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Winston Wolfe

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Posts posted by Winston Wolfe

  1. 43 minutes ago, sskrill said:

    I must be the only one who thinks red is not Katie's color.

    That dress makes me want to propose to Katie.

    • Love 3
  2. On 5/13/2017 at 9:01 PM, Skyfall said:

    Nope, WB's vertical synergy factory is CW where this show won't fit and it's too expensive for anywhere else I would think.

    Maybe Netflix or Hulu? They seem to be into giving shows second chances.

  3. On 5/12/2017 at 10:16 PM, DrSpaceman73 said:

    I watched a whole last SINGLE season of HIMYM dragged out over a wedding, with writers imminently more talented than Chuck Lorre and his group, and it blew hard.  So TWO more seasons?  I don't know where they will go. 

    I've been watching the final season of HIMYM for the past two weeks.  The series finale kinda soured my whole memory of that entire season, but it actually wasn't so bad.  One episode in particular (Bedtime stories, featuring Lin-Manuel Miranda) was written entirely in rhyme and one of the best single sitcom episodes I can remember.  Granted, it's hard for today's writers to maintain quality for 22 episodes per season, but in the days of the old sitcoms (I'm watching Mary Tyler Moore as I write this) it could be done, theoretically (no pun intended).

    • Love 4
  4. 10 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Did they also wipe the mind of Rick's father ?  Because I'm pretty sure he figured out Kara was Supergirl by now.
    And did they mind wipe the guard in the room when Kara "the reporter" slammed the table -- because I'm pretty sure he knows now too.

    And seriously, who drags a reporter into the prison interrogation room over a kidnapping ?  DEO rep, NCPD rep, and Catco Magazine -- 1 of these things is not like the others.

    Damn good point.  Kara's anger issues and impulsiveness kinda make it hard for her to maintain a secret ID.  I'd have to think that off-screen J'onn mind-wiped Rick's Dad and the guard and surreptitiously used his own super-strength to smooth out the dent in the table.  Otherwise, "oh-oh more blackmail coming." 

    • Love 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    "Who knows my secret? Let's see . . . there are my foster parents, Lena's mom*, everybody at the DEO . . ." "OHMIGAWD! That's why Kara Danvers and Supergirl were never seen together!!!" "Crap, who didn't tell Maggie from Accounts Receivable?"

    Yeah, that's a big problem for me.  Even though the DEO is a super-clandestine, super-duper top secret agency, no good can possibly come from so many people knowing Kara is Supergirl.

    Best episode in a very long time, and demonstrated that non-super-powered baddies, if written well enough, can be just as entertaining as super-villains, maybe even moreso.

    Mon-el -  "as someone who's done a bit of super heroing" - dude, we haven't even seen you use whatever powers you're supposed to have in about four episodes.  Get over yourself.

    I liked Maggie's observations about the collateral damage super-heroes can cause.  Reminded me of the original Superman when George Reeves used to slam two baddies' heads together like something out of a Three Stooges movie.  Last time I saw that, couldn't help but think, well, there's two guys with major concussions, heh.  The whole conversation between Maggie and Kara really underscored how the capes can actually be more dangerous to ordinary folks than they are to the bad guys.

    • Love 5
  6. On 4/25/2017 at 11:42 AM, Melancholy said:

    Also Per the Mad Men comparisons upthread, there's a magnetic suspense to a long running human drama featuring dysfunctional, poorly behaved  but privileged and charmed characters.

    The Mad Men comparison is interesting mainly for one reason - even when there truly seemed to be happy endings for most of those characters, you just knew it wouldn't last.  Despite a lucrative moment of clarity, Don Draper would always be haunted by his childhood.  As couples, Peggy and Stan as well as Roger and Marie, they just weren't built for the long run.  Reunited Pete and Trudy had a 50/50 shot at making it work, IMO.  Except we never got to see any of that play out, the show runner left it to our imagination.  Lena, to her credit, showed us that her characters still had major issues (some more than others) that might take years to resolve, if they ever truly are.  I haven't always been a big LD supporter, but that was some bold, creative shit right there.

    • Love 4
  7. 12 hours ago, backformore said:

    The blonde girl with the too-short black dress and no bra -  she makes sexual jokes, shakes her tits on command, and gets offended when he suggests a threesome?  OK, whatever. 

    Thanks for saying that - as a male was afraid I'd get hammered for offering that.  I was okay with the sexual jokes, that's millennials these days.  But the shimmying on demand?  That right there screamed "bimbo" and "easy lay."   Granted, her date was a dick - but she opened the door wide open to his dickishness.  Things is, though the Blonde implied she was an exotic dancer, she came across as a pretty nice person looking for companionship.  She clearly has a fetish, but a lot of people do.

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, lucindabelle said:

    My father died almost 10 years ago now and the pain has lessened but never really goes away. The friend who was there for me most lost her father when she was in her early 20s. She just got it. (In her case, I think it was the right reason.)

    I lost my parents fairly early in life - my mom passed when I was 19 and I lost my father at age 23.  Being an only child like Hannah, my high school and college friends (none of whom I'm in regular contact with now) helped me through those rough times.  Thinking about that makes me sad that in the end, all Hannah really had left was Marnie.  I see Elijah visiting Hannah maybe her once or twice a month, initially, before the two of them inevitably drift apart.

    • Love 4
  9. 5 hours ago, DianeDobbler said:

    She has said she wants to help other people realize their vision, and doesn't expect to be doing much acting. I now see that as Dunham really begging the industry to prove her wrong and hire her as an actress, or I see that as Dunham developing another project to star herself. We'll see, but I know longer believe what she says about herself and acting.

    I think Lena's future is behind the camera.  As another poster said, based on Girls and Tiny Furniture it seems her acting range is limited to an over-the-top version of her true self.  And though it's only fiction, I'm hoping Grover makes it okay despite his Mom - and that Hannah eventually finds her way.  As others have said, it's a never-ending struggle.

    Btw - thanks to the poster who referenced Hannah's under-treated or untreated mental illness.  Until the character mentioned it herself, I had actually forgotten it was an issue.  Looking back, it really does explain a lot, if not all, of Hannah's behavior.

    • Love 4
  10. 5 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

    cuz at one time or another all of us had found ourselves with a dick in our hand that we hadn't planned on

    Hilarious.  You should put that on a T-shirt.

    Still processing last night and the entire season.  Both satisfying and a bit disappointing in their way; art mimicking life, I guess.

    Hannah's encounter with the HS student was classic Girls.  Did anyone else feel like she was channeling Lorene as the little twit ran off?  Thing else, everything Hannah told her was absolutely right. 

    • Love 4
  11. 2 hours ago, ozziemom said:

    I thought last week's episode would have been fine as the finale, this episode seemed like nothing, blah, boring, pointless

    You know, I think that was kind of the point.  With a more conventional Show runner last week would have been the series ender, with everyone's arcs tied up in nice, neat little bows.  This episode kind of felt like the "what happens after the series finale" that we never get to see.  That being said, Hannah did seem to regress a bit - "what if there's a student I want to fuck?" - showed that she still has a long way to go.  ETA - Lorene was pretty spot on tonight.

    • Love 9
  12. 15 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

    The difference for me, I find Hannah to be the kindest of the bunch, I just find her to be very loving although her behavior can be gross i.e. rolling around that dance floor with her ass all out, throwing up all over her shirt. But I never find her to behave with the intent to purposely hurt others. I'll take that kind of person any day even if they are weird and annoying in other areas. 

    Despite myself, I find pregnant Hannah to be quite endearing.  There's been a sweetness and gentle nature to her for most of this season that we've only seen hints of before.  Her gross behavior pretty much ended the same episode that she learned about the pregnancy.  Since then, we've basically seen a normal, late 20-something millennial.  This Hannah I could be friends with.  Lena's acting this season has been above average as well.  The sweet, girlish flirting scene on the subway - especially the thing she did with her tongue and teeth  while laughing- was adorable.  For the first time I could actually see how a man would be attracted to Hannah.  I would have been too, based on that interaction. 

    • Love 7
  13. I agree with most of the posts here.  But to me Hannah's Diner melt-down meant one more thing - once the baby is born, she will have finally, irreversibly entered into true adulthood/parenthood and everything it entails (picking out preschools, joining the Park Slope Food Co-Op, and attending PTA meetings).  Adam's marriage proposal focused her attention on that reality - she's about to be the first of the "Girls" to enter real adulthood by becoming almost fully responsible for another, dependent human being for at least 18 years.  For someone who has basically been playing at being an adult (as so many of us did in our early-to-mid 20s), the concept has to be overwhelming, to say the least.

    • Love 12
  14. 1 hour ago, luna1122 said:

    I think Allison Williams is exceptionally pretty, tho too skinny. She looks a lot like Amanda Peet; both have that strong jaw and steely gaze, they should really play mom & daughter or aunt or sisters or something. No girl (or guy) has looks exceptional enough to justify asshole behavior (tho it happens all the time) but I'd think Jessa is more the kind of girl whose looks n demeanor would make a guy lose his wits for awhile. (

    Interesting thing is, I don't find Jessa all that attractive...and I usually find something attractive in almost every woman.  Her face has a kind of...cruelness...to it, kind of like Robin Givens.  Someone that smirks or grimaces a lot.  Not pretty at all IMHO.  Hey I just joined you in the shallow pool.  :D

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, cpcathy said:

    Hannah's mother's name is Lorene. Or am I missing something in this question? They were yelling her name in the street.

    Yes, her name is Lorene.  What I meant was that there was a similarly hilarious scene in "As Good As it Gets."  And another one in "Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist."  The scene of which you speak could be a homage to one of those movies.

  16. Quote

    The guys yelling, "Loreen! Loreen!"  Was that a reference to a movie character?

    Maybe the scene in "As Good as It Gets" when Melvin (Jack Nicholson) chases Carol (Helen Hunt) down the street?  Seems like that flick would be one of Lena's favorites.

    • Love 2
  17. Quote

      6 hours ago, Decider said:

    8.  I don't enjoy getting my nipples sucked.

    luna 1122 replied:

    Well, that's just crazy.

    Luna, you really sound like my kind of woman, heh.

    My take-way from last night- I kinda like vulnerable, calm, reasonable Hannah.  She was actually cute and charming in this episode, never thought I'd say that about her.  Lena's writing and acting have been way above average this season.

    • Love 9
  18. 6 hours ago, Izeinwinter said:

    Kara is subject to HR, thus she's getting paid. She is also doing the equivalent work of a whole lot of very expensive search and rescue gear - It's not so much the crime-fighting, it's the medevac, firefighting, ect. So she's likely paid the highest scale the government legally can. Meaning; GS-15.

    Love it.  Beats the hell out of any civil service job I've ever held.  On another topic, maybe I'm missing something, but why couldn't Kara have posted the blog either anonymously or using a pseudonym?

    • Love 1
  19. 39 minutes ago, Bishop said:

    I agree that Anna is stupid for going after Liv alone, and she is being ridiculously stubborn about not listening to anyone.  I am okay with Liv overpowering her, however, since Anna had admitted that she already had one treatment (mainly draining her blood) and was on blood thinners.  So, as many had told her repeatedly, she was in no condition to the leave the hospital let alone take on a crazy woman in an armed fight.  

    This is the reason I've always doubted Anna as some kind of super-spy.  She had the drop on OJ.  Sometimes "shoot first and ask questions later" actually DOES make sense.  Frisco would have put a bullet in Olivia 5 seconds after making facial recognition.  Guess that's why he's WSB Director now.

  20. Quote

    I knew Kara was strong but damn, applying enough counter force to keep the ship from moving until its engines overheat? That's impressive. I'm not sure whether that or picking up Fort Rozz last season required more strength. 

    Kara's power levels vary to meet the writer's needs.  She can stop a starship from going into warp, but a "B" lister like Live Wire tosses her around like a rag doll.  Go figure.  Btw - Hercules...Hercules!!! (said in my best Eddie Murphy "faux old lady" voice).

    • Love 5
  21. Quote

    I've known quite a few people who set themselves up in NYC (and in the NYC-adjacent NJ communities - Jersey City, Weehawken) in a group home situation. That's the most doable. Get a room in a house or other dwelling with other people, and yes, people do pull that one off every day. It IS getting your own apartment that is the trick, and people without supplementary support who work the service jobs are priced out of getting their own apartment.

    Spent most of my life (about five decades) in Brooklyn and that is EXACTLY how it works.  In prime parts of the borough (like Clinton Hill, Park Slope, Greenpoint or Williamsburg) millennials pay for a $3,800 per month, two-or-three bedroom apartment by doubling, tripling or even quadrupling up on the space. In the real world, given their respective financial situations, Hannah, Jessa, Shosh and Marnie would all likely share the same flat when not living with their significant others.

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