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Everything posted by 7-Zark-7

  1. I can't believe I forgot to mention Black Peppa's badass face reveal. I just thought she had a really shiny face until she removed the mask. But frankly, I was distracted by the ponytail whip and how amazing she looked in her entrance outfit.
  2. Danny’s beard is nothing compared to Starlet’s brows. Peter Gallagher would be impressed by how well she works around those things.
  3. Omg - Nellie Olson... yes! So true. Dakota's confessional look was also giving me Cindy Brady vibes. When I saw Starlet, I thought, does Trixie know that a queen has actually pulled off her inspiration... the original Barbie doll?! The comparison is uncanny. And that entrance look, how beautiful. I'm glad Ru mentioned it. This should be a killer look queen season. It's on WoW Presents.
  4. I had to look up Cherry Valentine again since there have been so many queens lately. I vaguely remembered that she looked like a young Alan Cumming out of drag. I remembered she worked as a nurse during the worst of the pandemic, which must have been hell. I didn’t know about her BBC documentary. I need to see if I can find that streaming. 28 is so young. RIP girl.
  5. SEASON 4!!!! A lot of look queens this season and that's probably for the best. Ru doesn't get British comedy drag, I think it's too old school vaudeville for her (see Joe Black and Ginny Lemon), but the fashion she'll appreciate. Black Peppa's Blobby was fantastic, but I wasn't sold on the second look. I would have given the win to Sminty Drop. I was happy to see Dakota Schiffer's personality come out during that lipsync, I was worried for her. When she was crying and saying "I'll fight", I thought... okay? Joanna Lumley was a great judge. She made good points and she may have helped save Copper Topp. Just May had first out written all over, but then she said it out loud too. She called her makeup skills "limited" and admitted she couldn't lipsync. She practically sent herself home.
  6. First the living room and now her bedroom, Bunny's choice of wallpaper alone, is enough to redeem her for me. But I fully understand why none of the three invited her in. She tried to evict them. After that, a nod in the courtyard is more than civil on their part. I'm hoping the murderer is Cinda Canning (or one of her lookalikes). I'm half joking, but it would explain how they got to the building so fast to see the three being led out in handcuffs. As someone who has strolled through the ubiquitous Z Galleries back in the day, I felt that line deeply. 🤣
  7. These runways have been fantastic. Jinkx and Jaida really turned it. The choice of the Peanut Butter song alone was brilliant. Then Jinkx sprinkled her fairy dust and it just took off! She's too good. I loved the way everyone reacted to everyone's videos. Raja jumped in with a "yes" before Shea even started her dance. And the spoken word lip sync battle was really fun. The moment I heard Ru say "Designing Women", I knew it was the lights went out in Georgia bit. The fight amongst the rest of the queens to get that third star is going to be intense. The Vivienne seems like she's thisclose to stabbing someone to get the win as it is. She needs to take a tip from her fellow Liverpudlians and "Relax... don't do it".
  8. The Vivienne killed this episode. This is The Vivienne I had expected from the very beginning and I was surprised to see her getting lost early on in the competition. She was great in the girl group and made a stunning Dolly Parton. Her lipsync had all the Dolly mannerisms, too. Now, if only she’d back off Jinkx. Has there ever been an All Stars contestant who voted out a fellow challenge team member? Plunging Jinkx was a bad call. She should have left all the two badge queens alone and blocked someone from getting that second badge ahead of her. I would have blocked Trinity. She’s due for another win. The first girl group’s song seemed to go on forever. I wonder why that appealed to anyone over the much more upbeat second song. Obviously the livelier song will play better on stage. Trinity got Dolly’s dress down to the last stone. Jinkx gets full props for that bouncy runway walk. Yvie turned Dolly’s walk into an 1849 prospector hunting for gold. I think I would have chosen Shea for the win over Yvie, but since she wasn’t in the better singing group, that might have hurt her. I also thought Jinkx did well again, and she looked very Dolly, but I didn't think she'd get another win this time. I guess Tove Lo's stylist is high all the time, too.
  9. She also did Joanna Lumley's Patsy character from AbFab again, only better this time than in The Snatch Game.
  10. If I were Raja, I'd turn to Jinkx and say "If you give your second star to me, I'll give my second star to you." (If this is possible. I'm not sure that it is.) I think it's like the running from a bear strategy: you don't have to be the fastest runner, you just have to outrun the slowest person. There are but so many challenges left and with two stars, Jinkx is already a lock for the top 4 tier. So the strategy now should be to let Jinkx get all the stars she wants and focus on stopping other queens from getting that second star. In fact, no matter who Jinkx gives her second star to, it's still in Raja's best interest to give hers to Jinkx just to stop other queens from getting that second star ahead of her. If they can't give their stars to each other, I'd give one to Yvie (since she doesn't have one), and then one to whomever seems like less of a threat, though I'm not sure who that is. Even though she hasn't performed the best so far, I don't think I'd give both stars to Yvie and risk having to lipsync against her in the finals - 'cause that's where Miss Bendy Bones shines. Speaking of lipsyncs, this one seemed tragic. Trinity didn't even clap and The Vivienne's clap was belated and half-hearted. I know they were worried about being blocked, but no one seemed moved by that performance.
  11. It's because Alex wasn't hot. That's why everyone was laughing at Yu Ling for flirting with him. Which is sad, but there it is. You know who are hot? Trevor and DeLeesa, which is why they have produced two of the cutest kids I have ever seen. More children from those two, please. It's for the good of the nation.
  12. There was a scene where Bennet is in the hub, sees Hazel's face in a mirror and jumps. He turns around a woman, who looks just like the doll, says something like "What's the matter?" and Bennett tries to play it off and leaves.
  13. Trinity has taken Raja's place in the top two twice this season and I am not here for it.
  14. Hazel mentioned that the digital version of her didn't live through what she lived through. So I think we're supposed to believe that the uploads know of their own pasts almost like watching a film or reading about them instead of actually experiencing them, so they don't have any of the same trauma. Some of the character traits were the same, though. Hazel both in real life and upload was a schemer. And Byron both in real life and upload wanted to escape the real world and live digitally. Some loose ends that I'd like to know about: Why was Byron's brother so shady? Why would he know about the lip balm? What about Byron's first wife, Alice? Does Hazel know about her now that she can talk to Download Byron? Why does Diane look like a real woman in the hub? Does Bennett know that Hazel came back but not Byron? Is he on board? If not, is he in the pasture? Why does the pasture cube still exist? Does Hazel know about it? If so, is she just as evil as Byron now? Loose ends that I don't care about: Jasper and Zelda the Dolphin love Unsatisfying plot point: Judiff. She was never able to act on her information in any meaningful way.
  15. Way to go Trevor/ Imani! I did not see that second position coming. Frank, though loud, was lovely, so I'm glad he won. Bru was my favorite, so I was sad for him. I know Alex/ Nathan was playing within the rules of the game, but ... no. I don't like the guy. Although, the part where everyone laughed about Yu Ling flirting with him was brutal. I guess if you catfish as a hottie, when you aren't one, you bring that reaction on yourself. How did people miss his not adding enough to the step count or his referring to girls as "gals"? Alyssa was perhaps the most insightful player there, it's a shame that still didn't work in her favor. When "Paul" changed her father's profession from real estate agent to marriage counselor, and Alyssa chimed in with "He looks like a real estate agent", I cackled. Everson's demon painting still haunts me. It could be the way I chose to watch this season (I waited until 12 days out and watched one episode a day instead of binging the batches they released) but I didn't find this season as interesting as previous seasons. The pacing seemed slow and I didn't feel that enough people went home at a good clip. There should be more ratings and blockings. They definitely should bring on all the people in the beginning. I did like the virus. The show should have more unforeseen moments where it's not just up to the two influencers to decide who goes home. I still think my favorite twist of any season was when they had someone catfish as an already existing player. That was a twist. Maybe they could have a season where they have 6 genuine people and 6 people catfishing as them from the very beginning and see what happens.
  16. How much did Jinkx want to get in on that Old MacDonald? You know she would have killed. It’s right in her wheelhouse.
  17. I know it doesn't count for much anymore, but the runways this season are already amazing.
  18. I would have picked Raja (or Monet) over Trinity. Raja’s Snatch Game was great, and her runway look was much better than Trinity’s puffer jacket.
  19. Favorite lines of the episode: Jinkx : “Well, it’s a set, Ru. It's not real. It's a cardboard set, darling. It doesn’t go… anywhere.” The Vivienne: “ I’ve got shoes that could kick shit into space.” Monet: “I’m gonna fuck ‘em in the ass.” Raja: “Purple mittens.” Jaida: “I’m sexy… I’m a man.”
  20. When Padma referred to the miso honey, I laughed. I think I’d call it honey miso to avoid the Full Metal Jacket/ 2 Live Crew flashbacks.
  21. How does Jackson keeps winding up in the top despite not having a sense of taste or smell? I never want to hear Padma say to a chef "Did you taste your dish before serving it?" ever again.
  22. She had so many examples to choose from: Bowie and Kiss in the 70s, Prince and multiple hair bands in the 80s - all of whom wore drag while playing the guitar - yet Maddy Morphosis shows up like Joy Behar making a court appearance in 1990? I don't get it.
  23. It has been over six weeks since they had a new episode. They must feel confident about their ability to retain viewers.
  24. My issue with Kitty possibly winning is that I don't see what she brings to the table that The Vivienne and Lawrence Cheney haven't brought - maybe the girl group angle, but that's it. The other two winners are funny, can be campy and could easily host a tour as well or better than Kitty can. At least Ella and Krystal are different, one's got West End talent and the other is clearly a model/ influencer. I think the show shot itself in the foot by getting rid of the more eclectic queens. I was rooting for Choriza May. Charity Kase also had a lot of fans, and of course, Victoria Scone slid herself home.
  25. When RuPaul looks at Krystal Versace, it's as if she's a Dowager Countess who likes this young upstart’s moxy.
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