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Everything posted by Blueboxes

  1. I believe when they got the wrong answer, that meant they had to drag a heavier box - the penalty was the likelihood that it would take longer. Even so, Corey & Berna finished which is better than Nurys and Colleen who timed out. I have to say I have not been a Corey fan all season but he's winning me over in this episode. Calling Jay out and beating him was fantastic and other than dropping the ropes, he's done really well (and he was carrying more ropes than the rest). If Emmanuel is smart, he'll put Corey into elimination because based upon Chaos, Corey is the biggest threat. Not an Emmanuel fan either but he is an amazing competitor. Hoping Nurys pulls off a miracle #TeamNurys
  2. Berna really rolled over on Colleen. If I were her, I would've said, "there are 6 girls to choose from and 4 of us. Let's each name 1 person who is our #1 that we get to protect. As winners, we all have earned the right to protect that person. Then the 4 of us can vote to pick between the remaining 2 who none of us have deemed a priority." I thought this was going to be the greatest episode ever with Cara knocking off orange shirt. But then I guess I can't have nice things. I loved Cara until she paired up with Paulie and became absolutely unwatchable. Nice to see her without him here!
  3. Yep it seemed clear to me that Mai would go first. She knew if Sam or Phil got the green they would not pick her. Phil knew Sam would pick him and I think he suspected that Mai would too. Zero chance he would press the button - as long as he didn't, he had 100% chance of making it to the final 2. Sam again knew Phil would pick him and was very afraid of the red possibility (rightly so!). I was shocked when Sam volunteered after Mai was safe. I actually thought he & Phil would play rock-paper-scissor to decide who would go second. I wonder if production said they couldn't do that since that was their "big finale" (yawn). I understand why squid game wasn't the final but I wish they had come up with something more interesting. I actually would have enjoyed a trivia game about the contestants/games up to that point - the winner would be the one who paid attention to details along the way.
  4. I always FF through all the vomit in the eating challenges. But this was GOLD. Thank you Challenge editors!!
  5. Agree, I think Chris will be one to watch. He figured out their best move in the daily was to give blue the win - playing the real game. He's obviously physically strong as well. He put a target on his back with that move in the daily but he seems generally likeable so he may be able to recover politically. Josh is awful and I cannot believe that BS worked. The red girls are idiots. Seemed like a no brainer to just talk to Dusty BEFORE the vote and keep Luis safe in exchange for Desi (write him a note - he loves that!)
  6. I'm shocked. Looked absolutely Barbie pink on my TV. Which I thought was interesting because it's very trendy now but would not have been when they filmed, just a fortuitous coincidence for Laurence. Also Elaine's hair was nuts but that's on brand for her 😕
  7. Wow. I thought Korto would be in the top. She clearly addressed the challenge and I think pants that look like a ball gown are a cool idea. She didn't deserve to go home. I haven't been happy with her attitude most of the season but her last 2 looks were beautiful and the judges were so dismissive. I'd be pissed too in her shoes. Love Laurence's and thought it perfectly fit the challenge. At first I was salty that Brittney was in the top because I felt her look was all sexy & no modesty but I came around on that. She took very modest silhouette and made it sexy. Wasn't how I interpreted the challenge at first but I think it's valid. But Rami was in the top?? With that mess?? It did not fit well, wasn't flattering (as someone else said, it made the models boobs look completely lopsided), that zipper in the back was awful and it didn't address the challenge at all! Bishme was lost but he knew it. I love him for that. Figured he wouldn't go home based upon his previous wins. I was on the fence with Pradje. I didn't like his look but I think partly as with Brittney it came down to interpretation. I think he thought of edgy as "innovative" which his construction was. But I think of edgy as more of a rebellious, non-conformist vibe and his design had none of that. I thought Rami should be the one to go home, sorry Christian.
  8. This. I thought Rami was in the bottom for a pretty but uninteresting dress. Pradje's had some issues but I didn't think it was awful. Kara Saun.....Christian tried SO HARD to help her but she was completely incapable of taking a step back to actually see what her creation looked like.
  9. I absolutely think production said something to Anna. Because she was pouting in her ice cream which is what caused Pradje to ask what was bothering her. I suspect production pulled her aside and said "you cannot burn your model tomorrow." Overall this was one of the better runways I've seen on the show. Even the losing looks had merit. That "celebrity" judge was awful. Poor Rami, I think his client base is not what the judges are looking for and he knows that. I knew Christian was going to save him but it may have been kinder to let him leave. He's trying to be something he's not when there's really nothing wrong with what he does irl. I may be in the minority but I love Christian. I think his critiques are very spot on and he makes me laugh.
  10. I think the right team won. But I really wanted the judges to tell Korto, "you need to thank your team members because the strength of their looks saved you." Her look did not fit in with the collection at all. Kanye sure made the judges job easy. His was by far the worst look there. As celebrity judges go, I did not mind Jennie Garth. She had some very valid comments about the designs.
  11. Add me to the Anna-should-have-gone-home contingent. I think the judges wanted to make Anna-Brittany the bottom but Elaine fought for Anna with her "it was the sleeves" nonsense and my new crush Wes wasn't buying it. But they all agreed that Victor would be the one to go home for the his so they just went that way. I don't think Victor & Kayne's look could have ever really worked....WAY too many ideas there! But some editing maybe could have made them safe. I wonder if they had painted the corset a different color (black? Dark purple?) and ditched the peplum if it could have helped. The silver was so costume-y. Kara Saun & Laurence deserved to be in the bottom with that mess. I would have put Hester & Fabio in the top 2, not that it matters since Korto & Pradje were the clear winners. Can't stand Hester but that look was 99% Fabio. Loved when Brandon said something like "there were no bad looks tonight" and then we see Wes's face which cracked me up. Can he just take over for Elaine?
  12. Kaycee and Ben were already not really on board with Team USA and looking for a reason to defect. KellyAnne gave them cover to say "we were going to vote with the team until we saw it would be a stalemate" PS I am SO happy Johnny is gone. Tired of watching him smugly convince some rookie girl that he's genuinely interested in her. Seemed to me from this episode that he & Justine were "more than partners." The nerve.... Telling Justine he's more impressed with her than any other partner he's ever had (yeah right). Justine is a good competitor, but no.
  13. It should not because the clue said it is "a rotated V" Not "a pair of rotated Vs."
  14. I totally agree! A perfect example of how the story may make me like a design more but the design should work even if you don't know the backstory. (James .... looking at you & your pizza purse!)
  15. I agreed with picking Nigel. He grew the most and his collection would appeal to a lot of customers. I loved Bao but she just didn't have a lot of range. The designs she wore throughout the competition were sexy but still not trashy. However, I felt her collection veered towards looking cheap. Deontre needs more experience, I think he would gain from working for an established design house - hopefully this show helps him land a job in fashion. My pick for the person I wished had been in the finale was Desyree. Not a James fan, his execution was terrible - although it would've been interesting to see what he could do with a team of competent sewers.
  16. I thought it was odd that no one seemed to give any consideration to how Mackenzie's 2 boys would feel about only Jaxie getting a special vacation with Grandpa. Like no big deal, obviously she is the favorite. Also Mackenzie should buckle her seat belt for a bumpy ride with Jaxie at school next year. They were told the child needs structure and decided to send her on a vacation with Grandpa who they predict will feed her junk food and allow her to blow off her homework. Such a fail. And wow Maci just telegraphing that she wants a divorce. Awful. I actually feel bad for Taylor, he seems like a nice guy.
  17. Kyle doesn't want to be on Emerald for the same reason Cory & Nelson didn't want to be together on Ruby. If Kyle is on Sapphire and Sapphire wins - he is safe & can protect Devin from getting voted in. Devin does the same if Emerald wins. If they are on the same team, their alliance is less valuable.
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