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Everything posted by AndreaK1041

  1. That's was a really dumb format. The only way you don't win all three is if it is extremely close, which it rarely is. I also was checking the past and James sat this comp out last year as outgoing HoH so maybe he will be good at it? I think he could win, he will just choose not to.
  2. Sometimes they have smaller fishbowls for cash or No Have Not pass, etc. They can choose what to go for. Like if they are losing, they can switch to a little one.
  3. Yeah, long strides. I don't see Natalie winning. She seems slow and once she falls she's going to get whiny and stop trying. James is an ass so he'll go for prizes. I would not be surprised if P/V win, but I think it would be the same result (James out).
  4. Best case scenario for me next week is that James goes. I assume the HoH will be teacups and Corey will win. He will nominate James and Natalie and Vic & Paul will vote him out. I just want it to happen today, that is a painful eleven days from now! Argh. I would be really surprised if James doesn't go, actually. He refuses to participate in comps and the other 3 guys all want him gone.
  5. Is it really necessary for CBS to blur out the "C" in "C-word"? My husband, the innocent, didn't know what was even happening in that scene. I don't know that I've seen that before, but then again I watch a lot of Bravo and they barely bleep anything or edit subtitles. Nicole was at her absolute worst at the end of that competition. "Guess I'm not 7th place this time!!!" Fuck you, hope you're sixth.
  6. I agree with that but they are making a TV show. It is irrelevant to them whether they sleep all day, they still get 3 episodes per week and people watch, especially in those 1st 3 weeks of Sept when there is absolutely nothing else on. I'd prefer more people at the start if they are going to make the season longer though. Do more doubles or fast forwards to shake it up.
  7. The double will likely be Sept 8. Morph is a veto that they'll do either next week or with 4 left. Cups will probably be this week. Didn't someone post a picture of a comp design that looked like dominos or a mousetrap? I expect that to be veto but it sound like it was stay/fold?
  8. I still would like James to go this week because it would be terrible for Nicole's game. I like when people shoot themselves in the foot, especially when it is someone I really do not care for. Same as for Paulie advocating for Z to go on the block. He made his bed there.
  9. So I guess it's technically opening day? The total lack of interest in the Hawaii-Cal game on ESPN this morning (even so far as to say it is uninteresting and people will likely not watch) led me to believe it was on another network but... nope. Kind of crazy for Hawaii to be playing in Australia today and Ann Arbor in a week. Entirely too much flying for my tastes!
  10. Nope. My sister was visiting last week and I turned on BB and she was instantly repelled by their voices. She is 29.
  11. It would be a lot if (1) they were to finish the HoH comp (they will not) and (2) if ANYTHING interesting had happened in the last 4 days to show before the voting (it has not). This is really the key. James isn't going to flip, so it really doesn't matter what Natalie thinks. Now if the DR told James America really wanted to keep Victor...
  12. It seems that due to the timing of the Care Package vote (start after Thurs show), the comp is going to have to be quick and over on the show. Too bad, I'd rather see an endurance than a crapshoot. But then again, with a crapshoot, someone pointless like Z could go back in, which... hahaha. Would serve the show right. Er, um, what you just said...
  13. There hasn't been a lot of posting... what is happening in the house? Is Victor just accepting defeat? Michelle isn't trying to save him? It seems like a lot of viewers (other sites, Twitter, etc) are checked out with the returning juror. Like come Thursday night we're back at 7 people so who cares, right?
  14. With respect to Nicole's final DR: Fuck you, Nicole!
  15. My husband just yelled Fuck You Nicole at the episode, unprompted and unaware why it would amuse me. Fantastic. (Context: he was a batboy and did not appreciate the dig)
  16. Fuck you, Nicole! Oh how I've missed that the last couple of days... I am fine with Corey, Victor or Paul going because I just want someone who could be equally competitive at the Jury Comp as Paulie. Him and those 3 (esp. Corey & Vic) have similar skill sets. That's really all I care for in the next 7 days, that Paulie does NOT return.
  17. I know some of the outfits were production assigned, but WHAT IN THE HELL were they all wearing last night? Natalie was dressed like an extra from Grease, Victor decided pants, shoes, belt but NO shirt, I don't know WTF Paulie is thinking with those shoes, Corey puts shorts over his outfit (so his balls don't show?), Michelle wears a backless shirt with a huge bra, Paul continues with the pool floatie... I can't even remember what James was wearing. It was like a talent show in a mental hospital.
  18. I think it will be like the one in S16 (?) where it's endurance with jury+house all competing at once. Last juror standing comes back, last person standing gets HoH (whether juror or not). But it's just a guess :) I do not think it will be like Battle Back because the logistics of the filming of that were complex. They had to bring the winner back to the set to compete after each normal HoH, which would also be difficult with Z/Bridge going out at the same time. It would be way easier to have just one comp than 5.
  19. I'm ok with Victor going because it reduces the chance of Paulie winning the jury comp. Natalie had a bad week to get HoH - only has half the power and her evictee could come right back in the house.
  20. This is funny and also pretty savvy... he knows he can't say anything that will *actually* be offensive or make fun of people's games. He did a great job, I actually really enjoy him.
  21. The scroll at the bottom is pretty funny. The one I'm watching right now says "Nicole can't guess the number Corey is thinking of".
  22. I have watched virtually no BBAD this year and don't have feeds, but a case of intestinal distress has me in bed today catching up on the DVR. Um... HOLY SHIT, no one in the house comments on Paulie saying Type Thing all of the time? I see comments on boards but had no idea the extent or the completely random placement in sentences type thing. He is awful in so many ways, but this is not acceptable human behavior.
  23. Whether someone's parents have money would play a 0% role in my decision of who I voted to win the money. Even if they themselves are independently wealthy I could not find that a more irrelevant argument.
  24. Yeah she was saying to Paulie that the things he said to Natalie were not cool and he was gross for saying them. Then she told Natalie to stay strong. I liked her exit. Hopefully we get to see what he did that Bridgette was referring to on Sunday's show.
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