Amy looked pretty nice but the constant concern over will he cry when he sees me in this gown will it reaffirm his love, joy and devotion and Chris worrying if he be a blubbering mess was annoying. Why was Deb helping Chris get ready? Deb thanking Chris for loving their Amy, LOL! Deb and Lisa's ass kissing game was strong that day. Nice times with Amy's dad she seemed very happy. The guy has mellowed No Chris family sightings and I was hoping for some interaction there but they probably didn't want to be filmed. I noticed that Zach and Tori were sitting at a table alone and all the other siblings were sitting together. I really think Tori's the problem. Disrespected Zach was thrown a bone I guess being chosen the siblings spokesman. I wonder if Amy got sick from the food? Did she say they were both sick?