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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. They know they are good enough for a supporting role but others judge that they lack the talent and/or charisma to be a lead.

    I bet every single one of them would much rather be the lead than a supporting character, at least some of the time.  None of them think they are lesser actors.  Frequently they are much better actors than the leads, just not as pretty.

    When I worked at NASA, every single person, except my office mate, was convinced that they would make a great astronaut - better than the actual astronauts.  My office mate was afraid of heights.

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  2. I think the largest animal any one on the show has taken was a moose.  You can eat bear, but getting one with arrows is a very risky undertaking.  It will also result in an enormous amount of meat so you'll have to be wary of the lesser predators (wolverines, foxes, wolves) who will come after that.  These bears are not only big, but they are bulking up to hibernate.

    Doesn't look like anyone is drying fish or caching berries for later in the season.

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  3. I really feel for Nate - what a slob Ryan was, in addition to being a nasty bitter bear.  How fitting that he and Magda who had bonded over how cruelly they were treated, got to leave together!

    There's no way Culver is going on that van trip with Brittini.

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  4. It's a super common name.  Who knows why they (Deja and Malik) chose it?  Maybe they wanted to give their child a very common name after going through life with their slightly less common names?

    We  named both my kids after relatives on my husband's side who I never met.  Including one named after his dead mother.  Seemed like a nice way to honor his memories of her.

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  5. 12 hours ago, susannot said:

    I didn't even know that acorns were edible.  For squirrels and deer, yes.  For people?  Didn't know.

    Acorns were a staple food for the California Native American tribes.  You have to soak them multiple times to get them to be edible, otherwise they are too tannic.   Did they include a shot of Sarah finding acorn flour in one of the stores?  In all my searching through the "different" flours I don't think I've ever seen it.

    As soon as they started serving, you could tell Buddha had it in the bag.  Those tuiles!  I wouldn't want to eat Sarah's tartare and the rabbit looked awful - how do you make some thing under and overcooked simultaneously?

    Damarr was there with the sous chefs.  Guess he stayed another day or two.

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  6. I don't know if they were hired specifically to hook up with Gary, but whenever one of them seems about to do so, the camera is right on them.

    It sure is great when they go sailing.  Who cares if the race was rigged or not.

    Do Gary and Colin not own anything but ratty T shirts?  They go out, the women are all in nice dresses, Barnaby has on a collared shirt, Marcos is OK, and the two of them are wearing their laundry day shirts.

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  7. 19 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

    So glad this episode gave a quick explanation to what The Inquisitors are for those of us who haven't watched the animated shows. And after finding Leia adorable in Episode 1 by the end of this episode I was finding her annoying and I'm hoping Obi-Wan dumps her on Alderaan and we don't have to deal with her long periods of time. I found it laughable that all those that were chasing Leia could not run faster than a 10 year old who appears to not be the fastest runner in the world.

    She's no Baby Yoda in the adorableness department.  Watching her run I kept imagining some assistant director calling out "not too fast honey!"

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  8. And now it's clear why they don't film in the summer.  If the black flies are this bad in September, they'd be deadly in July.

    I doubt they'll see any polar bears or production would be hyping it up the wazoo.

  9. 1 hour ago, rhofmovalley said:

    This was filmed during the height of the pandemic. Although contestants, crew and judges were all presumably tested and stayed in a "bubble" perhaps they couldn't guarantee they wouldn't come into contact with someone who was infected if they filmed inside the hotel.

    I do recall the protocols in AZ and TX were much less restrictive than in other states.

    They filmed the judges table inside the hotel, and they were cooking inside the hotel.  But they put the dining table outside and it was so hot that Sarah's ice cream was a runny mess.  I've been there and it is massive.  They could have blocked off a large section to form their bubble.

    Protocols in AZ were not "less restrictive" - I have employees there.  I have had to be on top of their protocols.

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  10. This is being filmed at the Marriott Star Pass Resort but they must have pulled out as a sponsor since it was never mentioned.  I was lucky enough to go to a meeting there years ago just after it opened.  The building is so massive that we kept getting lost.  It was beautiful and well air conditioned.  Wonder why they ate outside?

    I'm so glad I didn't have to eat anything made out of nopales.  It squicks me out, just like okra.  I would have to be really hungry to go for slime.

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  11. I don't know why Lyndsey didn't ask Jonathan if he'd ever voted for her?

    They got up to the top of the hill and showed the ball machines and I said, this might be one that Romeo could actually win.  My wish, along with getting rid of half of the advantages and idols, is that they would have more variety in the challenges so that the smaller people weren't always at a disadvantage.  If they'd used this challenge earlier in the season, someone like Hai or Drea might have lasted longer, for example.

    Congrats to MaryAnn!

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  12. 3 hours ago, Zaffy said:

    I find the whole Gary thing really annoying. I don't know if this is common in yachting, flirting like crazy with a co-worker who just came aboard, or they are doing just for TV, but it feels so forced and so much staged it ends up being kind of appalling. The new girl went into Gary arms before she even actually worked on the damn boat.

    I don't know about yachting in particular, but my son is a sailor, a merchant mariner.  If there's someone they are interested in, they learn to strike quickly because they might not see them again or get another chance.  He and his friends from the Maritime Academy were always very good at picking up girls.  Not like Gary, but in the normal, do you want to go get coffee way.

    I find Gary to be a complete horn dog, but I bet he's fun to be around.  He's actually pretty smart, speaks several foreign languages, works hard and loves his mother.  He stayed with the poor guest who face planted into the water to make sure she was OK.  You could do worse.

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  13. I find that closing my eyes during the Michelle and Barak scenes is a great help.  Both actors sound like the people they are portraying and you miss whatever Davis is doing facially.

    I liked an episode that emphasized the Presidential daughters throughout the years.

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  14. So there is someone else who can drive the tender.  Jason can go ahead and fire Benny.  He does seem to have a very formal approach to discipline - on the previous episode he gave Jamie an official verbal warning, this one he had another department head present when discussing a crewman's poor performance.

    When I have had employees like Benny, you put them under close supervision - stay by their side the whole shift.  It is not fun.

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  15. 4 hours ago, KeithJ said:

    For Maryanne's sake, I hope she can make fire.  I don't see any way of her winning the final four challenge and the remaining three would be stupid to take her to the final with them.

    I think the editors have very carefully showed us everyone making fire.  There's no sitting back and letting one person do it.  This episode Omar did.

    I can't help thinking that Mike is Tony 2.0 - maybe it's just the accent.

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  16. "The plaque said "Caboose car," I believe. " someone said.

    I thought the plaque said The Last Car because Rebecca couldn't remember the word Caboose.

    1 hour ago, Cancun said:

    Same with my dad when he was in hospice care and a bit delirious near the end. I took the overnight shift sitting with him those last few days, so my mom could get some sleep, and I heard/saw him do some strange things. He said he had to hurry so he didn’t miss the train. Then he called out to family (presumable on the train?) who pre-deceased him and waved his arms. It was so freaky, I did a bunch of reading afterward. I agree Hospice workers are quite familiar with this scenario.

    My mother was in hospice at home before dying of cancer.  Printed in the materials from the hospice company was the fact that a lot of people start talking about going on a trip just before the end, and that it wasn't something to panic about.  Rebecca is going on that trip, even though she's dying in her own bed.

    I've been a big Miguel supporter for the whole show.  Even if he had stood up and escorted her the rest of the way, it was still going to be Jack at the end and if Miguel was there also, it would have been really odd.


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  17. Back in the olden days, Americans would mute their TV's and listen to radio commentary, just to avoid Howard Cosell.

    In west coast news, the Seahawks open their season playing the Broncos.  Oh those crazy schedulers with their wacky sense of humor!

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  18. Sports are a big deal in the US because of the potential for a college scholarship.  Free rides are great if you can get one.

    At my high school, there was a football team, but nobody ever went to the games, they didn't wear their uniforms during the day at school, and the only reason the rest of us knew they existed was because they commandeered the only table that was out of the rain to eat lunch at.

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