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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. "Hey Jeremy!" Relax Caesar, the place is empty. He sees you. Herp derp.
  2. If Akinyi is from "the best " family in the village as her father proclaims, why are they having so much trouble unloading her??
  3. I would love to see her face when that scene airs.🤦🏾‍♀️
  4. Can Victoria even afford to travel to Costa Rica without Leah's Teen Mom check? I'm thinking she didn't follow the "what ifs" all the way thru. Cabana boy certainly can't afford to come to the states, she needs her sister to get over there. These are going to be some awkward visitations.
  5. NTTAWWT. As a hooker Farrah is doing more work than any other broad in the Teen Mom universe. I just wish she wasn't so weird about it and would leave Sophia out of it.
  6. https://okmagazine.com/photos/cory-whartons-girlfriend-taylor-selfridge-is-pregnant/ Cheyenne must have shit a brick when she heard the news. Well if this doesn't let her know Corey is done with her then nothing will.
  7. Well there's an argument for love Tiffany. He's an addict that I don't trust 5 feet away from me but at least he didn't cheat on me.🙄
  8. Why risk him overdosing on day 3? Max admits that he's still using. He's quite lucky he has his dad trying to kick his ass to get help since Chloe could give a damn if he died in the limo as long as she has her prom memories.
  9. So Chloe's main interest is having prom pics, not a sober dad for her daughter. Life is about priorities I guess.
  10. Does Momma Akinyi speak? They don't even let her speak in the native language and give her subtitles.
  11. Sounds like the end of most marriages. Certainly not the courting phase. Oh Tim.
  12. Which head? This is perfect for the little head. It gets to stay safely in his pants.
  13. Well Tim's ring trick worked. Now Jennifer is pissed at him and won't want the D from him. He gets to live another day without giving up the drawers.
  14. Poor Jennifer has blue balls. Tiny Tim can't break her off a little bit of something something?
  15. Im sick of telling this Care.com brat that No, i do not find you cute.
  16. Well Akinyi, if Benjamin doesn't have enough funds for the bride price, why don't you just add a few of your own dollars to the pile? This is your love you're fighting for. 🙄
  17. How much can Avery do without Teri's money? Let her sponsor her own marriage and figure out her own passage to Syria. Why are they even discussing it? "A good life to you kid. You's married now, you're off my payroll."
  18. Promise rings, counting bases, Tim just needs to take his ambiguous sexuality and go the hell home.
  19. Ok now Tom is being obnoxious. No it's not fun dancing with a "newbie" but I'm guessing he didn't pop out of his mother knowing how to flair. Show Darcy a basic move or three.
  20. Wepa!!! Go head Tom! I see you and those swaying hips.
  21. I wish my mother had been as forward with me. I'm still wondering where babies come from. It drives me nuts that these mothers arm these girls with a place to lay up with their boyfriends but refuse to arm them with any education about their bodies and the way they should be treated by a partner. Hailey looks so powerless begging this worthless piece of boy to be with her. Her mother looks like a sappy fool knowing how he treats and continuing to allow it to happen under her roof.
  22. Hailey couldn't risk turning down Howdy Doody's request for sex. Not with Hailey Part Deux waiting in the wings, sending tit pics. She knows he already has one foot out the door and like it or not she had to put out. God forbid she make that dweeb do without.
  23. Sort of like a prison wife, but she gets to sound a bit more classy based when she tells them her hubby lives out of the country. She's free to raise her child as she likes without any interference.
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