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Everything posted by Tanukisan

  1. What's even worse, according to dialogue in the episode, he originally got that watch for his sister as a present. But then apparently he had one of those crush-of-the-moment attacks and gave it to Natalya instead. Hopefully his sister isn't watching the episode. (:
  2. I absolutely thought the same thing. The look on her face was one of awe and wonder, as if one had just had the biggest epiphany of a lifetime. It would be the same look if she saw the Burning Bush or the Parting of the Red Sea.
  3. Like a string of tasks and relationships gone wrong, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast… Warning, there be spoilers ahead for those who haven’t seen the episode. But you can see the ep now on bravotv.com – that’s where I saw it. So apparently Natasha and Kyle spend so much time nattering to each other that basic cleaning work in the pantry doesn’t get done. And Captain Queeg has to be the one to point this out? Pathetic – especially when you look at debris and dirty glassware that needs to be attended to. What, did they think these things would clean themselves? And the way they constantly complain about it! It’s part of your job, people! With a tip of $20K that comes out to $1,800 per person, that’s still 2 people we almost never see on the show. That’s too bad, since I’m sure the engineers, etc. have stories to tell as well, especially given the fact the stabilisers on this tub have failed, what, at least twice now? I’m sure they’d have some interesting tales to tell just on the mechanics of these boats – which would be a lot more interesting that much of what we’ve seen this season. So Natasha and Kyle elect to stay behind to do what they were already supposed to have done. As Natalya pointed out, this was not necessary, and they “could have sorted it out in the last 5 hours they just had.” But wait – so they didn’t stay behind all night to clean the pantry, they just got to dinner a little late. WTF? Another big nothingburger. With extra cheese. Poor Mzi – hopes to get lucky at this b-day party and almost ends up with… a married woman? Yikes. Was this a setup by the production people? Glad he didn’t try to start up again with Courtney right away – that was painful to watch in previous seasons. Is anyone on this boat capable of a normal relationship? There’s the toxic Dave/Natasha mix, Storm is smothering Natalya, Kyle has his Love-at-First-Sight moment, Mzi and Courtney have had a past history of getting drunk but not going anywhere, etc. Instead of the “Love Boat” it’s the “Psycho Boat”. And after most of the hour, we have a 2-minute setup for something that might actually be a little interesting… but we’re not going to see it until next week. And if it’s anything like past “cliffhangers”, it will end up being more of a molehill. What will happen then? Will Storm buy Natalya a house in addition to the watch? Will Kyle and Natasha keep nattering instead of working? Will Mzi find an unmarried woman… that isn’t Courtney? Will Jason pick up his toys and go home? Will a Kaiju attack the ship and cause something interesting to actually happen? Stay tuned, if you can stay awake!
  4. Because Brittini listens and Benny doesn't. In this most recent episode, Benny just absolutely refused outright to acknowledge Jamie's authority. At least Brittini puts her head down and does the work. For example, she'll flake the anchor chain -- Benny absolutely refused to do that, too.
  5. You can find it on the menu in several restaurants, and it's not uncommon. In fact, it's rather popular in some circles, and you can get it in supermarkets also. Maybe not as popular as chicken/beef/lamb but definitely available. Ostrich/Emu is available as well -- a bird, but more beef-like in appearance, texture, and taste. Yum! (:
  6. Like an unsecured jetski, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast… OMG, I don’t understand how this boat stays afloat. Aesha is melting down because she thinks “people hate me”. Aesha, as a head of department, you can’t be everyone’s friend. You’re the one who gives direction. No one will hate you for doing a proper job (which you don’t do). They will, however, resent you and walk all over you given the chance. And you let them. What’s more annoying than a hot tub full of drunken crew members talking poo? How about a boat of sober crew members so entirely dysfunctional it’s a miracle anything gets done? Regarding the rubbish situation. “Entertainment Officer Culver” says “It’s not my fault!” When clearly he was designated to take care of that. Good Lord, this Godforsaken boat has 4 deck crew (including the Bosun) and this is how things are? Benny and Culver are both Jonah’s. Brittini is great – when she’s sober. Jamie is… disappointing as a leader. And the Interior is little different. Tumi is the goddess of the Interior. Magda is useless and Aesha is hopeless. And then there’s Ryan… Asshole of the Sea. Cats who have 9 lives are envious of this jerk who should have been gone long ago. And Ryan is being put in charge of a “Down Under” themed cuisine. Oh, my Giddy Aunt. Ryan wouldn’t know “Down Under” cuisine if a kangaroo punched him in the face. Wait a tick, I’d like to see that… Looking forward to you crashing and burning. Drinking game: During the Aesha/Magda “heart-to-heart” chat, take a shot every time you hear “negative energy”. You’ll be mercifully passed out and miss the rest of the episode. Jamie: “I’ve spoken to Benny many times…” Yes, mate, and that’s the problem. You speak, he doesn’t listen/learn. So now we have a setup for a big showdown next week. Or will it be another big nothingburger? Next week – Will Captain Jason resolve the Benny/Jamie issue, or will it be another damp squib? Will Ryan be served up like a fricasseed kangaroo? Will Magda get off the phone? Will Aesha stop crying? Stay tuned, if you can stay awake….
  7. Like an anchor chain that’s far less twisted than most of the crew, these comments are in order of the episode broadcast. So like the person said up top, if you don’t want to be spoiled, stop reading. I mean really, stop reading…. Stop…. No YOU Stop…. Oh, crikey, now I sound like the hens… By the way, I just saw this on the BRAVO website and watched that way… So on to the episode… …and all of that drama leading up to the tangled anchor chain turned out to be no big deal. Props to the Bosun for getting it done. So after Queeg specifically tells Storm not to do everything himself – he does everything himself. Granted, talking to Jason is like scolding a cat (they pay no attention), but letting Jason get away with being lazy isn’t going to solve the problem. And speaking of work, if Natasha and Kyle did more of it, the ship’s wi-fi wouldn’t be so heavily taxed. Oh, man, if I hear those hens scream one more time, I’m going to puncture my own eardrums just for the relief. Kyle and Natasha are surprised they’re being criticised for their work – or lack thereof. Perhaps less time spent on the phone? Next time – Will the Kyle/Natasha alliance result in Natalya being voted off the island? Will Jason get the finger out? Will the outgoing hens be replaced with incoming cockerels? Stay tuned, if you can stay awake!
  8. Like crocs that are locked in a loch, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast… Benny: “I’m not a robot!” Yeah, mate, you’re not really a deckhand either. Jamie tries to throw Brittini under the bus – even though she works far more than, say, Benny? Threatened much? And Brittini continues to flake the anchor chain. Tumi called it exactly right when she said discipline (for Magda) was not going to come from Aesha. That’s because Aesha is totally unsuited to a job as Chief Stew. Jamie (to Brittini): “Get in the effing chain locker and do your job.” Really? Since Brittini has more balls than the rest of the male deck crew you’re going to punish her for doing what the others can’t or won’t? You’re an ass, Jamie. Donkeys-with-long-ears are less of an ass than you. Ryan (regarding his words to the Captain): “I don’t regret a single word I said.” You will, mate. You will. So, “Entertainment Officer” Culver steals bacon from the plate intended for guests? You douche. Tumi, speaking about the departing party: “They were the cleanest guests we’ve had.” Surprising. Captain Jason: “Rest and relaxation are part of the job.” No, really, they aren’t. You’ve got too many resting and relaxing during the charter. Text and phones much? So… the Captain says how he wants to see change, implying that if change happens, things will be OK. But in the meantime, he’s actively trying to replace people. Doesn’t really inspire trust/loyalty, even though Ryan is a dick and Magda is lazy. Ryan: “I know Aesha would love to see me off this boat.” Sorta right. We’d all like to see that. Magda’s phone usage – good heavens, you could probably fit the entire Library of Congress into her phone usage with room to spare. The van ride into town – I’ll take a seat in the ladies van, please! Jamie really needs to get over himself. You don’t demand respect – you get respect by your own actions. How can you take a journey on the crocodile boat and not fantasize about who you want to fall in? Ryan, first choice. Tie between Benny and Culver for number 2. Ryan and Magda – the useless leading the hopeless. Aesha – it’s about time you learnt the lesson that you can’t be best buddies with those who work for you. They won’t like you or respect you. Sort people out and have them do their jobs. How does this boat even stay afloat? I’d like to say I’m looking forward to next week, but that would be an utter lie. More like cringing for next week. We’ll see.
  9. Like box after box of booze being loaded on to the ship, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast… How many times do you stick a fork into a wall plug before you learn not to do that? Yet time after time, the crew get blind drunk and complain about the hangover after, while they’re doing a crap job of whatever job they’re supposed to be doing. Dave earns extra points for staying in the night before and is alert for his work. Whoa, Queeg can manoeuvre between dolphins and not hit one! Amazing! But then Queeg sets up the anchor chain story – hmm, methinks someone is going to get blamed for a mistake later… Regarding the polishing job he was assigned, Jason says “I didn’t get to it.” I’m not sure which is worse – the fact he “didn’t get to it” or his attitude about not getting to it. Regarding pay/tip day, if he didn’t get any money, I’m sure he wouldn’t want to hear the paymaster say “I didn’t get to it.” Queeg points out to Courtney regarding the anchor placement, “That’s how you want it.” The theme from “Jaws” just started in my head. Were being set up for something. OMG, can Natasha (and others) just put down their freaking phones?! Imagine how much the quality of work could be improved if not distracted by those stupid phones every few seconds. I would be instantly fired (and rightly so) if I tried to do something like that. Oh good Lord, save me from these hens who are guests. Those grating voices/tones…“You’re beautiful!” “No, You are!” “No, YOU are!” “My botox appointment is for 2 days after we get back!” “You’re 26, you don’t need that!” “Oh yes I do!” <gunshot> <slump> Oh, Dave, just as I was getting more respect for you for keeping your head down and doing a good job for the guests, you have to do the pining soliloquy for Natasha. See above about sticking fork in wall plug. Natasha waxes nostalgic (metaphorically, obviously) for the 70’s, one of her likes being “No horrible text messages coming through your phone constantly.” Well, there’s a cure for that Tash – TURN THE BLOODY THING OFF! I don’t care much for Kyle, but you must admit, he called it correctly with Steven. Jason laments he isn’t finding “common ground” with the crew regarding his interests. Jason, mate, the only “interest” you should be concerned about is doing your job – that you’re not doing well. All this setup for the anchor drama and it really doesn’t look like that big of a deal – won’t be the first time. What will happen next week? Will Natasha get off the phone? Will Jason get off his arse? Will the hens get engulfed by a freak waterspout that sends them to the land of Oz – oh, wait, that’s another BD show… Stay tuned, if you can stay awake. Or woke. Or whatever…
  10. Believe it or not, there's a huge amount of work/science/technology that goes into super yacht anchors. For one thing, there are several different types/styles: There are fluke anchors, delta anchors, grapnel anchors, etc. On a yachting page, I found this: "The Manson Hiding anchor is a popular choice for superyachts, because it’s designed in such a way to completely retract and sit flush within the hull, completely hiding the anchor and pocket through a ‘base plate’ you wouldn’t normally find on an anchor. It’s also available from 50kg to 4,500kg in weight, making them suitable for yachts of all sizes." In reading about it, I discovered properly setting an anchor is a complex process. To flog a dead horse even more, here's what I found on the yachting Pages Media Group website: Anchoring a boat is like parallel-parking a car, except you can almost never do it alone (at least, not on a superyacht). Simple in premise, but easy to mess up and becoming confident and efficient at anchoring can take years of experience. In its simplest explanation, the anchoring process looks like this: Drive into the wind or current, approaching your chosen anchoring spot. Ensure you have determined the scope you will be using (ratio of rode length to distance above seabed). 5:1 or 7:1 is common for chain or rope rodes respectively. Slowly drop the anchor until it hits the seabed, and keep the slack out of the rode as you lay more out whilst the boat moves backwards (either from the wind or current, or by engaging the engines in reverse) After 1/3 of the rode has been let out, cinch it off and let the yacht straighten. This will start setting the anchor into place. If you’re not straightening, your anchor is likely dragging and you will need to try again, perhaps in a slightly different spot. Continue to lay out another third, allow for straightening, then again one final time. At this point, all the rode length you determined was necessary should be let out. Locate two objects at shore to use as reference points (such as a tree in front of a lighthouse). Signal the helmsman to gently start the engine in reverse until the rode completely straightens, then signal him or her to return to neutral. The boat should drift back to a stationary position where the two objects you noted appear in exactly the same position relative to each other. If this is not the case, you’re dragging and will need to start again. Obviously, there’s a bit more to anchoring than that and it’s much easier said than done. Examples of considerations that need to be made whilst anchoring include your environmental protection duties as a vessel operator; Paul Allen was accused of causing significant damage to 14,000sqft of coral back in March 2016, from the yacht’s anchor and rode.
  11. Like attempts to hit on people that fail one after the other, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast… So this was supposed to be some weird, slumber party theme? Pretty lazy to just show up in your underwear and hang with the guests. It was made somewhat less excruciatingly boring if you looked at is as if you were viewing a Jane Goodall doco – but not much. Looking at how many clothes Natalya shoved into the laundry, I’m surprised any of them toward the centre of the load got wet or dry. I’m not sure which I’m more tired of – Kyle’s endless flirting or Natasha’s endless texting. What will happen next time? Will Natasha and Dave continue their whine-pairing? Will Mzi protest too much that he “just wants to be good friends” with Courtney? Will the wayward pidgeon take over for Jason as the new deck hand? Stay tuned… if you can stay awake.
  12. Like dolphins in a row and like the numbered teeth in your head, these comments are in the order of the show broadcast… At the preference sheet meeting, and after reading a list of things the guests want – especially their food wants – Captain Queeg beams “This is going to be an exciting charter!” Dave, who understands what the guests want and how much work is involved, unenthusiastically responds, “Yeah.” Hilarious. Natasha and Dave are having a conversation that seems to be to be staged completely. Captain Queeg walks in and asks “Am I interrupting something?” Yes, Queeg, you are – as directed by the show. Let’s not fool ourselves here. I’m perfectly willing to believe there was a relationship between Dave and Natasha that didn’t work out. But is the season so boring you have to base the whole thing on it so far? There’s no reason to insert Queeg into this situation other than to find some excuse to give her camera time. Clearly her leadership/Captain skills are not sufficient. Queeg micromanages the waterslide delivery. Hilarious. Perhaps if she spent more time not hitting things… Mzi: “Courtney is 100% a better tender driver than I am.” Close – she’s a 100% better deck hand than you are. The tour of the Woke Boat was interesting, in that it showed this boat is sterile and has no character whatsoever. It was clearly designed to be easily disinfected. Kyle – sorry mate, but you are at least 10 years older and 2 stone heavier than any of the guests who might be interested. I’m not sure whom I’m least interested in this episode – Dave, Natasha, or Kyle. Next week – will anyone be able to stay awake to see what happens next? Stay tuned…
  13. Like the obsession Queeg has with dolphins, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast. Kudos to Natalya for not taking any poo from Kyle. Kyle, I know you’re suffering – or so they want us to believe – but please don’t be a dick. Courtney has more balls than most – great job bringing in the jet ski, etc. Oh, for Thor’s sake, the Woke Boat fails again on stability? Doors open? Please. It’s a failed concept. Well… it seems like Dave is moving up and beyond… hope it continues. He's got his head down in his work. Good heavens, after hearing all the stories, is there anyone who hasn’t cheated on anyone? And Natasha/Dave – what the hell? Y’all define toxic. Will the viewers be able to stay awake next week? Stay tuned…
  14. Like dolphins in a row, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast… Courtney (from Wales) is back! Uh-oh. As I recall, in a previous series, she and Mzi were on the same boat and Mzi had a massive crush on her. But I don’t think it worked out as much as he would have liked. It doesn’t help when Courtney gets drunk she kind of led Mzi on a bit, but after, it was “No. no, no!” Couple dynamics on this boat are cursed. Producer off camera to Mzi – “Do you have any lingering feelings for Courtney?” Oh, man, look in his eyes. Of course he does. He fell super hard and he’s still on the way down. Methinks you laught too much, Mzi. You know when one of the guests ask “are my boobs straight” as they walk along the dock, it’s going to be fun times. The instant Captain Queeg discovered she couldn’t hear Storm, she should have realised there was a problem and stood fast. Instead, while complaining about not being able to hear Storm, she blithely continues to drift. Next week: Will Queeg “strike” again? Will Kyle be able to handle the “tooth”? Will Storm learn how to work a walkie? Will Mzi pine again for Courtney? Stay tuned….
  15. Like a Bosun being fired, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast. So Queeg fires Raygan. Well, that was inevitable. But to lie about how she would “train her” – please. Meanwhile, Dave’s suffocation of Natasha continues. And Natasha’s no prize. Watch out, Storm she has her eyes on you. But still, Dave’s increasingly hostile texts brings him into a whole new territory of douche-baggery. What an utter clot! And alcohol is no excuse. Dave can claim all he wants to about how he “can’t remember” what he did, but he apparently remembers enough to be ashamed. Though not ashamed enough. He even made a back-handed excuse about how what he did was not right, even if the other people “were wrong”. What? No, dude, there’s only one person “wrong” here and that’s you. Natasha may have her own set of problems and issues, but there’s no justifying your behaviour. Oh, for pity’s sake, another prima donna basket case chef. I can point to half a dozen food trucks that would get the job done tastily. How do these people survive? Do people really buy into their nonsense? Dave says he can reset and move on? Not a freaking chance. What is it about the laundry and people singing there? I’ve seen this on different BD shows now. The laundry apparently inspires people to sing. Not to do laundry so much, but to sing…
  16. Like a row of things you can hit, one after the other, these comments are in the order of the show broadcast. Raygan: “Storm has more experience on megayachts than me.” Uh-oh…… How many times do we have to see someone scooping scrambled eggs onto toast? Sheesh. Yes, Jason, everyone wants to be a star – but someone still has to inflate/deflate things. Mzi can toss a line! Dead on target. Captain Queeg explains in advance how there are so many dolphins at the dock, etc., after expressing in a previous episode how she “doesn’t hit things”. Thou doth protest too much, Queeg. How much did Noah (Charter guest) pay to get so much screen time? What a douche. Whether it’s creative editing or not, it doesn’t look good for the crew to be calling for their bosun while she’s on her own chowing down. So Captain Queeg nudged a dolphin. Nudged. Barely touched. Granted, Raygan didn’t call the distance correctly, but still, it was a non-issue. Plus Queeg knew the distance between the two dolphins was narrow at best. But that’s why she’s Captain Queeg – where are the ball bearings? When Raygan is gone, which of the crew will throw the other under the yacht (and into the next dolphin) first? I’ve not commented on the Natasha/Dave drama so far because I was over it from the first episode, but when the two are talking in their cabin in the low light scene – what the heck is that “wolf man versus Viking” tattoo on his arm? That is just freaky. Next week – Will Raygan be fired? Will Dave stop whinging? Will the audience be able to stay awake? What will break next on the “woke boat”? Stay tuned, if you can stay awake….
  17. Like secrets that can’t be kept, these comments are in order of the episode broadcast…. So, Dave, you can’t keep your mouth shut. Way to go, slag. You are a total douche for how you treat Natasha. I was trying to put me finger on it but I knew from the start Raygan attracted me for some reason – she has this Hazel O’Connor “Breaking Glass” vibe (no one here will get that). But unfortunately that doesn’t make her a good deck hand. Days are numbered, I think. “What now – who writes the song – calls the tune – says what’s right and wrong?” *sigh* Natasha could commit the perfect crime by wearing big glasses and being mistaken for Natalya. Sandy: “’Cause that will make me mad”. Yes, and we don’t want to see Captain Queeg any madder. OK, wait, now Natasha takes a shower and invites Dave? OK, I take it back – they deserve each other. The yacht tour reminds me this is the most soulless boat to date. No heart to it whatsoever. Reminds me of a hospital. Raygan is struggling as Bosun, but Jason is a mega-whiner. Dave: “I don’t follow preferences.” Well, mate, you don’t want a job, do you? If I were the guest, expressed preferences, and were ignored – I’d demand you be fired. Mzi is an unexpected little bitch, throwing his boss under the bus. I expected more character from him than that. If the Bosun isn’t doing her job, it will show. It’s not necessary to snipe behind her back. Every time the scene cuts to that little podium/pedestal that looks like it has white tape splashed all over it reminds me of how sterile this boat is. Yuck. Next episode – so, like I predicted last episode, your days of not hitting things are over, eh, Queeg?
  18. So... is it a/c or aircon that caused the stabiliser problem? In any case, what woke snowflake designed this boat? It's doomed. Chef grew up in Essex and it was "rough". Are you kidding me? What, your mother didn't cut the crusts off your cheese and cucumber sandwiches? Not buying it, mate, I grew up in Norfolk. If this season is going to be the Kyle/gay lecture hour, sorry, not for me. Captain Queeg: "I don't hit things." It's only episode 2, Queeg. And you spend a lot of time making preemptive excuses. Queeg praises the chef at the end of the episode. What's the over/under on how soon she turns on him? So far, definitely not impressed with this season -- most forgettable of them all to this point. Will see what happens next week.
  19. Yes, this yacht is older than others we have seen in the series. Newer yachts don't require "flaking" the anchor chain -- the system does it automatically. But this boat is indeed older and it shows in other areas too.
  20. It's only available on Peacock, a streaming service I believe. It's not on the Bravo website nor broadcast on the Bravo cable channel. It's interesting -- better shots of fish in the water/snorkeling, etc than the other BDs. Interesting crew too, including a Captain who's already run one ship aground, a mental cook, and a ship that has definitely seen better days. (:
  21. Like a cake that’s been in the oven too long, you can stick a fork in this season finale – it’s done. Marcos went from zero to hero for me during this season. At first I thought he was just a food truck chef with no prospects. But he really proved himself and came to be exceptional – perhaps the best chef on any BD series. Captain Glenn was the class act as always – responsible, personable, etc. Good heavens, I wonder what the cab cleanup must have cost after the crew had their last dinner? Really inconsiderate from a group that has to clean up messes for a living. That grilled cheese recipe is… interesting… no, disgusting. Yes, that’s it, disgusting! When you’re so drunk that slapping each other in the face is fun… Glenn’s assessment of the previous night: “It looks like the Hindenburg collided with the Titanic.” Gary: “The sexual tension is undeniable.” Only with you, Gary, only with you. And after all that, he still didn’t get lucky. So what can I say about this season: I laughed, I cried, bust mostly I slept. And yet, looking forward to the next one. (:
  22. Like you can count on Gary to hit on every female crew member, you can count on these comments being in order of the episode broadcast… Watching Gary continuously pursue Scarlett is painful. Gary: “Maybe I should just let it be.” Sure, Gary, sure. We all know that’s not going to happen. Meanwhile, Captain Glenn has his head down, getting some rest and not getting drunk. If we could bottle Glenn’s work ethic and serve that to some of the crew in their shot glasses instead of booze…. No, wait, there wouldn’t be a show then. It would be called “Below Deck Serious Dedicated Crew”. Who’d tune in to that? (: And of course it wouldn’t be sailing without the obligatory stock shots of objects moving and drawers opening. Looks like it’s going to be a nice wedding! With all the careful prep and no drama – when is the shoe going to drop? Anyone else have a sense of dread regarding that cake and its transport? Yikes, one false step… So what will happen in the final episode? Will there be last-minute guest drama? Will Marcos get some sleep? Will Scarlett be able to scrape off Gary? Will Gary get lucky? Like a drowsy Marcos, I’ll try to stay awake to find out…
  23. Like the dishes served in a 10-course dinner, these comments are in order of the scenes broadcast… Watching Gary lay it on thick with Scarlett was very anxiety-inducing. I just wanted to reach through the screen and yell “Run, Scarlett, Run!” So the strong wind dragging the anchor chain really can be a hazard. Kind of like when fishermen hook a tuna – but in this case, the boat is the tuna, being pulled by the chain. They handled the situation very professionally, though. The competition between the guests and crew looked really fun. A real highlight of the episode, if not the season. Daisy’s been messing up more and more lately. Forgetting to tell Marcos that the Captain was going to join the guests for dinner is a pretty basic faux pas. With everything else Marcos is having to deal with, now he has to redo his plans. Daisy also seems overly critical of her staff as well. It looked to me like Ashley was just having a friendly chat with the guests but Daisy has to put her boot on Ashley’s neck for that? A bit of overkill, IMHO. Daisy and her fake crocodile tears whining about how sorry she is for not telling Marcos earlier about an extra guest was pretty annoying. Dasiy: “Is there anything I can do?” Yeah, your job. Meanwhile, in contrast to the very complex meal Marcos had to make, we cut to a scene of Kelsie spreading Nutella (or something like it) on a banana. The whole “hurricane” thing was really odd. It’s like something the Marquis de Sade would have invented. I can’t imagine that appealing to anyone normal – or not already three sheets to the wind. And after all that, Gary is again in hot pursuit of Scarlett. And Colin called it right the last episode, Daisy definitely seems jealous. Daisy: “Marcos is really upset.” Well, Daisy, perhaps he’s just upset with YOU. And stop bugging him, you’re going to make it worse. And given the scenes for the next episode, knowing full well there’s a charter the very next day, Daisy isn’t much help when she dismissively says “That’s tomorrow’s problem.” How about pulling together to keep as much pressure off Marcos as possible? Will Gary finally corner Scarlett in a corner where she can’t escape? Will Daisy get her act together? Will the guest wedding be an event to remember for the right reasons instead of wrong ones? Tune in next week to see…
  24. Ryan: "I really don't care." Yeah, mate, that's been you the whole season! Won't miss you one bit. Looks like the new stew is a much better performer than Magda -- I'll bet the phone bill is a lot cheaper. The new chef really got the short end of the stick, what with Ryan's filth to clean, a broken dishwasher, etc. Aesha didn't help matters by clearing things away before guests were finished. The food looked good, though! So, next week, recovering a lost tender. With Benny manning the safety equipment, what could possibly go wrong? No, wait...
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