough’s and Corky, they also worked with Serge Onik and Jenna Johnson - apparently Jenna and Alan do one of the same lifts in a routine on the current tour that the Shibs have in one of their routines, so it’s very possible Jenna taught it to them or they taught it to Jenna. Their dance connections are deep. eta: Here they are with Jenna And an interview with Serge https://www.dancenetwork.tv/Catalog/Post/328/a-choreographers-road-to-the-olympics-an-exclusive-interview-with-u-s-figure-skating-choreographer-serge-onik
  23. I doubt he can. I also doubt he really wants to, I feel like he’s done all he can on the show and he’s got plenty of other stuff going on. He always says “never say never” when he’s asked though, and it’s seemed like it would be impossible for him to come back before and he’s somehow popped up so who knows with him.
  24. They. Are. On it. ;) (I know there’s a close to 0% chance if this happening, I can’t see Julianne ever signing on as a pro again and Derek really shouldn’t - though that hasn’t stopped him in the past. But if it did it would 100% lead to Derek winning another one)
  25. Anyone starting an Olympic athlete watch for potential stars? Mirai Nagasu is adorable, and has her eyes on DWTS https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mirai-nagasu-just-landed-triple-axel-olympics-heres-prepared-big-moment-033355679.html If it were a regular season I could see that young snowboarder (Red Gerard?) being the type to get paired with a young/new pro (like a Jenna or a Hayley) and being quick and early out, but not sure how that would play out with this short season.
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