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Everything posted by JonnieUniteUs

  1. Juan: robyn you are being an irresponsible and terrible parent Reality: ‘please fill in the blanks
  2. Thank you! I could not fathom that an unhooding would be a “flap” removal but maybe that’s the deal if paired with the other a description Is an unhooding done if the area has been used much? I mean that is what these women are seeming to imply? I don’t know what the hell is going on these days. Glad to have you all to educate me !😅♥️
  3. When these girls and Mia are talking about Mia getting her clitoris “done” but yet talking about “flaps” are they confusing actual body parts here or what is going on? I have never heard of a clitoris “surgery” other than mutilation from certain countries where the mutilators should be dealt with in the harshest way.😡
  4. Can’t Dorit get a lucrative modeling contract and pay some bills with that income? she’s gorgeous and her look is very versatile IMO and she makes everything she wears look fantastic even if it looks like a sack of crap on a hanger, manikin, or print model. She wore some tie dye mechanic garage jumpsuit recently and pulled it off. Amazing really.
  5. Hahahaha you guys are cracking me up! seriously, someone should make online comic books out of some of these episodes!
  6. Kathy gave it to Kyle. even the small candles of that brand are pretty expensive imo but I tend to buy my candles at TJ Maxx and Home Goods
  7. Was the whole damn outfit on backwards? who does she think she is, Kris Kross?
  8. I don’t want to be mean or judgmental but what a fuckin’ weirdo.😕
  9. 😂😂 Leahs backward dress came across my email today. It actually does look cute either way but yes her jacket was bizarre
  10. Ah thank you. I also wondered if I had missed a “never before scene” where she actually said those words.
  11. That was bizarre and seemed like something said that was not well thought through.
  12. At times Sutton reminds me of someone I know that thinks others should act a certain way or say certain things she would agree with, and cannot relax in her own skin because of it. It’s got to be a stressful way to go through a day.
  13. This reminds me of Adrianne Maloof who was told to wash the raw chicken before cooking and she was going to use soap.
  14. As someone who has both man hands (And feet) I take exception to this!😡 Don’t you just love lobster?😁 Can you imagine if the majority of the women went to the other side of the room (for an “intervention” or whatever via NY) and did not include Sutton what a meltdown could ensue? seriously though, I hope Sutton can become a more secure person in herself through this HW experience.
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