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Everything posted by JessDVD

  1. I'm pretty sure Tony wore those glasses at some point, maybe when he was with Jeanne? The show looks good from that preview, and for me, who doesn't really know anything about Dr. Phil but has watched the entire NCIS, some of it multiple times, it definitely comes off as, Tony quit NCIS and is now working as a jury consultant. Like you might never convince me that Tali isn't at home with Senior while Tony does his consulting. I suppose that could be a good thing, as Tony-loving NCIS viewers will probably tune in to see what it's like, and then the similarity to Tony may keep them there. I expect Tony and MW's popularity to get this show at least one or two seasons. We'll give it a try.
  2. Lest I sound too complain-ish here, MW is totally hitting it out of the park. And seeing Tony as a dad is great, even if I would have preferred different circumstances. Also, this is the first time ever that Senior didn't drive me bananas, so that's nice too!
  3. I thought they had showed baby food in the luggage but now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I made that up. But still, Palmer was right there and has a kid older than that now, so might have said, you know, when (I can't remember his daughter's name) was that age, she was eating regular food.
  4. Yeah, this would play off better if it weren't like the world's worst fanfic trope. I bet fanfiction.net has thousands of Tiva secret child entries and there is totally nothing wrong with fanfic but it really really should not be used as source material for the actual show. By the way, when did Trent Kort become actually bad? I thought he was always supposed to be sort of ambiguous?
  5. How old is this child? Two? Three? How many seasons has it been? And Tony is feeding this obviously not infant child, baby purees? I have a 10 month old who doesn't eat baby food anymore. Maybe they do food differently in Israel?
  6. OK, I read the other thread saying that Tali is Ziva's daughter, but I didn't get from it that it's TONY'S DAUGHTER TOO WHAT THE I JUST CAN'T EVEN. (We're in the middle of watching right now)
  7. Thirteen years on this show and Tony's farewell is reduced to Ziva. I shouldn't be surprised.
  8. I know, critical... I will totally admit my dislike for Ziva as a character and my violent dislike for the entire Tiva concept. But there are a million ways they could have done that farewell other than a pat "You are loved". I mean, even if they didn't want to go straight to "I love you", they could have had her say something like "You know I care deeply for you Tony, and I wish things for us had worked out differently". (They didn't say something like that, right? I tried to block most of that episode out, along with the entire 2 seasons before it) I always felt like CBS was trying to say that Tony/Ziva are love interests, but the show never really bore that out. Mostly I saw Ziva treating Tony like crap, and the show being all TEEHEE ISN'T THAT FUNNY. And then such gems as when Tony & Jeanne were together and Ziva's all "why won't you teeeeeell me" and we're supposed to think that Tony is totally unfair and then the thing with Ziva and Rivkin and Tony's all "what the hell is going on here" and we're supposed to think that Tony is totally unfair... yeah, did I mention that I've never much cared for Ziva? Anyway, I fear I may be veering straight off topic here, so I'll go back to the chat about the clip from tonight's ep and say that I am really really hoping that it's just the promo monkeys and that bit will be a brief blip in what will otherwise be a spectacular sendoff for Tony.
  9. CBS must be operating under the "tell, don't show" method of storytelling if they're using the phrase "love interest". Virtual boxes of chocolate handed out to anyone who can show me a moment in televised NCIS history where Tony and Ziva were actually portrayed as love interests, and not, I don't know, coworkers with a weird and inappropriate sexual tension, one of whom treated the other terribly and the show clearly wanted us to think that was cool, or something like that. And I'm not counting their kiss because of Ziva's "You are loved" cop-out line.
  10. I've never quite figured out if the mentality is, the man is so turned on by her wiles that he'll say whatever they want in hopes she'll do it more, or the man is so creeped out and disgusted by her creepy behavior that he'll say whatever they want to make her stop. Either way, I heartily wish they would stop because it's not doing the population of professional women who would like to be taken seriously ANY favors.
  11. All these moles in all these NCISes, not to mention other TV shows, would be a lot more interesting if they turned out to be Gibbs or Callen. Like when it was Colby on Numb3rs, although they did end up making him some kind of triple agent. I would be a lot more interested in Ziva showing up now if they had EVER showed her to view him as something more than a flea on her shoulder to be flicked off, for more than about 3 seconds at a time.
  12. True. I think it was so reminiscent of Diane (whom I hated almost as much as I hated Jenny).
  13. This is the face of someone who does not even slightly care if Ziva is in that burning farmhouse. I agree that this season ending would be a lot better if we were focusing on *Tony* and not trotting out Ziva again. Shrill Emily can go away at any time. So far the new editions seem OK. I prefer British MI-6 guy to unfortunately reminiscent of Jenny gal, but we'll give it some time. Nice switch with Jacob actually being framed. I was wondering if they were going to do the silicon fingerprint thing that I saw on some other procedural where the perp used silicon to make a model of his own fingerprint to make it look like he was being framed. (Sneaky)
  14. And then one of us ladies here who would appreciate Chin far more than SFPL ever could... can go live with him and his adorable niece. I'll volunteer as long as he starts wearing a helmet when he's on his motorcycle.
  15. I was just like, WHAT?! Judd Hirsch was on that episode? How did I miss that?! And I went and looked it up to make sure I wasn't hallucinating and discovered I wasn't but it was the character's name but I didn't correct the OP because mainly I was on my tablet and typing is a pain but I also hate being the one who didn't get the joke (see: my entire childhood) so I'm glad to come back and see that it was, in fact, a joke. I'll see myself out, carry on....
  16. Shioma is a million times more effective and less obnoxious of a Bad Guy than Gabriel, even if I have absolutely no clue what the motivation is. Not that I have any clue about Gabriel's either. I couldn't imagine ever longing for Wo Fat when I was ready for that arc to be retired - but I would be fine with more Wo Fat at this point. (The secret ingredient is revenge!) If they're trying to play "lovable rogue" with Hirsch, they are not even in the same continent. If they're trying to play "skeevy douche" - target acquired. Gross. I think they're aiming for #1, but #2 is where they are. Hot damn any plotline involving a kid the same age as a kid of mine, and a dead parent or any kind of kidnapping, causes me anxiety that I would prefer to never have experienced. I am fervently hoping that Gabriel will meet an untimely end, like having his body devoured by rabid sharks, next week because I am so done with him. I need Malia to turn out to have been in WitSec and her & Chin adopting the little girl and SOMEONE have a happy ending on this show?! I apparently missed that Jerry is living with Chin/Abby? Um, OK.... I'm also ready for Jerry to be transferred to his dream job in, I don't know, Calcutta or Tallahassee or anywhere except Hawaii. Ditto Danny's nephew. I don't really care for this whole, 5-0 and the Lost Boys of Hawaii thing. Hire people who are competent, not people that you apparently feel sorry for and feel compelled to give fake jobs. In regards to posts above about who Chin told about Sara/h - He told Kono shortly after he figured it out (because apparently there's only one Malia who ever existed in Hawaii), and then he told the rest of the team after he left the most ineffectively staffed hospital in the USA and met up with them at the house where they had Sara/h. Also: Has technology actually given us the capacity to do that kind of accurate thermal imaging?
  17. I am in mourning over Tony leaving. Seriously, it's kind of embarrassing. That video. Seriously. I don't think I've ever cried at a character's departure, or at really anything on a procedural except when they have child abductions and the kid is returned to their parents (this has gotten significantly worse as I've gone from 1 to 4 kids), or whenever a military person returns to his/her family - but I am probably going to be noticeably teary at this one.
  18. I assume a prisoner being allowed a string of bead is the same brand of logic that gets us Kono doing a manhunt for her own husband (right), every guard IN Halawa being crooked (If I lived in Hawaii and watched this show, I would keep my kids veeeeeeery close to me), putting protective custody prisoners on the same bus as maximum security, nobody questioning the obviously crooked guard, the entire show, etc. Suspension of disbelief is reaching unsafe levels. :-) Oh, was young dude the one who was in the car as a child and his dad murdered someone and the kid heard it? Something like that? I would google it for myself but I'm not sure if "young dude who was in the car... etc" would get me any hits.
  19. Thanks, H5-0 for all the nightmares I'm going to have tonight about severed, chewed off limbs, and drowning in streams and I don't even know what else because we're only halfway in but the other posts here are giving me a good idea. Yeah, that was pretty bad. Good story, but I could have done without all of the cannibal's stuff, kthxbye. I keep having to remind myself that DuClair is actually a sick bastard who used to watch the people whose houses he set on fire, die. Because darn it all, I keep wanting to root for him. BTW to the above about what happened to him, Grover called for medical care for him when he got shot by some Yakuza I totally don't care about anyone from that group including Adam goon, and that was the last he was mentioned so I assume he got help and was sent back to Halawa. Can someone remind me of the backstory of young dude whose dad apparently was one of the people who died?
  20. Seriously, how does anyone afford to live in places like that?! I live in Southwest MI and a $3000 monthly housing payment would get you a giant luxury home with a maid, cook, and butler. Our mortgage is barely over $1000/month (including taxes/insurance) and we live in a 2-story 4 bed 2 1/2 bath single family home with .3 acre. This is veering off topic but I wonder the same when we watch real estate reality shows, where the couple says "Our budget is $650,000" and they're looking at 3 bedroom ranches that would go for about $95k here. Mr. DVD and I live here because that's where our parents decided to live when we were kids and as it happens we love it here too, but I'd say we can check D.C. off of potential places to move if we want to live in something remotely comparable to what we live in now.
  21. The good news is, you can apparently roll your eyes about 350 times in an hour, and they won't get stuck. The bad news is, this entire episode. Pretty much everything has already been canvassed, from the horrific CGI elephant that served no purpose (I am willing to give a pass to less than perfect CGI when it's a situation on a screen that really needs CGI, which is was not) to every moment anything with Gabriel or Adam is discussed (Good grief, END this subplot already) to the completely nonsensical and anticlimactic Iron Man bit. Danny being involved in a case seemed weird, which shows how much he's either not been in an episode or been in a separate plot away from the team. His absences didn't bother me initially but I'm pretty much over him now. Go to wherever it is that Scott Caan wants to be, let Grover take Danny's place, move on.
  22. I was wondering if every day is Mardi gras in NOLA while watching this one. It's unrealistic having all that but it's fun so I can roll with it. LaSalle/Percy anvils can go away now.
  23. That was why I wasn't sure. I couldn't come up with anyone else who had appeared previously, but my recollection of their "date" didn't track with her newly revealed actual motivation. If she was just in it for his ID, one would think she would have left way before his monologue about the case was over. I kinda doubt they had planned this one out before they filmed Leah's first appearance.
  24. Was "Leah" the date that Tony had for the episode where they had what seemed like an open-and-shut case and then they all interrupted their evening plans because they saw flaws in it?
  25. I agree that Tony's departure has been telegraphed for quite awhile but I would definitely call this the turning point to the end. Sigh. I hope this show is as good as it is right now without Tony. Sigh again. Good episode. I had a moment when Tim told Tony that he's one of his best friends. Did I mention I am not looking forward to the show without Tony?
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