1.4k -
As much as I am fond of FH, you're right. I don't see any way her character can be resolved and Anna is rapidly moving past her expiration date. The idea of Joss as Junior-Secret-Agent-in-Training really had me intrigued, but it looks like the writers are chickening out now. Big picture-wise, looks like the writers soured on the re-cast Brennan and Carly as a couple, and him placing Joss in danger AND setting up Jasus was the easiest way to blow things up. As another poster noted awhile back, I think we're headed for CarSon Chapter 156. There really aren't any other age-appropriate pairings left for her now, other than Martin, and he's clearly not her type. Plus, when the connection between Noted Bigot Natalia and Jenz Sidwell comes out, Sonny won't have any options either, other than going back to Nina.
@GHScorpiosRule - Happy & Safe Travels to you! I plan to journey to Quebec later this year.
I'm so excited that Cyrus is off my screen I'd even give Mooby, Willow or Brad a lifetime pass, LOL. So happy that JK has been liberated from GH hell and hope he fulfills my dream of joining a show in the Sheridan universe, whether it's Landman or 1923. Where the latter show is concerned, I'd like to see if JK can hold his own against heavyweights like Harrison Ford and Dame Helen Mirren. He should fit in well among that demographic.
If Amanda Setton is having body image issues, I truly feel for her; it happens a lot, particularly in Holly-weird. But if that's the case, the directors need to find a workaround; that scene was light-years beyond UCG. Plus, she had to be burning up under all those layers in combination with the studio lights. It will be difficult for me to say anything negative about Carly Jr. going forward. In that moment, she acted like a REAL Spencer and finally rid the show of one of its biggest annoyances. My guess is that in exchange for Brennan's help, Joss will eagerly join the WSB. Besides watching Snarly Sr.'s head explode, that might be one of the most interesting things to happen on GH in ages. Btw, I've been watching the previews and Jon Lindstrom has a significant role on Beyond the Gates, which I'm looking forward to. Hopefully, he'll still be able to keep appearing on GH; Kevin Collins is a personal fave.
Given that TempLucky looks slightly Asian, I expected some...KungFu Fighting. After all, old man Cyrus doesn't look "fast as lightning." I'll be here all week, folks.
Maybe it was my TV, but TempLucky looked really Asian to me today. Anna couldn't help tearing up when talking to Jasus. Sad, really, really sad. Yet another reason why your squad shouldn't have any confidence in you, PCPD Commissioner Devane. I've liked FH for decades (Does anyone else remember her in the terrible SNF sequel Staying Alive?), but the showrunners need to find something else to do with Anna. And...this is really nit-picky...but her new vocal tick of ending every request with "Yah?" is starting to annoy.
There's little evidence that Anna used to be a "super spy." Quite the contrary, when her parents dropped Little Anna off at spy school, I think she slipped out the back door shortly afterward. Malcolm Scorpio for the win today! Loved his little conversation with Anna today where he firmly stated everyone's life would be better if Cyrus was dead, dead, dead. So far, he's the only one that gets it. Then he backed off. Me sad. Alexis' conversation with Jasus last week about Cyrus made less sense to me the more I think about it. First, her grief should have her wanting Cyrus gone in the worst possible way. The whole Danny thing was ridiculous for a number of reasons. First: Danny knows what his Dad does for a living and wouldn't be shocked if Jasus offed Cyrus. Second: The "what Sam would want" spin was bogus. Samantha McCall would want Cyrus dead if he harmed someone close to her, not in prision. Third: Most baddies in Port Chuckles end up taking Dirt Naps anyways. Would Danny really care how it happened? Clearly I've spent too much time thinking about this.
Uh-oh. I'm actually allergic to Latex and LOVE the Yankees. And I was born in Brooklyn, too. Guess I should do one of those ancestry tests. Maybe we share some Moors' blood. Stranger things have happened. Loved today's previews. Looks like Alexis wants to embrace her inner Cassidine. Go Natasha!!!! I've been thinking for a while that since everyone feels like Cyrus is such a dangerous man and the whole town now knows he killed Sam, why not, oh I don't know...just go ahead and turn off his lights permanently? Must be the James Howlett in me.
Yep. It also means that most of us on this Board can write the same (or better) storylines than the paid professionals. I've been a Van Hansis fan for awhile now. He brings a quiet, natural acting style to the screen that you don't see much of these days. I first noticed it when he bailed Ava and Ric out at the Restaurant, he sat between the two of them. happily munching on a Cheeseburger and fries while the two went back and forth. It seemed so real-to-life.
With her doing so much weeping, I had actually forgotten that Finola is an accomplished professional dancer. She had better moves than everyone except Curtis and Jordan... Poor MB, seemed like his old bones were stiff, then he decided some kind of effort was in order...
She played the world's tallest Annette Funnicello in a t.v. movie around the same time (mid-1990's) and yeah... Been away for a while - are we discussing Natalia here? Horrible as she is, at least the Noted Bigot has two things going for her.😁 Gosh, I really hope so. He's failed as a baddie since Day One, and Jenz Sidwell hasn't been much better. I've missed an episode or two due to a heavy workload - do we have a Temp Brennan now, or is this a re-cast? ETA - Catching up on the Boards, looks like this is a NuBrennan. Reminds me of an aged Ben Savage, kinda.
Ugh. I haven't been really watching or keeping up with GH since last week's interruptions. We're really not through with the SLS? My heart goes out to CD, but frankly, I was thrilled when it seemed like Mikey was taking a dirt nap.
My hope is that Tracy is being positioned as the Q Matriach, just as Stella pointed out, and just as it should be. Seriously, who is the last character to definitively deny both Sonny AND Jasus in the same episode, if ever? Luke Spencer? Jerry Jax, maybe? It's been eons since it last happened, and it will probably be a very long time before we see that again. I hope that the writers don't cave today and ruin the awesomeness that is Tracy Angelica Quartermaine.
Brain fart. *shrugs* Hmmm. Isn't it that Lulu is "Girl Reporter" and Cujo Jr. is now "Girl Detective?" Other than that, there's a lot to unpack from today's episode. For right now, I only have one huge question: Why were so many characters speaking as if they were delivering bad William Shatner monologues from ST:TOS? IF. YOU. KNOW. WHAT. I. MEAN. Drew and Nina were particularly offensive with the yelling and over-enunciating. Btw, get well soon @Daisy - I enjoy your posts so much!
It also speaks to what a piss-poor Co-Chief of Staff Portia is. Once I realized someone on my staff is using Digitalis to kill patients, every single bottle would be locked in my office and only one trusted designee per shift would have access to it, should such a strategy be possible. Re: Leslie Charelson, there's been so much on-screen and off-screen death attached to GH over the last three or four years it's getting really depressing. ETA: I just realized that locking the Digitalis down within GH wouldn't stop Cyrus or someone else from bringing it in from the outside.