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sugarbaker design

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Everything posted by sugarbaker design

  1. I knew they were airing two MM's back to back this Sunday in my market, but I thought PBS markets were pretty autonomous, airing things when they feel like it.
  2. The Talk had a table like they still do, however for interview segments they had a comfy couch. Leah would often appear shoeless and unfortunately she would also pick her feet.
  3. I have a profound issue with this sentiment. Gay men and lesbians come in all degrees of the masculine/feminine spectrum. If Andy and Frankie fall into the over the top category that's their prerogative. They do not reinforce horribly ignorant stereotypes, bigots do that. If AG prefers the over the top gays that's her issue, it's definitely not Andy's or Frankie's. I'm thinking of the little gay boy or lesbian who's over the top in a small town, watching these over the top HG's getting along with everyone else. It must make them feel better about themselves and their future. Now Andy and Frankie's personality defects, of which there are many, offend someone, I'm more than ok with that! Fly your freak flag high!
  4. When? The lie that he's a cop? He won't reveal that until after he wins. If they shun him, he'll just cry into his bag of $500,000.00.
  5. Black Widower featured two fantastic covers.
  6. It didn't. The producers stacked the audience with CBS employees when Aaryn was evicted. Had it been an audience of viewers, like the audience at Christine's eviction, the booing would've been thunderous.
  7. She was booed by several people, it's hard to believe all the booers did it for one and only one reason.
  8. Forrester Creations Los Angeles Paris Sydney Milan and anywhere else the storyline take us
  9. It's an urban myth, more info here. http://www.snopes.com/crime/statistics/superbowl.asp
  10. I can't picture that useless piece of shit doing anything.
  11. But it is conducive to same-sex kissing! So bring on the booze! Kari looks so awful she should sue! Denzel's merkin (or should I call it poetic justice?) looks horrendous. Best makeovers were really just better haircuts: Will, Matt, Ben and Adam. The shorter do's really accentuate their faces. Agree with poster above that Adam will in no way get past the fact that he's a shorty. I didn't notice Ben's gorgeous cheekbones til last night. Was I the only one who was totally baffled at Tyra saying to Shei "We're going to make you black and white?" I was on my couch wondering how the hell they were going to do that!
  12. Derrick's probably been perfecting, editing, massaging, enhancing and doctoring that speech since Day 1 in the house. I can't wait to hear it.
  13. On WABC-TV in Manhattan, they interviewed Regis briefly the day of JR's death, he was his usual gracious self. However, there was something off, his hair seemed totally white, I don't know if it was my TV or my vision, but his hair looked totally white!
  14. Last night Julie specifically said J&J return to the BB house.
  15. It's entirely possible, GH plays fast and loose with time more often than Doctor Who.
  16. Yes, no more Cackles on MJ, thank goodness. I have watched the View when was on and she was not nearly as abrasive or mean-spirited as she is on MJ. She definitely cackles less.
  17. After reading posts about yesterday's episode, I decided to end my self-imposed LA exile. I had to see the Ivy/Hope conversation, so I took myself down to LA, to Forrester Creations, went right to the rooftop gym/restaurant and sat behind Hope and Ivy. I was wearing Quinn's big floppy hat. It's been so long that anyone in LA has said anything confrontational to Hope's face I was surprised her nibs' head didn't explode. I'm really loving Ivy right now. Two things really bothered me: Hope's "I'm your boss!" Bitch please, Eric Forrester signs the checks, you don't. Eric runs an international design house, you tell virgins to tighten their chastity belts, big difference! Second thing: "I'm not like my mother." Sure as hell not, you're uneducated, unskilled and totally unremarkable in every way. I cannot wait until she starts to feel the consequences of her shitty actions.
  18. I'm not shocked that a wealthy Manhattan family would opt for dinner at a nice restaurant and spend time with each other rather than stay at home and cook.
  19. How could I forget Eugene!? A thousand apologies!
  20. Ford's the absolute worst, during a discussion of the minimum wage, he suggested two minimum wages: one for heads of household, one for everybody else. He made this suggestion with a straight face. To think he nearly got a senate seat!! And on the other end of the spectrum is Mohyeldin! Smart, engaged, eloquent with hands on experience, the one bright spot on today's MJ. My dream panel would include Mohyeldin, Dreamy, Rattner, Jeremy Peters and Katty Kay. Joe, Mika and Willie would have a day off.
  21. Joe's friends are asking him if it's safe to raise children in New York City.
  22. That's one of the reasons why B&B was so good back then, Brooke earned her status, Prince Ridge inherited his. Class distinctions were loud and clear.
  23. TK's schedule is killing every storyline? I thought it was the atrocious writing, unbelievable characterizations and misguided casting. B&B isn't a guide to good etiquette, it's a SOAP OPERA! This is where irresponsible behavior belongs.
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