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Everything posted by JessDVD

  1. I get that losing is no fun but I feel like "I lost Chopped, so I'm quitting cooking" is a pretty unnecessary reaction. When is a chef ever going to be required to make a meal using 4 weird ingredients, in 30 minutes, to be considered successful? I'm not big on "What will you do with the money" because it just adds an awkward component like it did with Dante. Also, if your only shot at college is a B-level competitive reality TV show where you basically have a 25% chance of winning, may I point you to the scholarship board of your local guidance counselor's office. But like we're always saying here, I don't care whether you're here for your dead grandma or the American Lung Association or your cat or what, just shut up and cook. Regarding teen tournament finale, I basically didn't care as long as Gigantic Frizzy Ponytail was chopped early because I found her obnoxious. Rude to Peter in the green room, wouldn't shut up about her life of nothing but cooking, and that blasted ponytail. I laughed more than necessary at Ted asking Veronica if she was at least going to buy the complete series of Glee on DVD with the winnings.
  2. Partridge family. Then he asked if any of them listen to Motown and one said that her parents do.
  3. The rest of the episode could have been nearly anything and I would have been fine with it after Abby's line about Gibbs having his own Ducky. Thanks, writers! We're at the beginning of season 8 in the Netflix instant rewatch, and when we started watching this one, Mr. DVD said he was like, who's *that*... oh right, Bishop. I'm still not over Dornegut being dead. Why do they reintroduce people, make them way cool, and then kill them. Stopped caring about the kid sometime last May, haven't changed. Hopefully we don't see him again. We could have more Jon Cryer. Although if I were one of his assistants, I'd find all the chit-chat a little off-putting.
  4. I really cannot believe they don't make the contestants wear hairnets. The winner's gigantic frizzy high in her face ponytail was driving me nuts, second only to her "I am teh awesome" attitude. I hope she gets chopped early in the final. Also, why did they put all the likeable people on last week's and then gave us 4 completely "meh" contestants this week?
  5. Darn it all, I liked all four of them, which I don't think has ever happened. I was prepared to dislike Italian but he ended up not being a pretentious snob so that was nice, although I totally thought he was poised for the win. I liked the winner a lot although the line about home schooling is so you can figure out what you want to be when you grow up... um, not quite, although it must be nice to have parents who can pay for you to explore every hobby on the planet so you can figure out what you want to be when you grow up! (There are many excellent reasons for home schooling. I've never heard that one) I've never seen, at least that I can think of, those white ceramic knives on Chopped and I saw at least 2 of them using them today. I once removed an entire chunk of my thumb with a cheese slicer (3 stitches, very traumatizing), which I didn't know was possible until then so I'll give Salma a pass on that one. I hope blue hair's family has really good health insurance. The thing about people saying they're going to donate the money to find a cure for their brother's devastating health condition, in a competition that's not strictly for charity, is that we all feel like crap for chopping her. That said, I also hope that either a cure or a significantly more affordable treatment for that condition that I've forgotten the name of and probably couldn't spell anyway, are found soon.
  6. Best line from teens round one: "Preparing for my bat mitzvah was hard. Competing on Chopped was beyond what I could have imagined!" And, Amanda commenting on Yaz's nasty looking dessert, "I really appreciate your ambition...."
  7. Do they wear those same swim dresses that the Duggars do? And swim shirts for the boys?
  8. LOL, Julia! Yeah, in Judgment Day Pt 2 (what we watched last night), Abby's all crying in the lab, and I'm like, Dude you're so better off without her. I don't know if writers struggle with writing a woman in a position like that without her coming off as a shrew or a pushover or worse, a love interest, or if they intended her to be like that, but either way or any other, I found her to be vastly unlike-able and again, not in the least bit disappointed to see her go. Vance, at least until all that awful BS with Eli David in whatever season that was (9?), was a breath of fresh air for me.
  9. NCIS binge watch 2015 (underwritten by Netflix instant, bless you), now at the end of season 5. The show is trying so hard to make me care about Jenny dying and I just want to stand up and cheer that she's mercifully gone from the screen and I most likely won't have to watch her idiotic vendettas, inappropriate comments to Gibbs, and never, ever again see that bit when Gibbs has just woken up from the coma and she's all "You were remembering us making love" The sooner Mike Franks goes that way too, the better!
  10. Four for you, Flowers, you go, Flowers. I cannot imagine doing alterations on my own wedding dress and I'm relatively handy with a sewing machine. I can understand Michaela refraining. I sorta know someone who either knows or sorta knows Brandon or his family and I'm dying to ask her about some of the stuff mentioned here but I'm refraining to be polite and non-intrusive. It's a trial.
  11. Oh my word, I cannot believe it was the same day. I surely hope for Anna's sake that she was able to put all of that out of her mind and focus on laboring/delivering/enjoying her sweet baby. And I hope that the lack of cameras was helpful for her too.
  12. I require some sort of comment like Gibbs' "Ilya Kuriakin" answer to Kate's asking what Ducky looked like when he was younger for the two Duckys. Please, CBS!
  13. Yeah, I was born 4 years before Josh was and my family's pictures from when we were those kids' ages, are pretty much carbon copies as far as fashion goes. Think Laura Ashley and lots of it. John David looks a lot like one of the Howlers, Justin maybe? I know which one is Jackson but I get everyone from Jer/Jed down to Justin mixed up. By "Get mixed up", I mean, "Have never made an effort to tell apart".
  14. I think my sister (1 year younger than Josh) had that exact watermelon shirt. And that exact hair style, probably during those same years. And I had dresses very similar to the other one. The 80s/early 90s were a cruel time in fashion... I agree, they look healthy, happy, well-kept, and within the styles that were currently popular at the time. I probably should not be as emotionally invested as the amount of wistful-ness I just felt, would signify.
  15. I don't know that I'd say he gets worse, but it gets different when Ziva comes along because she deals it straight back to him. We're a few eps into season 3 right now, this is the first time we've re-watched anything past season 2, so I can't say this for certainty yet but I feel like I remember from the first watch-through, that from Ziva's beginning, she tended to "one-up" Tony often enough (it was REALLY bad in seasons 8 and 9), which overtook the sexual innuendo in my recollection. Tony can be pretty painful in the early seasons. I think he mellows in future seasons, matures also. Seasons 10 & 11 Tony were pretty good IMO. I've blocked most of about 4-9 out, but I seem to remember him having good moments there too.
  16. OK, I wouldn't have watched it either but all the comments here made me want to at least see the ring. Hot damn, that is an ugly piece of jewelry and I use the word jewelry VERY loosely. The gesture is great but... you know... some things just aren't meant to go with 19 kids and a mother's ring is one of them. Maybe a tasteful pendant might have been a better choice. Or a bracelet. Yeah. A bracelet.
  17. Darn it, I hate it when my silly/sarcasm detector is off! I blame the post-partum hormones.
  18. It's hard to tell but I'd bet 99% that's not Meredith. I have a newborn baby, they're not nearly so big in an infant seat, plus can't hold the head up to look around like that baby is. I'd put that baby around 5-6 months.
  19. I am willing to give Josh the benefit of the doubt over the baseball game thing depending on circumstances that we might not be aware of. Like if they bought the tickets in advance and Anna figured, I went early with the other 3 so I probably will this time too (TOTALLY normal) and by then I'll be fine especially since he's taking the older two or something like that. Then baby comes late, but let's say also that her parents are in Arkansas since baby was just born, and she's got them there, I would tell my husband who is generally a kind and caring guy, go ahead and go to the game, I've got people. Heck, she might even be fine with it being JB&M (ok, probably more likely it's Jana and Joy Anna), I mean I wouldn't choose JB&M but she might actually like them. We all handle labor & delivery & recovery different, I don't think it's necessarily Josh being a jerk for him to be going, or him abandoning Anna. Although I might not have posted it all over social media because it does make him look like he could be an insensitive lout.
  20. Yes, thank you! I have 4 kids now, most of which were born fairly close to when Anna's 4 were born, but this one is definitely the closest in age. I really felt bad for Anna when all this Josh stuff broke because I was similarly largely pregnant and presumably hormonal. I'd have been a disaster if that happened to me. Ljohnson- I know, but I can dream, right?
  21. Having just labored and delivered (girl #4, born on Anna's due date because you all wanted to know that), I would agree that L&D without cameras may very well have been infinitely more relaxing for Anna. I love the name Meredith Grace. I hope Anna's recovery is smooth and as JB&M-free as possible. Like maybe Josh and Anna can move somewhere and forget to tell them where to, free.
  22. Most OB's and midwives to my knowledge don't like to let moms go past 41 1/2 weeks which for Anna is Monday ish. But, this is home birth with a doula only Anna, I have a hard time seeing her in a hospital bed with an IV of pitocin unless forced to.
  23. Diva's doppelganger (in looks and in temperament) is a reasonably friendly acquaintance of mine so I was inclined to root for her. But yeah, that steak. I love me some rare steak but that was still moo-ing. I was surprised the judges even ate it. Lots of raw pork too. I can't imagine those giant chops cooking in 20 minutes. What makes a cowboy steak not, some other kind of steak or something? They looked delicious, minus the let the cow look at the grill in terror then bring it to me one, but I couldn't see anything particularly distinguishing from any other steak I've ever seen.
  24. Commercials? I'm not familiar with this concept. ;) And my kids (6 & under) have seen nearly no commercials in their lives (ah, young'uns), which is kind of weird. So I looked up beef tendon balls and they're not actually made from any part of a cow's reproductive organs, right? They still looked really gross. I thought runner-up's food looked delicious in every round, especially those glazed tendon balls. I would have actually tried them in his dish, as opposed to the other three. And I agree that winner's schtick of I have nooooo self-confidence got really old about the 4000th or so time she mentioned it. I also thought it was interesting that she fried stuff in every round, and nobody commented on it, only that the fryer was getting used a lot by everyone in the first round. Although, I didn't watch the judges deliberate before the final reveal (I am probably the only one here who doesn't miss the judges repeating all the same things they said to the contestants while they ate the food), so maybe they mentioned it there. I felt like it showed a lack of creativity on I Have Confidence In Me's part, that in basically every round, she breaded stuff somehow and put it in the fryer. And I really agree with whoever upthread said that it seemed like I Have Confidence was edited to be the plucky overcomer, while Four Seasons Chef was attempted to be edited as the snooty privilege sort, when he really didn't come off like that at all. Aside from mentioning how he's started restaurants in every corner of the earth. Although it's not bragging if it's fact and an answer to a question. Right?
  25. Not sure where to put this and it might not be news to the rest of you but I don't recall seeing it here, at least - seasons 1 through 11 of NCIS are now available on Netflix instant. That'll be me binge watching for the next couple months...
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