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Everything posted by Peppermint

  1. Aww, c'mon, @One Tough Cookie take one for the team... Harrison's delight at choosing his nanny was adorable. TGVM's brussel spitting, not so much
  2. Still recovering from tequila shots each time Dummer said "my son", but lucid enough to agree to this one thousand million percent !! My shriek of "YES" when Kyle proposed Claire as Harrison's nanny drowned out the TV... Now both Cole and Nick are going to try find out what TGVN is about when he is skulking. WTF did Cook think when TGVN ordered an extra covered dish of Brussels sprouts ?? Above his/her pay grade perhaps. Brussels sprouts are delicious when roasted with lots of garlic & olive oil. Washed down with warm cheap wodka ?? Nick & Phyllis acting like a friendly long-divorced couple was refreshing. Again Show is disrespecting addiction, mental illness, trauma. Was Nikki at rehab long enough for the denizens of GC to change clothes ?? Stupid, stupid, stupid....to infinity....
  3. Finn and Hope are now looking like very good friends, discussing the impending wedding. Nice chemistry. Sheila wearing black ?? A scarlet dress would be more her style 🤣 And the Alley Elf is the officiant at the ceremony ??
  4. FTFY... First thought was that Hope's very flattering Genoa City Blue dinner party costume was not office material....then...Steffy. The entitled 8th grade mean girl was wearing what my daughter described as a Barbie Biker getup. And I DID freeze frame the shot where her actual butt cheeks were hanging out. FFS this is a Fashion House ?? NOT a W$*$# House ??
  5. Hello...lo...lo...lo...??? YOP !!?? Anybodee ?? Where have all the snarkies gone ??Bad case of Grangelitis I guess.
  6. Your language lesson caused my tea to fly onto my computer screen...🐇
  7. Christine looked nice today wearing lovebird blue and with some curl in her hair. Leave town with Rock Star before Phyllis flounces off and packs herself into your luggage. Sally and Chloe reinventing their business over lattes. If they won't hit up one of Sally's BFs for money, maybe Kevin will lend them his Chipmunk head..... Devon leading the Monday Morning Paranoia Parade. Twirl that baton & step high !! Condolences to all those who don't have a FF button and were forced to watch the OCD death watch for Connor.
  8. Whoo was it up thread tha' suggested tha' a shot of tequila bee taken fo' every menshun of Shummer ash Hairy's mother ? Afder washing this week, wif a new boddle of tequila , Ahm amos out, but still she keeeps shayin' "Ma son Ma son " an' Ah caan keeep up. Habby Muver's Day, y'all...bu' not to Shummer. 🍾
  9. As a very long time watcher, I initially had issues with "Mamie The Terrible" replacing "Mamie The Wise" . Now I'm convinced it's "Mamie The Insane". Yet another Genoa City dweller in need of mental health help. #911callsharon Does anyone imagine a thought bubble on one of these characters ?? Watching Abby this week, I see a thought bubble filled with nothing but slowly popping soap bubbles...blip....blip....blip.... WTF IS THE CONTROVERSY WITH DOMINIC'S MUSIC RECITAL ?? The child is 33 months old...not even 3 years...barely old enough to not wander off the stage during his drum [ banging ] solo. Juilliard has NOT sent a scout to this recital. Let his grampy come, maybe snag him by his Under-roos before he exits -stage left. Summer - you idiot, just shake your messy hair and whine that Harrison is SOOOO traumatized....when you are just SOOOO upset that Harrison is NOT traumatized and you don't have a valid reason to be all butt-hurt and collect sympathy in gallon buckets. GAH !! She makes the most ugly faces !! [Ooppss, am I allowed to say that ?? ] Fashion Police Notice...The nasty noticable hair extensions are more fun to watch than some of the cast....Victoria - Diane - Claire -and on and on. And is the " part-in-the-middle-Minnesota-farm-gal " look really needed for Claire ?? Or will that style be eliminated when Kyle takes romantic notice ?? Like the "mousy librarian taking down her hair " ?? Yep, Diane, shrieking at your husband is the best way to ease him back down the road to sobriety. Victor Victor, The All Omnipotant And Powerful, please include the exterminatation of Diane in your Abbott revenge plans.
  10. Actually, Tara's child will not fail her, but she will probably be unhappiest. My 2 cents.
  11. " Sometimes I've believed as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast " The White Queen. RJ "used protection"....Zende " used protection "...Luna-tictac did not wander over to another one of Eric's guest houses and have even more random sex....The timing of the birth of Luna-tictac's mystery child would make it a Christmas baby....Where are the writers going with this ??...No place sane. There are enough jackasses on this Show to populate a large stable.
  12. Uh, sorry to inform you @NinjaPenguins...but concrete boats are a thing and they float. A boatyard in Savage [ Laurel ] Maryland made concrete boats during the 1970's. Other than that, I give you ten toes up on your post.
  13. Putting down my next shot of tequila to say...YOU GUYS ARE ON F I R E this week!!
  14. @Js Nana...I'm sure you could have answered the "Four Questions" appropriately..." Yes - yes - fine - fine." I'm confidant that the soap opera characters of Ashley, the Newmans and the Abbots wil remain mentally and emotionally unharmed. I'll see your Alabama story and raise you a Southern Maryland one. My first "real" boyfriend [ at 12 & 13 ] was someone I dated off & on til we were 18 & 19. At that time we toyed with the idea of marriage. Then his mother jokingly revealed that my paternal great grandfather was her maternal grandfather. It was his third marriage and her second. After 5 or 6 or more pregnancies a wife would pass away, causing the need for another wife to mind all the children. Thankfully wife number 3 was a widowed mother past childbearing age !! And I never did marry my "step-cousin " . Back to our previously scheduled snark...
  15. Side benefit of reading these posts ?? The "posted images" to the right side that still feature Shemar Moore [shirtless, even] . If SWAT is really ever cancelled...would he take a cut in bennnies to come back to Soaps ?? Just maybe part time ?? An Ole Lady can dream, right ??
  16. @Joimiaroxeu...Didn't Billy shoot Chance and cause Chance's little swimmers to become non-commissioned ...thereby causing the selection of Devon's little swimmers to stand in for Chance's for the surrogacy with Mariah because Abby could not carry a child due to her attack by her former husband's spawn that caused a miscarriage ?? Have a shot of Drinkki's wodka, spin around twelve times, and you will understand that. The point being...there might be very little Chance [LOL!!] That Dummer will be impregnated by her current boy toy. We [me] can only devoutly hope. @ScoobieDoobs...a few random spurts...?? I . Am . Not .Going . There. Okay, I already did.
  17. Nonono !! Ivy needs to be the catalyst to bringing LIvy back together. Not that she deserves Liam stale pastry. Deacon sees a changed and redeemed Sheila. Finn sees a changed and redeemed Sheila. Anybody wanna ask Li to weigh in on this ?? Now that she's recovered from being run off the road and over a cliff by Sheila. Such an adult conversation between the cousins and their prey. Seagulls fighting over a dying mollusk. Did Stuffy actually Meow during that Convo ?? When I woke up, I thought so.... Kelly's cute and serves as a reminder of how very long Liam has been an idiot. Soon to be SORAS'd and sent to a Parisian boarding school and get much needed therapy from G-Ma. [Kelly, not Liam] Next week, will we see Stuffy's world be shattered ?? My air popper is primed for some habanero sugar corn for the watch party !!!!! 🍿🌶️🍬
  18. Hey..Hi...Do you guys know of any serial-type shows that I could watch that feature ordinary average people...doctors, lawyers, artisans, body shop owners, and their wives/gal pals who pass their time designing clothing lines, operating beauty shops, bakeries, running mental health facilities ...Folks that have issues with infidelity, [suspected !!]...loneliness... In-Law problems... Substance abuse...wayward teens...$$$$$$$$$ issues...health issues.. Discussing their problems in a cafe or at a kitchen table and occasionally revealing "Leavin' Louisiana In The Broad Daylight"...or homicidal impulses ... Oh..."Guiding Light" & " Search For Tomorrow " already covered all that. Damn, getting old sucks...Almost as much as the current plots for B&B and Y&R. Sucks...as in the idiotic scenes with Finn/Sheila/Deacon. No FD, no EMS, all S&^$. Stuffy needs to stuff up. Brook & Luna-tictac, sweet. RJ....get replaced. Ivy...Adorable...Dumbass for lusting for Liam, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
  19. Never have I ever...FF Deacon before today. Sobbing softly into my pillow. 🫢
  20. Oh no, the giant dress shoulder eating moths are still infesting Genoa City. 'Tis a plague. Well, this seems to be National Find The Hostage Week. 1] How long can TGVN keep Jordan in his jail cell ?? And what is his end game ?? Pun absolutely intended !! 2] WTF...WTF...WHAT THE FREAKIN' F^%$ is going on with the dead body on top of Cleve ?? Just roll it off and get on with your day ?? 3] Abby met Ashley O'Hara and didn't even blink her false eyelashes, just offered a free meal. Perceptive much ?? Vikki, if your daughter has been locked up for days in a storage facility, at least come thru with that pot of tea...and some scones, if Mrs Martinez has baked that day.
  21. Dispatch from The Land Of Missing Dress Shoulders... Is Finn a real doctor or does he just play one on TV ?? Don't either one of these Sheila rescuers have a working cell phone ?? STAT, call for the fire department to cut off the chain and an ambulance to rush the lady to the ER, hydrating her on the way. Ivy, luv, welcome back. ♥️ Liam is no longer a waffle...he's the whole dang pastry shoppe !! Each time I wonder if the writing could get worse, the answer is a resounding YES. Save Deacon, please. He's the only reason I watch. Except to see Steffy lose every d**n thing in her life.
  22. WHOOOSH !!! Isn't that going to trigger a cool breeze ?? 😡
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