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Everything posted by Tipsymcstagger

  1. Do you all think there's something beyond symbolism that they keep showing close ups of the deer head? Like maybe it's some crucial clue? Camera inside or something? Andrea seemed like a bit of a wild card so she could have taped some of her encounters. God - I love this show...
  2. I'm sorry...but the whole Andrea/Drew backstory was so ham-handed. Like - let's trot out every single cliché and trope around transgender struggles that we can. Add to the fact that the acting overall is abysmal - and it makes for cringe-TV. Zelda Williams seems like a smart, awesome woman. But she's not a good actress. At all. But - considering the rest of these idiots - she's practically Meryl Streep. I can't tell if it's the bad writing, lame and lazy story lines, stupid special effects or what. But these 'actors' are literally the worst.
  3. This may be the biggest shitshow show that was ever shat. Not campy, 'so bad it's good' bad. Like painfully bad.
  4. Unless we missed something super major I can't - for the life of me - understand why Gordon would give up on this particular hotel and not any of the others. Really? This place was more egregious than all of the other literal semen/feces laden roach motel dumpster fires? And this owner was less willing to listen and adapt than the Vienna Inn maniacs? Or any of the other garbage owners? I think this guy was kind of a schlub...no doubt. But I think he was way more redeemable than about any of the other owners. Maybe Fox makes Ramsey do one dramatic walkout a season? Just not understanding why this was the hill that Godon chose to die on...
  5. Karan has "accidents"...I'm sorry....explosive diarrhea...in the guest bathrooms?!? That her cleaning staff (barely) cleans up?!? Did I hear this correctly? Oy vey... 803 may refer to the amount of times the owners have defecated on the bathroom mats? ?
  6. Absolutely and respectfully disagree. I find Rachel Dratch hysterical. To each his own I suppose.
  7. Omg...this episode was beyond pathetic. Feldman is seriously one of the biggest losers on the planet. And those "angels"? Oy...they wouldn't even make it in gonzo porn. Utterly unattractive. The blonde was especially awful. Her look of 'feigned indignation' when she was in "business" attire was hysterical. I honestly think that Feldman needs serious therapy. He can't be THAT lacking in self-awareness, can he? Wow...
  8. I adore Paul Simon and think he's a genius but I was so distracted by his terrible face lift. It was disconcerting. *please tell me it wasn't a stroke or something...if it was I'm going to hell...*
  9. Did it seem anyone else that JB blew off Dave? That was odd...
  10. I'm reading this thread but not watching the show. I'm a huge animal lover and I'm just so unbelievably upset. I sent PETA a note (copied from an earlier post). I got a rote, canned response. Is anyone getting any traction? I'm not the best source because I'm hearing things second-hand (ie this forum). Is anyone getting any kind of response from anyone? I am beyond worried for these animals if what I'm reading is true. Are there people checking in on these animals and checking their well being? ETA - I should have read up a bit in this thread. Seems there are regular checks? These "Utopians" seem like horrid human beings.
  11. "Also, how weird was it that the owner was into women 30 years his senior?! Bizarre." I didn't really get the impression the owner was really into women at all. Shades of Mark Harris and Martha Raye. In so many ways. He is a manipulative predator and his prey seems to be old, wealthy women. He was (is) disgusting. I felt icky just watching this a-hole attempt to speak (slur) in his interactions with Ramsay and staff. He is just so repugnant on so many levels. And I agree with the posters who believe there's A LOT more to the staff story behind the scenes. Just weird.
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