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Winston Wolfe

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Posts posted by Winston Wolfe

  1. Quote

    Also convenient for Jeremiah that J'onn tends to forget his phasing abilities.  That last punch had a bit of a wind up and J'onn just stood there.

    So happy someone else noticed that.  It took Jeremiah about 5 minutes to deliver that knockout blow (it literally was like watching paint dry).  You mean to tell me J'onn couldn't have turned intangible, phased behind Jeremiah and beat the crap out of him?  Even though Superman was quoted last year as saying J'onn was the "most powerful being on the planet," dude is virtually useless in a fight.  At least we did get to see him use his Martian Vision for the first time last night.

    • Love 2
  2. Quote

    (Tangental soapbox not aimed at original post--and of course a running theme is "so and so would never be with someone who looks like LD in real life"--we've seen this with other attractive male guest stars who slept with Hannah. But no one bats an eye when some dumpy guy has a super-hot wife on the typical sitcom. I will continue to appreciate Girls for flipping the script on that one.)

    To me it's not merely an issue of Hannah not being "hot."  She's such an odious human being that I wouldn't sleep with her if she were a cross between Salma Hayek and Halle Berry.  With a splash of Kate Upton thrown in just for shits and giggles.  It's not all about looks. 

    • Love 3
  3. Has anyone else noticed that the University of Phoenix has re-shot their obnoxious commercial?  The one that ends with the snotty young lady in the College Library imperiously sticking her index finger up in air when the Security Guard tells her its closing time?   The revised version has the Security Guard gently telling the student (not the same one as last time, I believe) that its time to go, and she nicely and politely packs up her things and does so.  The University obviously got some negative feedback on the original version, but it aired for quite some time.  Interesting how they could be so tone deaf for so long....

    Ironically, I've been shopping around for a doctoral program for a while, and was leaning towards the University of Phoenix because they offered a PhD program that I liked which had online courses and classroom seat time near my town.  Needless to say, that damn "I've got a Brain" commercial killed the deal for me and quite a few other folks it appears.

    • Love 6
  4. Quote

    That commercial has been much discussed, and I agree with all the "but why didn't she ..." questions (particularly the one asking why the allergy sufferer didn't already have an epi-pen), but this latest raising of the issue leads me to a new question: How the hell old am I that I never took those people as teens?  It doesn't look like a house party while the 'rents are gone scenario to me; I figured it was someone's apartment and everyone was early 20s.  Are they teenagers and they just look older to me?

    I think they're college age, but I'm not sure if I think that because they look that old or because I can't imagine teenagers bringing homemade food to a party. Whichever, they're young enough to have grown up with peanut butter being outlawed at school.

    Re: the kids age...it just made me focus on how old I am that they looked like high school students to me, lol.

    • Love 1
  5. Big Pharma commercials are just the worst.  Is anyone else annoyed by the Mylan anti-allergy drug commercial?  Set at a teen party (no adult chaperones in sight), we see one frantic girl tell her friend (who has broken out in big red blotches) "oh  my God, look at your face.... and your hands."  Calling to another teen girl off stage she says, "were there peanuts in the brownies?"  Another young girl appears on screen saying "peanut butter...oh I forgot."  As the voice-over announcer kicks in, we see the allergy victim (another teen girl) stand, look in the mirror and then faint dead away.  I'm as sympathetic as the next guy but...shouldn't someone with allergies that bad already be carrying an Epi-pen or some kind of anti-histamine?  Other than the scare factor, this commercial makes no sense at all.

    • Love 8
  6. Quote

    Maybe they meant once per hour when it comes to that commercial airing?

    Oh, that makes more sense.

    Thanks for the well wishes, CarpeDiem!  So annoyed by that darn commercial that my post wasn't as clear as it should have been.  The medication only has to be taken once per day.  Funny thing is, in my case, I'm not even sure it's working, lol.  Back to the Cardiologist I go.

    • Love 6
  7. On 4/30/2016 at 1:33 PM, ari333 said:

    Im not annoyed but I feel sad when those heart failure patients sing "the sun will come out tomorrow" *sigh*......sad

    Here's a slightly different take:  I've been taking Entresto for about two months now.  Nothing like being reminded by a commercial, once per hour on a daily basis, that today might be my last day on Earth.  Their marketing department really could have come up with a better pitch.

    • Love 17
  8. Quote

    Overweight in Hollywood doesn't have to mean Roseanne. 

    Also, the last time I saw Rosanne she had dropped a lot of weight and was basically in the "normal" range, if such a thing truly exists.

    Judd Hirsch has been a favorite since Taxi, so it was easy to like him in this role.  I was actually hoping for Jason Alexander, but the part of Alfred, as written, is actually a much better fit for Hirsch.

    Overall, it was a better than average episode.  Other than the predictable ending maybe the best of the season.

    • Love 1
  9. Nice pair of episodes.  I feel like New Girl had been meandering for awhile and it stopped being "must see" television for me about a season-and-a-half ago.  But the Schmidt-Cece wedding arc seemed to rejuvenate the writers and pump some new life into the series.  There were still some missteps; Winston's faux marriage was a rare fail for that character, and I agree with the previous poster that the latest round of True American really fell flat.  And Schmidt calling Cece's mother every week is exactly what that character would do.  He has a talent for wearing folks down until they come to like him.  Zooey looked radiant in that Red dress, probably the best I've ever seen her.

  10. Quote

    Diane has put up with Alicia for years, stealing staff, causing dissent among the partners, distracting Will, stealing clients, wandering off into politics, leaving others to cover for her, dragging personal crap into the office.

    Hi bookherder!  Truer words were never written.  Alicia represents the proverbial "roll of the dice" that truly blew up in Diane's face, damaging both her personal and professional lives.  Possibly irreparably.  That's the real reason Jason Smirk-meister got the Hell out of Dodge. Took him awhile, but he finally realized that the Florricks poison almost everything they touch.  To quote Johnny Sack from the Sopranos, never enough of a body count for those two.  Anyone who could be thrown under the bus, e.g., Eli, Cary, Lucca, Will, Diane, even Diane's freaking Husband, got tossed.  Over and over again.  And masochists that they are, most kept coming back for more, just for the glory of being in St. Alicia's orbit.  Never made any sense to me, I never got what was so special about her.


    I loved that slap. And would have been entirely okay with a line-up of people slapping Alicia. Including her kids, who, I hope, run far and fast.

    A friend and I were saying that just last night.  It would have been really cool if every lead character lined up to slap Alicia at the end, Airplane-style.

    • Love 2
  11. Quote

    With regard to Raj, this show is reminding me of "Frasier" where by the final seasons of the who the only one who didn't find love was Frasier himself.  They wrapped things up at the very end with him moving to Chicago after meeting a woman who could be "the one". 

    That was sad with Fraser, wasn't it?  Although the character did get to date some incredible women.  I've always been a little bit jealous of Kelsey Grammer for  being able to snuggle up to all those beauties, lol.  The difference between Fraser and Raj, as I see it, is that while Fraser had his issues (pretentiousness, etc.), he was always at heart a really decent guy.  Raj?  Not so much.

    • Love 4
  12. Quote

     I'm starting to really hate - watch. Like the last 3 seasons of How I Met Your Mother. It's just not that good any longer.

    These days, it's hard for long-running shows to maintain their quality past season 5.  The last three seasons of HIMYM were painful and I stuck with that series out of obligation and wanting to see how they would wrap things up (ugh).  On a positive note, I like how the writers are slowly, subtly maturing the group.  Going to a Wine tasting is nothing you would have seen on this show three years ago.  You can really tell that the group is transitioning into their early 30s now.  We never saw that kind of growth on similar ensemble shows like Living Single, Friends, or HIMYM.

    • Love 3
  13. John Byrne (during his Superman run) and Chris Claremont (while on X-Men) both offered interesting versions on characters' ability to fly.  IIRC, Byrne posited that Superman flew "by sheer force of will," while over on the X-Men, Claremont offered that Rogue (when she still possessed Ms. Marvel's powers) flew because her body "generated a force greater than gravity."  Although neither explanation likely holds up to scientific scrutiny, the second reason sounds more credible to me.


    After all the years sitting next to Regis, she learning nothing, and was horrible and embarrassing after he left. Her behavior was like a perverted teen, and she prided herself in letting any male co-host take over all of the heavy lifting.  I will never forget the constant off color jokes,  her inability to even read a highlighted article and her bragging about "prepping" for the Oscars by getting botox and tanning!   We had tampon talk, and we also had her throwing tampons at Gelman with Carrie Ann Innaba when she cohosted on Fashion Finder.  Everything was off color and on the level of a 12 year old.


    Actually, Kelly behaved exactly as I expected her to, and I wasn't at all surprised to see Ana G. pinch-hitting today.  Anyone who has followed Kelly's arc on this show from the beginning knows that, at least on-air, she's not exactly a nice person.  Remember how immediately after Regis retired, all she and Gelman could do were make snarky and dis-respectful comments about him?  I always attributed Kelly's passive-aggressive behavior towards Philbin as the result of her knowing that she was supposedly Regis's second choice for co-host behind Valerie Bertinelli (who in my opinion would have been about a zillion times better than what we ended up with).

    • Love 17
  15. Note to writers for Season 2 (if it happens):  This show, as it stands now, requires far too much fan-wanking.  Do better next year guys, or there might not be a Season 3.

    • Love 3
  16. Ah Supergirl.  So much to love, so much to snark on.  The "hope conquers mind control" was so cheesy it belongs on Mystery Science Theater 3000.  But I've gotta admit, the subliminal flashing of the "S" was pretty cool, even though I didn't catch it at first.  And after spending much of the last two episodes as the "Martian Pin Cushion," nice to see J'onn get a solid win for a change, no matter how contrived.  Note to writers: maybe next year we can go an entire season without seeing an opponent hovering over either MM or Kara and about to deliver a kill strike?  It kinda loses all suspense after awhile since we know the leads ain't gonna die.  And...seriously show, not even a throwaway line about why Supes was out longer than anybody else???  Dude is totally useless, yo.  And several posters have already noted why Kara's escape pod as rescue wagon was all kinds of nonsensical.  I have a strong hunch SG will be renewed, but the key to this show's success will be finding writers that really "get" the sci-fi genre.  Much as I've come to love this show, sitting through another uneven season like this would be rough.

    • Love 1

    My only big question is, why does MM get his ass kicked in every single showdown fight he's in?  Memo to writers: let MM win one of these next season.

    THIS.  For "one of the most powerful beings on the planet," we've seen MM get his ass handed to him every. damn. time.  SG has pretty much established that this universe's iteration of J'onn J'onzz has all the powers of the comic book version (i.e., flight, telepathy, shape-shifting, super-strength, intangibility, invisibility and at least partial invulnerability), making him, ostensibly, more formidable than Kal-El or Kara.  I almost wish they hadn't introduced the character if he's going to be the town doormat....


    The show's writers actually do make SG hard to love sometimes.  Another major plot hole was having Kara, Cat and Maxwell openly plot strategy in front of Non's mind-controlled minions.  It never occurred to them (or Non apparently) that Cat's lobotomized staff could be used as an active spying device?  Interesting.


    ITA with the poster who said this episode was a bit too "talky."  There have been a few episodes where Kara spends a lot of time hand-wringing until someone, usually Kat, Alex or James, delivers the semi-weekly "pep talk."  Despite all the writer's brain cramps (and the now painful ways they are attempting to explain Superman's non-involvement), there's still a lot to like about this series.


    Shallow notes - Helen Slater has become one hot MILF.  And while I've never been a big Calista Flockhart fan, she too is looking very good these days.

    • Love 1

    I think the only person making money at that firm is their sign hanger.

    Whoever is doing their business cards and stationary has also moved into a much higher tax bracket, lol.  Best line of the entire series (so far): "Peter, you're ALWAYS being indicted."  That's good stuff right there.

    • Love 10
  19. I co-sign the notion that the SG-verse Superman is kind of a douche. The notion that he would know about a government operation that dissects sentient aliens and a) not protest it beyond refusing to work with the government b) not actively dismantle it to free the alien captives who have likely done nothing wrong and c) not told Kara of the project's existence and it being the reason for not working for the government are all problematic IMO.

    Let's not forget that Kara never even gets to see Supes' Fortress of Solitude until freaking James takes her there.  What's up with that?

    If he really wanted to help, there's probably a half-dozen ways he could have done it without impersonating Henshaw. He could have approached in his true form, had Supes vouch for him, and partnered with the DEO much like Supergirl does, for example.

    Yeah, another of the writers' gimmicks that don't make a whole lot of sense.  Maybe they were concerned that J'onn's many powers would have upstaged Kara if we saw too much of him?   The Smallville writers used MM in a very natural and organic way so that he didn't upstage Clark, SG's writers should be able to do the exact same thing.


    I wonder if Superman had weighed in: you'd think that anyone trying to get his opinion about his cousin going nuts would also ask him about the green guy who can match a Kryptonian.

    I have come to the conclusion that this Universe's Superman is a bit of a dick.  He keeps his distance from Cousin Kara (yeah, I know franchise rights, etc.) but how about bi-weekly phone calls or mentions of Skypes?  What sealed the deal for me was Jimmy's "He (Superman) knows about Project Cadmus, that's why he refuses to work with the Government" comment.  Hey Clark, what ever happened to "truth, justice and the American way?"  The Supes I grew up with would actively protest Cadmus, if for no other reason than he, Cousin Kara and friend J'onn are friendly refugees that, clearly, could win up there at any given moment if public sentiment goes far enough in the other direction.  Yeah, this iteration of Kal-El seems to be a major ass-clown, sorry.


    Also, Cat really does need to either replace Kara or have a back up assistant because Kara keeps falling down on the job.

    Like other posters, I believe Cat has figured out the truth about Kara and is playing along now.  Especially now that Cat knows that SG has been working with a shape-shifter.   The season finale will likely feature a conversation between the two about the secret identity thing.

    On a shallow note, Melissa gets prettier every episode.

    Oh gosh yes! She has officially crossed the cute threshold to the hot threshold. Melissa in the motorcycle outfit was super sexy.

    Co-sign.  She is incandescently hot in a charming "girl-next-door" kind of way.  I've seen Melissa on a few talk shows and she's got a dynamite personality, funny, down-to-earth and totally unaffected.  She was so adorable on James Corden's show awhile back, pretending to be one of Charlie's Angels (complete with a pose) along with Olivia Wilde and Saoirse Ronan (now there's a movie I'd go to).  Plus, Melissa seems like she would be really, really cool to hang out with.  As you can tell, I'm smitten.

    • Love 1
  21. This show is finally found its' groove.  Best episode yet.  And with one mention of Chocos - which I guess everyone knew was coming eventually - Berlanti has made me his bitch for life.


    There was of course, the now obligatory writer's glitch.  If in fact Superman told the original Hank Henshaw that J'onn J'onzz was the "most powerful being on the plant," wouldn't he also have disclosed that the Martian Manhunter meant Earth no harm?  I don't get it.


    Kudos to those of you that suspected Jeremiah Danvers was still alive.



    Hank and Alex rolling out all Bonnie and Clyde like, I approve.

    Straight up Gangster, word.


    Next week looks like fun!

    • Love 2

    I'll admit that the twist where Martian Manhunter reveals himself and  then let himself be taken into custody is a twist I did not see coming.

    Totally unnecessary, IMO, and detracted from Melissa's acting tour-de-force in this episode.  J'onn J'onzz is both a shapeshifter and a master tactician.  Even in the heat of the moment he could have shape-shifted into Kal-El, thrown Kara slightly off-balance and avoided outing himself.  Other than that, best episode of the series so far.  Can't wait until next week.

    • Love 6
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