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Everything posted by seamusk

  1. We haven't seen the on the show reaction to his death yet.
  2. I loved this! I went in with low expectations since it was USA. But this is something I want to watch more of for sure. Did the pilot just get released early? It struck me that it says it's been out for two weeks but episode 2 isn't until July 1. Same here. I was so disappointed when Christian Slater showed up. I just wanted more of that first 30 minutes and I worried the show would go to seed. Which it didn't, but the first half was the best part. Why wouldn't poor/middle class, honest, responsible people benefit? Most in that group have car loans, mortgages, student loans, small business loans, and even credit cards that are well managed, etc... And many struggle to pay those off, even when responsible. Will some wealthy benefit too? Perhaps, but not nearly on the same scale that poor to middle class would.
  3. omg omg omg, there is a jonathan strange tv show? I barely remember the books except I remember that I loved them. So wow! A quick search tells me this is so. So I'm very excited!
  4. Just finished episode 4. I think it's actually getting better. The show has some definite pacing issues which I think is affecting a lot of the acting. But Wylie I think is fine acting wise. In fact her affected teen thing is totally realistic to me. She feels indifferent to much of the world. That's depression to a T. Anyhow, i'm enjoying it well enough. But it's not great television.
  5. I could tell the actors were old in some cases, but that didn't bother me. There are many reason why it's easier to find quality actors of a certain age. What did bother was the actual direction and acting. I just thought this show could have been done much better than it was. Well, so far. I've only seen the two episodes. I'll probably finish it because i'm easy to please truthfully.
  6. Not a shocker. While I enjoyed season 1 it definitely had it's issues.
  7. It looks intriguing. But I do have that, this could be great or completely awful feeling.
  8. Either a Roku or Apple Tv works well. I prefer the interface on the apple tv, but both are fine. And just give you an interface to access netflix, hulu, etc... directly on your tv. I also get HBO Now because I love hbo television and their selection of movies. I've been able to strip down to just internet and the only main issue I have is the occasional live sporting event. The NHL playoffs were hit or miss as to my ability to stream them.
  9. I just finished season 4. Another great season. I rarely anticipate twists. I kind of prefer to keep myself in the dark. But in a rare moment of foresight I realized around episode 10 Sami was a goner. Just the whole love triangle set up I guess. I don't know. I didn't even mind that much though I liked him. And he did finally stand up for Laure to the boss who clearly sucked and was supposed to. The revolutionaries/immigrant rights theme really intrigued me. You see american police shows try to cover protest groups and they almost always have zero idea. You either get the ridiculously resourceful types that you find on 24, or some stupid portrayal of naivety (basically a narrative driven by the writers own naivety or prejudices). Oh and they always have a single leader. We saw the leadership thing here but in a more realistic sense. I've been in a number of movements and the weird dynamic between the radical left non-violent folks and Thomas' group was striking. The level of violence that Thomas' group was willing to go is extremely rare in American leftist groups but the dynamic between the main radicals (who protested and sued and squatted) and the fringe radicals was really well done. The posting of the pics online was stupid, but the assault on the squat was just as stupid and I was torn between our protagonists and the squat mates. In real life I would have rooted for the squat mates the whole way (except for Thomas's group). This season, I felt like Pierre and Roban were completely isolated from Laure's team which I didn't love. But the storylines were all mostly good so it wasn't totally boring. I like the scenes in the projects. Remind me a fair bit of the Wire. And I like that on this show, while i'm sure it's not perfect, the police work mostly makes good sense. And nobody is a ridiculous super hacker who can somehow do things that aren't even possible on laptop computers. Just saying. This is great television.
  10. I just finished season 3. I continue to enjoy it, though I wish the writers would spend a little less time tearing the main characters down. I mean, it's entertaining and certainly keeps the tension up. But it's starting to feel like, "Turn in next time to see who screws up royally, or just plain gets screwed." Still, I love the characters for the most part. I just think there can be fun and tension in success at times too. I wouldn't mind an episode where i'm kind of happy for where everyone is at. Maybe ending the season with Laure being dragged off to face IGS maybe got to me. Why not ending it with her at least half smiling (perhaps also showing some upset) but with a beer and at least happy Gilou is sticking around and that they solved it and saved the lady at the end. Truthfully, I love the gloom and doom. I like all of those shows Captanne likes, though I haven't seen Rubicon. I remember you from the Killing forum in any case. And I do like this kind of gloomy drama where the focus is on a single case that transpires throughout an entire season (or two it turns out). Which sort of contradicts my desire for an episode of happiness haha. As a lover of this basic genre, I do get womyn dying an absolutely horrific death fatigue though. This season did it to me a bit. I think I might need to watch some lighter television for a bit. Or less television but then i'm currently obsessed with scandinavian crime novels so there is that. Regarding finding shows like this on tv, I usually use Fan.tv. Not sure if Roku brings back more results or not. What I like on fan.tv is it brings up a pop-up and shows you where it's free and what it costs at the other sites (for rentals too). Anyhow, another source. But for now, seasons 1 to 4 are on hulu. It doesn't look like they are on Netflix anymore.
  11. I was interested in how much this season seemed influenced by the Wire. Just the approach to the crime solving with the wire tapping, the scene in the projects where Aziz lived where they tried to monitor him from across the way, etc... Plus the overall plot was very Wire-esque. I hate to over compare it to the Wire, as I think this show stands on it's own. I know nothing about French life really, let alone criminal life, so how realistic some of this is I don't know. But I am enjoying sort of getting a glimpse into their criminal justice system. I'm sure it's tv real, as in not really real, but it's still a sort of glimpse. I watched the Missing and it interests me how the magistrate gets involved in questions suspects so early on. I know that's their role in France, but it's so unique from what the US criminal justice system so I find it intriguing. I was a bit dis-lodged by the changes for Laure this season. I mean, I get that they were trying to evolve her character but some of it seemed so out of the blue to me. Not the appearance. I get that. Time has passed, her life has changed some, etc... I think it all worked in the end but it felt a bit forced in the first half of the season to me.
  12. I'm pleasantly surprised that there is a thread for this show! I absolutely love it. If that was supposed to be Laborde I totally missed that. I'm into season 3 now so I won't say much here. Too hard to distinguish what was exclusively season 1 at this point.
  13. Wow, that's so very CW. I will say, Quenton is well cast.
  14. Containment sounds interesting. Is this the basis? I seem to watch a lot of CW these days.
  15. Wow, that looks great. I like that it seems there are several in the know folks right from the start.
  16. The Flash is not terrible.
  17. Yeah, Season 1 is on Netflix in the US it looks like. Thanks.
  18. I had a more positive reaction to that trailer than Furry did, but its tricks subject matter to do well so we'll see of course. I had no idea this was happening so it's a pleasant surprise. And thanks for tip on Psycho Pass, gonna check that out.
  19. awesome. I'm glad this got a thread. I'm not sure what to expect from a tv show on this. But hoping for the best.
  20. sweet. This makes me happy!
  21. seamusk


    Those quiz show videos are cute and fun.
  22. I also liked that blond quote for the same reason. Though I didn't realize how awesome it was until I read the forums. I knew I knew the actor but was struggling to place him before others helped make the connect. Loved loved merlin!
  23. Great, great season! Definitely my favorite of the tv Marvel universe to date. With that said, it was extremely violent. Game of Thrones level of violence. It didn't have the sexualized content, but it had a lot of violence. So, for the 14 year old and such, just beware that it's very graphic in that respect. I personally thought this was a great finale. Having the FBI close out the whole massive conspiracy with arrests was very satisfying for me. And I strongly prefer that kind of sequence to yet another 5 minute fight scene. I only need about 3 punches to get the idea and then I get tense but bored. Sorry but gratuitous violence is much worse to me than consensual gratuitous sex (consensual being a key term here). This show had great characters and just great writing overall. It's interesting since going in, with Netflix doing 4 Marvel series I wasn't totally sure what to expect in terms of quality. I thought maybe the budgets would be spread thin. But wow. I mean that was the absolute best. And now i'm wondering about the other upcoming enterprises (and i'll leave it at that since this is the episode thread). I did not catch what other cited above about Karen noticing something about Matt's handshake. She certainly has enough evidence to figure it out if she is looking. Besides the fact that Matt always conveniently has to be somewhere else late at night, his beatings, the wreck of his apartment, the convenience of how he is connected to whatever Matt knows, etc... all give her enough to draw the conclusion. Though, I think it's hard to conclude that your blind lawyer friend is in fact a masked superhero. So I wouldn't blame her for not figuring it out either. I figured we would finally see him don his proper suit this episode. And it was so great to see! I like the red and I like that he has better protection. It's bothered me for a while that he doesn't really disguise his voice but gets up and close to people who know him as an attorney. They can see 1/3 of his face and hear his voice. I feel like that even with different intonations, they should know it's Matt behind the Mask. But the new suit helps disguise it a little more I think. Not sure why since it seems to cover the same amount of his face. Maybe it's just a little more distracting. Anyhow, if this is what Netflix has in store for the Marvel universe, holy shit! I'm soooooo in!
  24. Can we put the comic spoilers somewhere else? For what it's worth, I thought that this episode showed that Karen really has a thing for Matt. I felt really bad for Foggy. The whole thing about "I want to know how I look to a blind person" was so obviously about her wanting Matt to like her. I think there is plenty of time for relationships to go any which direction, but that was my take on Foggy and Karen's "date." I'm really liking this show thus far.
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