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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. --a- --a--, t--a- -- h-a-t --a-t -h-- A---t ------ ------t-- ----ta----- h--a- -------t---. Mrs. Paddock: A, T, H Lauren Kyte:
  2. --a- --a--, ---a- -- --a-- --a-- ---- A---- ------ --------- -----a----- ---a- ----------. Mrs. Paddock: A Lauren Kyte: Man, I really want another Bloody Mary, but at noon I think it's officially time to retire breakfast and pajamas. Time to clean the house with PBS cooking shows as background noise, but I'll check back in.
  3. A short one for the weekend: ---- -----, ----- -- ----- ----- ---- ----- ------ --------- ----------- ----- ----------. Mrs. Paddock: Lauren Kyte:
  4. The basil doesn't often make it through the winter, but it will be awhile before it gets cold enough to kill it. So I'm enjoying it while it lasts! It and the parsley plant went on a huge growing spree after the last rain, so it's going to be particularly sad if they die. I guess I really should start growing these things in pots, but I have a lot more room in the herb garden than I do in the kitchen window. I still have mine. And I still get the green fork.
  5. Ha! This one is also from Hell Money, right? I forgot it had more than one funny line. Do you know how much the human body is worth, Mulder? Depends on the body.
  6. Their "hip" replacement sounds awful. But I guess we will get them in some form for the holidays: I wish they'd just buy even a few ad spots and run one of the old ads that simply had the Clydesdales and a "Happy Holidays" message. It won't feel like Christmas on TV without those.
  7. I love fondue. Of course, I also love – and frequently make - chicken cordon bleu, so I clearly pay no mind to whether food is considered “outdated.” If it tastes good, I’m in. My basil plant pretty well exploded after the last rainstorm, so I made a big batch of pesto. Tonight, I'll be using some of that pesto as a pizza sauce on wheat flatbread, topped with a to-be-determined cheese (or two), a mushroom medley, and some Italian sausage a friend made. The line about wandering around someone’s house with a fork cracked me up, because my next-door neighbors fed me not long after I moved in – I was working on something in my driveway between my house and garage, with their backyard being just over the dividing wall, and they were barbecuing back there. Pretty soon, she popped out of the gate with a plate of food for me. In telling someone about it, I joked that I would spend the rest of the summer hanging out in my driveway every evening with a fork. 
  8. I can't stand GWTW, but Scarlett is pretty far down the list of my problems with it. The above is a terrific summation of why that is.
  9. I liked Judd from the moment he described himself as a "real bed-wetting liberal" in dissecting his attraction to the conservative Rachel. He was so awkward to watch at times, but so relatable in that awkwardness. My most forgettable from that season would be Mohammed; I remember liking what I saw of him, but it was so little that nothing stands out all these years later. Jamie I barely remember from the SD season (one of the last I watched; I can't remember when, exactly, I threw in the towel for good) and I've never seen any of her acting gigs, so she's quite forgettable to me. I remember the name when she's mentioned, but I don't have a clear mental picture.
  10. It's kind of interesting seeing a TV character who has no idea what things cost not because he's always had enough money to buy whatever he wants without a second thought but because he's never had the money to buy much of anything so that fixing a leak is nearly as improbable as buying a boat, but I'm curious to see where they take the gambling storyline. He clearly has a problem, so are they going to tackle it properly just in an offbeat sitcom way or play it for laughs in one episode and move on? The ethics in this one couldn't possibly be explored in 22 minutes, and the forensic expert was so outlandish I just had to keep repeating "Go with it" to myself. I have to do that a lot with this show, so I'm not really sure it's for me.
  11. I had a momentary brain fart, completely blanking on the setting for Romeo and Juliet. Padua came to mind, but I quickly discarded that as the wrong play. Verona only took a few more seconds to come to me, but even in the privacy of my living room that was a “This will be so embarrassing if I can't remember" moment. So I want to feel bad for the contestant who guessed Venice, but her reaction upon finding out she was wrong suggested that it wasn’t a situation in which she couldn’t remember the setting and just tossed something out, but that she genuinely thought it was Venice. So I’m less charitable.
  12. The first one is the list of correct guesses (even though they're filled in the puzzle, it seems having them listed as well cuts down on accidental duplicate guessing) and the second is the list of guessed letters that don't appear in the quote. Instead of just Yes/No as the titles for those lists, we use something from the show that is good for the first one, and a similar thing from the show that is bad for the second one. My guess: A
  13. So it was Jackson, then? Thank you; I thought that was it, but was doubting myself. She is definitely on my Hall of Shame list.
  14. No, although they were certainly obnoxious in other ways! This was a blonde woman.
  15. - th--- - s-w s-me -- these s-me -e---e -t W--dst-c-. M--de-, --- we-e-'t -t W--dst-c-. - s-w the m---e. Kill Switch: T, C, E, H, S, M, W, D First-Person Shooter:
  16. The latter, definitely. I don't see jealousy at all.
  17. - th--- - s-w s-me -- these s-me -e---e -t W---st-c-. M---e-, --- we-e-'t -t W---st-c-. - s-w the m---e. Kill Switch: T, C, E, H, S, M, W First-Person Shooter:
  18. Exactly, and the joke was on me, not either poster -- I had been reading the posts as all being from the same person, since they're so similar in form and content, and didn't realize my mix-up until one poster replied to the other. Thus the "Oops." Simple, really. Back to the Hall of Shame. There was a HH who said her child's name what seemed like 100 times, and in a voice that could make eardrums spontaneously rupture. One would think after hearing it so many times, I'd remember the name, but I think I've repressed the experience. Does anyone recall? We talked about her a fair bit on TWoP. I want to say Jackson, but I'm not sure if that's right. There was another one who kept saying her kid - Riley, perhaps - would like this and that while touring the houses, only Riley was an infant who wouldn't have the foggiest idea what any of that stuff was.
  19. Do you mean TCM Remembers, Rinaldo? Just click on the link in my original post about it; that takes you to where it is on the TCM website. Yes, that's one of the things I always so appreciate about TCM Remembers. This year, I was happy to see James Rebhorn included, as he was one of my favorite character actors (even though he'll always be Guiding Light's Bradley Raines to me).
  20. Well, I wouldn't pick her if I was Katie, or someone else left in the game picking a competitor. But if I was an ousted cheftestant with seemingly no chance at a Mulligan unless others voted for me, who was deciding to whom I'd award a second chance, she's who I'd vote for. For me, this brings up the LCK thing again -- if they didn't know that was forthcoming, the votes for George seem based on sentiment. If they did, it may have been strategic. Who voted for Joy?
  21. Last update for the night ... - th--- - s-- s-me -- these s-me -e---e -t ----st-c-. M---e-, --- -e-e-'t -t ----st-c-. - s-- the m---e. Kill Switch: T, C, E, H, S, M First-Person Shooter:
  22. How was it a screw job? He lost the QF, and then lost a head-to-head cook-off to be the first one booted. Someone had to be the first to go, and since everyone is qualified to be there, that means a good chef is going to be eliminated before even getting to unpack their bags. That's a bummer, but I don't see how it amounts to getting screwed. I do understand the sentiment in giving George a second chance, since he, unlike others, didn't have multiple chances to show what he can do. But, as I said, I'd be far more prone to give a second chance to Stacy, who made her way through a series of challenges and went out with a great dish that was simply the least great of the night. Like someone above, I wonder if the eliminated cheftestants knew LCK was on the horizon and, if so, how that influenced their voting for this inaccurately-named "Sudden Death" QF (that I really hope winds up a one-season experience).
  23. I believe Stewart was not only commonly known as Jimmy (and Jim), but was credited as both James and Jimmy, in which case either one would be acceptable. I think of the Garner clue as more akin to William Powell -- that's how he was always credited, but he was widely known as Bill. I suspect either one would be accepted for Powell, so I guess Jim is fine for Garner. It just sounded odd, as Garner is not as commonly known by the public as Jim as were Stewart and Powell as Jimmy and Bill, respectively.
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