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  1. Am I the only one who thinks Molly is the best thing to happen to this show in ages? If not for her, I would already be checking out.
  2. I feel as if they all are at that place where our age brings about a change in the amount of attention we receive as a result of our physical appearance, and they’re REALLY struggling with it. They’re more insecure and catty as a result and the competition between them is over the top. They’re maturing in reverse; they remind me of struggling junior high-aged girls fighting to find their identity. Unlikeable women are now intolerable to me. Their worst selves are on full display. Kelly is far more of an asshole than I gave her credit for before. Now that I no longer pity her, I realize how wrong I was to do it before. She is one jealous woman. Gotta wonder if she’s just a narcissist at her core or if it’s a result of a whole lot of romantic heartbreak in her past. I’m hoping it’s the last we see of her, either way.
  3. Someone needs to duct tape Alexis’ mouth shut. She’s an obnoxious, immature idiot. Tamra is vile. I wonder if she’s ever considered that maybe some part of the reason her daughter doesn’t talk to her is that she’s a horrible human and she’s advertised that to the world regularly for years. Gina is annoying as hell. Heather is a try-hard wannabe with a superiority complex that has no basis in reality. Shannon needs to get off of this show. It’s not good for her and it never will be. It’s sad to me that she seems desperate for the money and that she seems to feel she has no choice but subject herself to this, year after year. I like Katie. I definitely like her more than any of these backbiting b-words. Emily still has a soft spot in my heart because I think she’s kind at her core. Jen and Ryan are already tired and boring. This franchise has REALLY devolved. I don’t know why anyone thought Alexis vs. Shannon would be a winning formula. It’s gotten too dark and hateful for my taste.
  4. Do we know if that’s a rug on Zack’s head? I cannot imagine a world where that’s a natural hairline. Someone mentioned the Lego dolls’ heads and that’s exactly what it looks like to me! I’m grateful for the laughs that has provided me today 😬
  5. Jax and Kristen belong together. He repulses me only slightly more than she does. It’s too bad one one of those guys didn’t knock his ass out when he pantsed the short guy. That was so out of line in that family environment. Grow up, you stimulant and/or steroid fueled toddler! He’s hideous. Run like hell, Brittany. You “fell in love” with a TV villain who turned out to be worse than you could have imagined. It’s too bad you won’t be able to cut him out of your life completely since you share a child. Hopefully, there will be healthy, normal males in his life to model sanity and normalcy. This show won’t last. I think the cast will be relieved about it, too.
  6. Scheana is absolutely insufferable. What a complete narcissist. Sandoval/Scott Peterson Jr is a joke. Scenes with him just feel like comedy to me at this point. He seriously thinks he will be able to fool people with his “acting”. Nobody thinks you’re remorseful, nobody thinks you haven’t already been dipping your toe into the dating pool and nobody thinks you genuinely shed a tear over Rachel. Blecch.
  7. Lindsay has a problem and Lindsay IS the problem. She is just horrible. She’ll continue to get into relationship after relationship and every time things go South, she’ll take zero accountability and blame him. She’s a miserable human and reminds me of the saying, “misery loves company”. So glad Carl made the decision to jump ship before she took him and his sobriety down with her. She resents the hell out of both.
  8. Lindsay is just loathsome, I can’t help it. What she did to Carl is the lowest of the low, there is NO justification for it. I don’t blame Carl for dumping her, I can’t imagine ANYONE signing up for that for life. She needs help.
  9. When does this air?
  10. I am cracking up at the “FAIR-WELL WILL” sign. I picture producers chucking, as well.
  11. You just reminded me of something that keeps popping into my head and I laugh every time I think of it - when Ariana and Kristen argued on the beach about how Ariana takes comedy VERY SERIOUSLY. I have tons of empathy for Ariana, considering what she’s been through, it’s awful and I woudn’t wish it on my worst enemy - hell, I went through something eerily similar, except kids WERE involved - but I’m tired of her and the whole story. I hope all of them will be better people, going forward and will eventually learn to forgive for the sake of their own peace and long term happiness.
  12. She’s got several qualities that remind me of ol Brandi Glanville, I have to admit. That said, I hope this is the end of her time on Bravo, although what I can’t stand about her is what makes her seem like a dream come true for Bravo.
  13. This place has looked like a bad acid trip here and there, but getting logged out and back in repeatedly has been interesting.
  14. In the aftermath of all of this mess, I have a really, really strong belief that there IS footage of the occurrence of Heather’s black eye. I also believe wholeheartedly that there is footage of Kathy’s offensive rants in Aspen. I believe Cease and Desist orders are magic wands that cause footage to disappear and therefore cause Andy to lie like a dog. I love that this all might cause a huge shakeup in the Bravoverse, while we see HW’s bucking the exploitative machine that is Real Housewives. Now, THAT is something for which to pop some damn popcorn!
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