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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That's another one for the discussion (which I don't see scrolling up, so it must be in another thread, even though this is the one about covers) about songs a later artist made so famous people forget about the original singer: Big Brother & the Holding Company were not the first to record that song; Erma Franklin (Aretha's sister) did a year before. I like a lot of Faith Hill songs, but I hate that cover; I find her voice all wrong for the song. I'm kind of twitching just from being reminded of it. (And it's not a no one post-Janis should even attempt to sing that song stance, even though I can't stand Bryan Ferry's cover, either; I like Melissa Etheridge's and Joss Stone's versions [come to think of it, I believe they also performed it together] and can handle Dusty Springfield's.) Here's the original:
  2. Ha! I'm storing that one away in ye olde memory bank. Dry food decreases overall water intake (since many cats don't drink enough to supplement), and is higher in carbs (cats' ideal diet is high protein, moderate fat, low carb, and dry food is consistently - often overwhelmingly - higher in carbs than ideal), so canned or raw food is best, but the best food in the world is useless if the cat won't eat it. Just do as best you can, and add moisture (water added to food, supplementing/replacing regular water bowls with drinking fountains if running water is enticing, etc.) when you can. Basically, just get your cat eating the healthiest food she'll actually eat, and let it go. Diet is important, but only goes so far. No, that's good - seven days should be adequate time for an accurate culture, assuming a total gap in treatment between antibiotic one and antibiotic two, so treating based on that seven-days-out culture is indeed the way to go. She's in good hands. It's certainly possible; which leg is missing? I don't, especially as it concerns UTIs. There are certainly drawbacks to the former and benefits to the latter, but the overwhelming majority of cats do just fine with the clumping clay - but, yes, may have transition (although probably not permanent) issues with a switch, so you don't want to add another variable in the midst of treating an illness. You're welcome, and not at all! In a lifetime of cat ownership and helping friends/family care for their cats (with the concomitant research as issues arose), I've had most with nary a UTI, several with a one-off, and two with a recurring problem. All were managed. Honestly, when a urinary problem is the result of an identified bacteria (the best of the possible causes, because of ease and effectiveness of treatment), you're good -- it may take some extra doses or an antibiotic switch, but it will get straightened out. Chelsea - and you - will be fine.
  3. True - and also true that E. coli is a common cause of UTIs in general, so this is a "shit happens" situation, pun intended; you may well not have anything to worry about going forward. But let's look at some possible causes of fecal matter contact to see if there's a risk-reduction technique. -You said she's a tabby, so presumably short-haired, but does she nevertheless have "tail feathers" long enough for poop to be getting stuck in and then rubbing against the vagina before it falls off? -You said she eats dry food, which can (because of its affect on hydration) make the poop hard when it comes out; is that the case with her? If so, pushing it out completely is a slower process, and can also cause contact with the vagina. -Does she always use the same place in the box, so that she could have pooped, then sat in the same place to pee (especially since, as a tripod, she may sit a little differently), thus sitting down low enough to come into contact? If there's no indication of a consistent or occasional circumstance that could lead to recurring infections, I wouldn't worry; like I said, UTIs sometimes just happen, to cats as to people. (And, yep, more often to females of the species - one of our many joys.) Hopefully this will never happen again, but just be on the look-out for the signs of a UTI to get on top of it quickly if it does. It's not something to be concerned about unless it becomes a recurring problem that stops responding to antibiotic treatment. One note, though: How long was the gap between the week of amoxicillin (which was administered based just on urinalysis [or symptoms] and not a culture, if I'm reading your response right) and the culture? Because administration of antibiotics will affect culture results, so you want to make sure there's adequate time to clear the drug from the system before culturing for the most-accurate result.
  4. Yeah, they told him to knock that off (well, told everyone, but it was obviously in response to his litany of FJ shout-outs), which is why that Happy Birthday Everyone I've Ever Known routine stopped. So it sounds like (I wasn't home, so didn't see his response and am just going off postings here) this was his way of getting in yet another Vegas shout-out without breaking the seriously, we mean it emphasis on the standard "no superfluous writing" admonition.
  5. The best way to figure out what steps may prevent, or at least reduce the risk of, a future UTI is to identify the particular bacteria causing the infection, as that will give you clues as to how it was contracted -- did they do a culture back upon diagnosis? Urinalysis just shows the presence of bacteria; only a culture can identify the culprit (thus providing for targeted treatment, by using an antibiotic to which that particular bacteria is sensitive). Sometimes vets skip this step and just prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic or one to which one or two of the bacteria often responsible for UTIs are sensitive. The best general way to keep a urinary tract healthy is to keep it moving, so moist (canned or raw) food and water are overall helpful, as the more time urine hangs around the more time there is for bacteria, crystals, etc. to form and multiply. But when there is a bacterial infection, a full course of antibiotics is the way to go, followed by a re-check several days after the end of that course to make sure no bacteria remain. If it becomes a chronic problem, you may need to do a double or triple course and re-check up to a month out to make absolute sure no stragglers have regrouped.
  6. Right. I think he had around $12k at the time and James around $6k, and he bet $6k (if I don't have the approximate numbers right, I'm pretty sure I'm right on him betting half of what he could have). He bet so that if he got it right, he doubled his lead, but if he got it wrong, he would be about equal with James, and it would be a race to the finish from there, rather than him having to climb out of a hole. When he landed on that DD, I said, "Go for it," meaning bet it all, but - especially in light of his overall game play - I'm certainly not putting the choice he made in the "timid wagering" or "poor strategy" categories.
  7. This has been answered, but for additional help: In the event of any other what the heck are these people saying? moments of confusion while reading the forum, here is a glossary of frequently-used abbreviations.
  8. I love the Sainsbury's Christmas commercial with Mog, and have watched it every year since, but didn't know anything about Judith Kerr until that obituary. Died at 95, at home, after a short illness, having just last week received an award and worked recently enough that a new book will come out next month, though - that's quite a good end to a 50-year career.
  9. I did, too, to the point my brain somehow interpreted the clue as having said exercise, so I tried to remember the specific one and couldn't.
  10. Thank goodness for a competitive game! That brings the total to a whopping two, but every little bit helps. I think James enjoyed it, too - that thumbs up he gave Nate at the end of DJ was nice. Bind was quite a surprising TS, given the category and how great two of the players had been performing. FJ was an instaget for me, and I felt sure James and Nate were both going to get it right, but didn't have a prediction on Laura, because she'd been able to answer so few compared to the others I didn't have the slightest sense of her knowledge base.
  11. Yep. I couldn't stand the majority of his rooms in the original seasons - to the point I'd rather have Hildi than Frank do a room in my house, because with her I might get something I hated and had to do a good bit of work to fix, or I might also get a room I really liked, but with him I'd almost certainly dislike it - but he wasn't bad with the room he did this season. So, while I am not interested in this contest to become his assistant (but if he's part of it, and it's not just Paige, I'll watch, because I've always liked his personality), I would like to see him do another room, to see if it's like his old designs or his one new one.
  12. I was very relieved by the finale, that her leaving this job made sense, but that definitely strained credulity -- sitting outside the morgue, with blood on her hands from having attacked someone in order to plant his DNA, seems the right time for Andrea to say to her, "Ya know, we need a new chief investigator, and my bosses would love it to be you"? Yeah, they'd have loved it yesterday. Today, as soon as they get word of this? I get why she takes it, instead of accepting the reprimand and keeping her job; she needs to step back. Her guilt over not making time for her mom and thus never knowing what Willie Rae wanted to tell her, her learning how much interference Pope and Sharon have had to run to keep her this long, and her taking to heart what Rusty said about her focusing on the dead and using the living all have a big impact on her mental state in her final months there, and she finally steps back from the edge re. her Stroh obsession and does the right thing, arresting him rather than killing him. To have a job where she can use her investigative skills and get in the trenches some, but not be in such single-minded, immediate pursuit all the time would appeal to her then. It just requires some suspension of disbelief that she had the options she had, rather than having become a liability the City wanted to separate from and the County didn't want to take on - that the LAPD is willing to keep her with just a reprimand, and the DA is happy to hire her. But I go with it.
  13. That was just plain fun. I'm not a die-hard fan of either show, but I enjoyed both during their original runs as a kid, and even more when watching sporadically in syndication over the years since (understanding so much more as an adult), and this production flat-out made me happy. (At least what I saw -- I unfortunately forgot and missed All in the Family and only saw The Jeffersons, so I'll have to hunt the former down online.) Norman Lear created terrific television, both meaningful and entertaining, and it was nice to see a new generation of actors pay honor, and illuminate what has changed, and how much hasn't. In another thread, someone said Justina Machado would be playing Florence, which, while puzzling me since that character being a black woman isn't merely incidental, excited me as I really like the actor, but when Marla Gibbs turned up on the other side of that door, I forgot all about the Machado rumor -- how great to see Gibbs again. I also liked the behind-the-scenes glimpses as they went to break. This was a really cool experiment; I haven't been truly tickled by television in a while, but this did it.
  14. Yes, and then near the end of his answer he said something about "the church" he was working for/that was organizing this/whatever. So it sounded like a missionary thing, which reminded me of the earlier discussion about how much international travel their young daughter had done.
  15. Alex even asked him two questions in yesterday's interview segment. Come on, dude; of all contestants to use up two questions in one interview segment on, James is not it -- he's going to be around long enough the staff will be going crazy trying to come up with new things to ask him. Also, I was only half-listening while making my grocery list, but it sounded like from James's answer to the first question, he was on some sort of missionary trip when he met his wife. If so, that's probably why the daughter has traveled so much at a young age, if they're continuing to do stuff like that and taking her with them.
  16. Yes, with the major forum update at the beginning of the year, the M shows vault went poof, never to be restored. And the M Vault page was never archived, in the few months it existed, by the Wayback Machine at Internet Archive. If, via that site, you pull up the last-archived version of a particular M show forum as it existed at the time, you can see some stuff, but it's a limited selection (severely limited in the case of a forum that had "Previous Seasons" sub-forums).
  17. Wanda Sykes and Justina Machado in one show? I'm in! I'd heard about this special in vague terms, meant to look more into it, didn't, and now I am definitely going to watch.
  18. Grace and Frankie - which opened with two men leaving their wives for each other because they've been having an affair for eons and are now ready to come out - addressed that in its third episode, which I appreciated. The two families had been close; the wives only put up with each other, but the husbands were law firm partners and all the kids were varying degrees of friends. Shortly after the big announcement, the guys had all the (adult) kids over for dinner - in the house Robert and Grace had lived in, that now Robert and Sol were living in - and the "kids" discussed, among themselves and then in a great scene at the table, that if the dads had been fucking around with women for 20 years before leaving their moms, there would be bloodshed, not chicken and cake, but it's like they're not allowed to be angry about it because they're gay.
  19. Good for you, @Suzy Rhapsody. It's different taking a hard line with a full-fledged adult and with an 18-year-old (especially who's long been immature for her chronological age), yes, but at some point in the latter scenario it still has to happen, and the age will come into play if and when she shows real remorse and progress. I think you're striking a good balance, and encourage you to keep exploring your own interests, consulting with your therapist, and checking in here (while not professional, it's good to take in anecdotal experiences and lay advice as supplements) as you come up with a life plan that works for you. I hope things ultimately work out for both you and your daughter.
  20. Well, the two-week break didn't help; my runaway fatigue that set in shortly before the Teacher's Tournament began was right back in full effect tonight. I'm still enjoying the show, since I'm far more focused on the clues than the contestants, and I'm still impressed with James's performance, because, hello, but I am also still experiencing immediate, involuntary eye rolls when he lands on a DD (and when he does one of his "shout out" wagers). I have never heard display ratio in my life - it's aspect ratio - but I'll grant that probably fits the language of the clue. So no eye roll. But whatever.
  21. Same with Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump. (And, of course, Purple Rain, but I think that's a rather popular opinion.)
  22. But not alphabetized within the category, just all Asian spices hanging out together in random chaos? And what did she do with the spices that are equally common to two types of cuisine? It's madness! I'd start twitching. ( 🙂 of course.)
  23. It's interesting you classify that as unpopular, because I would think if you asked ten people (who answered yes to knowing "Angel of the Morning" in the first place) who sang it, you'd get at least seven "Juice Newton" answers. Maybe one "Pretenders" and one "Bonnie Tyler," with a "Merrilee Rush" even less likely. Of all the various recordings, Newton's was the biggest seller, so I think hers is the definitive for most people. I agree. I love that song. I have her Greatest Hits album, and that's the song I most often put on repeat and belt out over and over. "Queen of Hearts" is actually fairly far down my ranking of favorite Juice Newton songs; in addition to "The Sweetest Thing" and "Angel of the Morning," I'd put "It's a Heartache," "Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me," "Break It to Me Gently," and "I'm Gonna Be Strong" ahead of it.
  24. I heard their demo tape, and it was a definite sit up and take notice moment; it didn't sound like anything we'd been listening to. By the time they got signed to a major label, a couple of other earlier-signed grunge bands had released singles/albums, but for whatever reasons it was "Smells Like Teen Spirit" that really kicked off the mainstream success of the overall sound.
  25. Jeff Buckley's exquisite cover of Hallelujah became so ubiquitous, there were many people during those years it showed up in every other TV show who had no idea it was a Leonard Cohen song. Similarly, the widespread success of Elvis Presley's rendition of Hound Dog overshadowed Big Mama Thornton's original, even though it had been a #1 hit on the R&B chart just a few years earlier. I think it's very little known that Natalie Imbruglia's Torn was a cover. Same with Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (which is fair, since the original was recorded but never released).
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