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Everything posted by Endora

  1. Yes!
  2. Tori announced she is pregnant
  3. Lisa wouldn't dare open her mouth!
  4. Late 50's, silly for women of that age IMO.
  5. Tori and the kids were alone at the table Zach returned to after his speech. When he was done they showed the other table with the other siblings clapping. Three old ladies in a hot tub playing a sex trivia game, yuck, glad I fast forwarded through all those scenes.
  6. Lisa is married she just renewed her vows.
  7. Amy looked pretty nice but the constant concern over will he cry when he sees me in this gown will it reaffirm his love, joy and devotion and Chris worrying if he be a blubbering mess was annoying. Why was Deb helping Chris get ready? Deb thanking Chris for loving their Amy, LOL! Deb and Lisa's ass kissing game was strong that day. Nice times with Amy's dad she seemed very happy. The guy has mellowed No Chris family sightings and I was hoping for some interaction there but they probably didn't want to be filmed. I noticed that Zach and Tori were sitting at a table alone and all the other siblings were sitting together. I really think Tori's the problem. Disrespected Zach was thrown a bone I guess being chosen the siblings spokesman. I wonder if Amy got sick from the food? Did she say they were both sick?
  8. The news cycle has moved on, the wedding is old news New babies for Audrey and Isabel are the current news.
  9. The video of that interview is pretty funny. Chris started to tell about Amy getting sick (I think) and she was mumbling no no. Then she was whispering something to him that you couldn't understand and then blurted out I got sick.
  10. Just my opinion but I didn't consider that a date.
  11. Yes but it's still a total of 4 hours in one night all about Amy and Chris. Overkill!
  12. The coverage of the wedding of the century is 4 hours on TLC. That's just ridiculous. I couldn't stand 4 hours of Amy and Chris. Won't be watching that whole thing. Maybe DVR so FF can be used.
  13. This season begs the question how can anyone stand her? The look she gave her business partner/friend Jessica when she called her out on not asking her first about pushing off the business was awful. Almost like how dare you say that to me, my personal needs are more important than you or our business. I'm the Queen! Throwing something at Buddy's head and hurting him, awful and obnoxious. She is just a big bully. "I'm going to get my man". A man who makes her happy and she is in love with via phone conversations. Whitney is beyond annoying.
  14. Bravo Christine! Maybe she will end up in the Darger family. She seemed impressed with them when they visited with them.
  15. Jackson and Lilah look exactly alike. The same exact face IMO.
  16. They all do the same thing. Amy did it with her wedding, constant wedding posts looking for attention. Tori did it too when she was pregnant.
  17. So Becky and Tiffany refused the cash offer. If they had to split the 70,000 no way 35 would be enough to build a new home for Tiffany. Not sure how much they thought they could get, the house was falling apart and dangerous.
  18. Stupid selfish people like Amy and Matt.
  19. During the live Lisa brought up Felix and Amy seemed somber. Then just when she started talking about him Chris walked in the house. She immediately forgot her sorrow, her face lit up and she stopped talking to announce the arrival of Chris and beckon him to the camera to say hello. She just thinks they are so special like nobody else her age ever got remarried. Get over yourself Amy.
  20. That infantile crying with the lip jutted out makes me want to slap her right in that puss. Looks like her wedding, babies and happily ever after fantasy with French blur will be delayed. Why oh why did I start watching this show again?
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