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Wiendish Fitch

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  1. Quinn's character development is one of the most beautiful things ever shown on TV.
  2. I can't decide if the Futurama version of Earth is more or less chaotic than our present time. Oh, who the hell am I kidding, it's definitely less... Anyway, I think you'd have to already be kind of nutty to survive living in Springfield or Quahog.
  3. Catwoman (2004) The movie is wretched enough as it is, but in terms of costuming, I can't decide which was worse: Halle Berry's main costume (an impractical getup that's designed to appeal to the male gaze and nothing else), or the horrific "Karen hair" she sports after she gets her powers (why does Hollywood hate long, curly hair?) You know something's wrong when a character looks miles better in their "frumpy", pre-makeover look!
  4. While I was deeply saddened by Michelle Trachtenberg's passing, it's hard for me to apologize for still disliking Dawn all these years later. I think Dawn is a textbook example of writing oneself into a corner, and why it's a good idea to think long and hard about a character's purpose and endgame (which the Buffy writers clearly did not).
  5. I'd love to live in the Full House version of San Francisco, where a three story house apparently goes for a song. Of course, I'd have to suffer having the Tanners as neighbors, but, y'know, sour with the sweet...
  6. Would definitely NOT want to live in: Mayberry: Living in Mayberry is proof that one can, in fact, die of boredom. Sure, the crime rate is low, but I've always theorized that Sheriff Andy had sinister, less-than-legal methods of keeping it that way. Stars Hollow: My god, Phoebe Buffay would find the excessive quirkiness of this place unbearable. I agree with Emily Gilmore that Stars Hollow is made up mostly of "carnies and misfits" who have absolutely nothing meaningful going on in their lives, which is why they fixate on the daily activities of a random kid. I've griped before about the "town's favorite son/daughter" elsewhere, and by golly, I'm going to gripe about it again. It's dumb, it's weird, it's unfair to other kids, and you're just setting up said favorite son/daughter for failure, because the real world's going to be harder and more competitive than their cozy small town!
  7. I felt the writers of GG missed a lot of opportunities with Rory: maybe she could have learned from her screw-ups, gotten over herself, picked herself up, and carved a new path for herself. Or maybe become like, I dunno, Dee from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (but we all know that never would have happened). And I don't care if this does me a snob or whatever: you couldn't pay me to live in Stars Hollow.
  8. I thought Anora was fine, but absolutely nothing to write home about. Yes, I did like how it was the anti-Pretty Woman, and seeing Ani tell off those awful people was rewarding, but other that... meh? No, it isn't as an infuriating a Best Picture winner as Crash (and thank the heavens Emilia Perez didn't win), but... really? This won over Wicked, Conclave, or even The Substance? Speaking of which, someone on Twitter snarked that Mikey Madison's Best Actress win was basically the plot of The Substance.
  9. Same! I can't stand characters (and, if I'm being honest, people in IRL) like Rory: everything is a damned breeze, everyone readily blows smoke up their asses, the very concept of struggling is foreign to them, so when they do experience valid criticism, they are SHOCKED that someone could deign to dislike them! Parents, praise your kids, but don't put them on too high a pedestal. The higher the fall, the bigger the hurt.
  10. That's wonderful! Modern science IS a blessing, isn't it?
  11. That attitude is still a thing? Good god, can the world just end already?!?!
  12. Unmarked spoilers, so beware... Dear Evan Hansen Woof, this one one was a chore and a half to sit through. I was as guilty as everyone else snarking at overaged Ben Platt reprising the title role, but even casting an actual teenager wouldn't have saved this. The plot is so, so, so deeply flawed, and I think other people have since come around to this. But you know what I love? Evan's lie is revealed... and he suffers real, lasting consequences. Yes, he gets the charity started for realsies, but he and Zoe don't get back together, the Murphys will never speak to him again, and more than a few people want nothing to do with him now. Evan did a profoundly weird, creepy thing, and its aftermath will probably hang over his head for years to come, if not for the rest of his life. GOOD. Yes, we all lie. Yes, none of us are perfect. But too many of these Liar Reveal stories are wrapped up too neatly, and the protagonist is always forgiven way too readily, no matter how fucking icky their behavior was (take a gander at Amy Schumer's latest "comedy" for proof of this). Evan exploited the death of someone for his own gain. That shouldn't be swept under the rug, and I'm glad the story has him take accountability.
  13. I agree. It sucks the spontaneity and romance out of it. Mr. Fitch proposed to me in the privacy of his home, and I will always love that he did it that way.
  14. Myrna Loy always looked sensational in the Thin Man series, but she outdid herself in Shadow of the Thin Man! I especially love the sparkly dress in the first image. I don't care if it's the most frivolous article of clothing that ever existed, I want it in my life! Bonus mention of how cute her hair looks in this installment.
  15. This show is still on?! WHY!?!??!?!
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