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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. So these people call the cops on Larissa just for shits and giggles??
  2. Well ya know Chantel, if Obed's words hold more weight than Pedro's go be with Obed. Shit! I feel like Pedro is the only one who isn't in on the TLC scam.
  3. Get her momma Russ! Its not only YOUR baby Pow Pow.
  4. Or stop at Walmart on the way to the hospital and shut up.
  5. Colt and Debbie are going to need another team meeting. Bringing in a sister wife didn't work for Colt so what is he going to do to get her rocks off now?
  6. What IS that under Colts shirt?? That cant be his body. Is it a pillow?
  7. Brazil must really be a shithole for Larissa to suffer with this duo.
  8. Really Tyler? You caught her sleeping in lashes and full on red lipstick? To be fair, Cate probably did just get in the bed without washing her greasy face.
  9. Yeah I feel like Leah has had Amber's number for quite some time.
  10. Would the ladies feel better if they went inside?
  11. Cate: you know what kid? I don't really fancy you either so I'M OUT!
  12. What a miserable vacation for Cheyenne. Having to spend a weekend listening to these broads try to out-anxiety each other. Oh you have bipolar ( not bipolar disorder, just bipolar)? Well I have postpartum. Well I'll see your postpartum and raise you a dual diagnosis.
  13. You would think Tyler would have advised Ryan by now about the perils of sleeping on your back. Women you are forced to care for pounce on you and make miracle babies.
  14. Hmph! What will her cutesy, funny absentee mommy nickname be for James? Butthole is taken already.
  15. So what happens now? Does she just go home and act like everything's normal? Make Hagrid apologize for making her so angry she had to hit him.
  16. Let me be the UNpc person in the room. Amber has been allowed to carry on in this unhinged manner mainly due to a lack of anyone busting her ass. She counts on these men letting her pop off like she does. Hagrid is HUGE. Ot would take very little for him to restrain her or even slap the mess out of her. I'm not for violence blah blah blah but Amber has this image of herself as a badass only because she hasn't met a bigger bully on the schoolyard.
  17. Can you break down what Noom is? I've seen the ads but I was too skeptical to even look into it but I could rock with 10lbs in 4 weeks.
  18. Why would he leave without his stuff? Plus, Ashley TOLD him to come get his things.
  19. I judge viewership by the number of responses in the forum. 35 messages nearly 2 days after the episode?? This is what Tyler should be Googling instead of his name and number of Instagram likes. These ladies need to follow Gary's example and look into real employment.
  20. What exactly is he hoping to accomplish? Perhaps a better question is HOW since all Andrew seems to do is sit on the couch with amber in between changing diapers. Tell the truth and shame the devil Andrew. You have no plans on marrying Amber. Ever. And she'll gladly sit right there pretending to not care because all she already gets what she needs from him. Someone who will let her sleep til midday, handle the household chores and deal with her bullshit on days she's feeling "bipolar".
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