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  1. In my state, when it comes to teenagers (14 and over) the judge heavily considers what they want in terms of visitation. I think if Truly were younger there would be an issue about having to go back and forth but I doubt it at this point. Also does anyone think Kody will fight for visitation? Although at least now Truly can have her own room in the new McMansion!
  2. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know this has been brought up before but I was rewatching some Vegas episodes of Sister Wives and something still confuses me regarding the rush to move to Flagstaff. I think the speculation was the Vegas Homes had balloon mortgages and they were coming due and Kody wanted to dump them before they came due. Yet the cost of continuing to pay the mortgages on the Vegas Homes plus Christine's home in Flagstaff plus 3 Rental homes (and Robyn had a mansion rental) plus the Loan on Coyote Pass --- that had to cost way more than paying what the mortgage was on the Vegas homes - so its so confusing. Also for a time when Robyn and Kody bought the house they were paying daily rental fees AND for the UHaul trucks because Kody did not want to unload it. If Janelle wants to make money she should do a book/pod cast detailing the family's finances. One more thing - I have MAX and they have taken away some Season 9 episodes - Groomzilla being one of them. I understand sometimes its due to Music rights - but they could play other music over it. Are there episodes missing from other streaming apps that have the show?
  3. Do you think that Christine said Robyn needed a larger house as an attempt to stay in Kody's good graces? Or maybe because Christine did not want the one large house for them all to live in? I think Christine was figuring out things were not going to get better with Kody but was not there quite yet. Janelle I think believed that Kody would act in the interest of the family and they would build on Coyote Pass so she was still buying into sacrificing for the good of the family. Meri I think was always traditionally the gathering place -even in Vegas - so I think she was still in that mindset when she got to Flagstaff. On another note when Robyn "cries" her fake tears it gets me so angry - she never called Meri, made her visit with her outside, it looks like Meri barely got to see the kids, and then Robyn could not even help her move - not even to go over and pack boxes. And that awful "gift" - I was so happy when Meri had no emotion towards Robyn - Robyn even had to open the gift herself - which why? Just say hey Meri I would love it if you would open the gift now. For someone who has $4,0000 wooden sculptures in her house I think she could do better in terms of a gift - and personally I am not about the price of a gift - the best gifts are thoughtful ones that come from the heart but I suspect the "Junk" Journal was not really from Robyn's heart. I don't love Meri -but she was always in Robyn's corner since day one, and Robyn never ever did anything for her except give her false hope about Kody. Then Robyn has the nerve to self film her fake tears and devastation at Meri leaving - I am glad Meri has Jenn in life.
  4. @laurakaye- The first thing I thought when Robyn pulled up was her arrival was truly reminiscent of and had the same vibe of when the Dementors were close by in the Harry Potter books/films.
  5. I ended up only watching half of the episode - the rest I fast forwarded through. I am thrilled for Christine but we saw the wedding specials I don't think we all need to see the entire courtship. I think someone already said this but "stop trying to make Tony and Mykelti happen - they are not going to happen!" I am so over them. The conversation with Meri and Kody was interesting - I felt bad for her because he was just so mean and you could see her looking at the producers to make him stop or be like why do I have to sit here and take his belittlement? I think the show has run its course. I would be fine with a few specials here and there updating us, but 6 episodes in what has really happened this season? I feel like the last 6 episodes could have been packed into a half hour of content.
  6. In my state when children reach a certain age they do not have to have visitation if they do not want it. I think Christine may have waited for Truely to reach that age. Like when Dayton had to sign the consent to be adopted - the court takes more into account when children are older. My guess is if Kody tries to exert more control the court will hire a guardian ad litem to interview Truely - I doubt Kody will have that much control after that investigation.
  7. zamp33


    According to Realitsquad, on their patreon Mykelti and Tony revealed they are moving to North Carolina.
  8. My child is looking at U of C right now - its a "loan free institution", if your family makes below a certain amount you get free tuition and they work with you to finance what you need. If you are below another threshold its all covered. So the entire storyline is ridiculous. It is a very selective and prestigious school that can open doors - such a no brainer!
  9. I thought drywall was his own business - if he worked for the town/city then he would be getting a pension. How much depends on how long he worked for the town and if was there long enough to be vested. I seem to remember how happy they were when he got the job working for the town and I believe they mentioned a pension way back when - but then again both Dan and Jackie both had sons that seems to have been forgotten about so who knows about the pension. If you pay into the pension, you are not paying into social security so that may be affecting what he is getting. But his jobs have been so hodgepodge over the years who knows?
  10. It is nice to see Janelle smile and have a nice experience with Logan and Michelle!
  11. I think the twist of Fruit Punch mix was really unfair. It is a strong artificial overly sweet flavor and really could only potentially work with a couple of cake flavors. I think the twist concept is ok but I really hate it when they are so out there that they basically undermine what is being asked of the bakers. Also if you get the vanilla flavor, then you may be able to work with the fruit punch, but chocolate or honey - that is hard. I still am angry about the ridiculous Green Apple Coffee twist a few seasons back, but this one is ranks right up there as one of the stupidest twists. That being said,the one baker who did not have to do the twist got sent home.
  12. Janelle posted on instagram to thank everyone for the donations to the shelters in Garrison's name. She also said his cats would be going with his siblings. I cannot figure out how to post it here- maybe someone with more skills than I can.
  13. I am horrified that they listened to police scanners, to me that was trying to exploit the death to get it out first and get views. Some sites have posted very brief messages and given out information about 988 and places where we could donate to as we are all feeling very upset about this news. It is always so sad to hear of someone taking their own life but this really hit me hard, probably because we have been watching for so long and we have seen Janelle worries about Garrison's mental health (during covid) and have seen Garrison mourn for their prior family life, and Garrison continued to be an active presence on the show and on social media - last year he even gave space for Janelle to garden. I think viewers are trying to find a way to be respectful and commiserate, but not in a way that is offensive or upsetting to the family. So the sites that have brief mentions I am ok with - but the scanners mention - ugh.
  14. Hello - not sure if this is ok to post here, but I was so sad reading about Garrison and I know he loves cats and just rescued one. Someone on a post suggested that maybe if people felt like they wanted to do something they could donate to an animal shelter in honor of Garrison. I found that my local shelter where I adopted my cat had a amazon and chewy wish list, so I donated some items from that for the shelter. My prayers and wishes are with the family - how utterly devastating.
  15. @Sandy W and @Orcinus orcaI believe in one of the last specials (look backs or something) Meri's friend Jen said that Meri was looking for someone 6ft 6 and a pilot. They were joking around and laughing , but I believe she was referencing her and Jen's conversation about what her next man would be like. I am guessing because those episodes are still not streaming the reference might be lost on people who did not see it.
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