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  1. Who the hell has a vow renewal after a year? Just when you thought Phyllis couldn’t get more disgusting she actually thinks Danny should be flattered that of all the men in the world he’s the one she picked to ruin his life! Seriously is that psychotic or mentally challenged? Ugh
  2. When I was watching them I thought she could definitely be April’s daughter.
  3. Is is just me, or does it look like MCE had cheek work done?
  4. Do these people have their seasons mixed up? In the dead of winter the girls were half naked and sleeveless and now when we have some 90 degree days they’re in long sleeves or sweaters. Ashland in a sweater too.
  5. Wow, Chelsea the maneater. All she could see recently was Rey with stars in her eyes, and suddenly she’s back to trying to manipulate Adam. Sharon might be slutty but I don’t remember her being predatory.
  6. First cousins can marry in TN, not sure if other states, too lazy to check.
  7. I thought it was usually pre-empted Thursdays and Fridays? I thought you’d like this pic, it’s from Cameron Grimes anniversary.
  8. And skimpy little cocktail off the shoulder dresses in the middle of harsh winter climates in the middle of the day.
  9. Don’t forget Victoria’s experience for CEO all came from her job as a gift wrapper.
  10. The first thing I thought of was gala! No one said it the same way!
  11. Devon saying he’s Doms father enrages me. He’s NOT Doms father Chance is, even if Chance doesn’t act like it.
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