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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 13 hours ago, J-Man said:

    What kind of name is "Rebs?" Is it short for something?

    It's a British nickname, for Rebecca.  Last season Juergen complained, when someone called him Juergs, that you cannot make nicknames for everyone just by adding an "S".  

    The Super Scot thought that his piping was so great but Paul and Prue definitely didn't.  I loved the Star Caker's house!  So colorful.

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  2. 1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    Why was quicksand such a thing in the 70s? Is there an equivalent now?

    It wasn't really in the 70s, it was earlier in the 60s when there were lots of Westerns.  Quicksand is the hazard you can't see coming.  Just as our heroes had escaped the Injuns and the cattle stampede and the flash flood, they were always wandering into quicksand.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Caudex said:

    Glove-gate: Probably all of them were wearing gloves at some point in the episode, and I think they might've even had different kind of gloves for different tasks. Tyson was wearing gloves in the shoveling challenge, and I have no idea why he was freezing his fingers off in the sudoku challenge. I'm pretty good with cold weather, but my fingers are not and I'm not sure I'd want to risk possibly permanent damage for 20K. (My fingers are cold while I'm typing this.)


    Drowning-gate: I'm no fan of Enzo's, but he was in a serious panic. To me that situation showed how you should not get close to someone who thinks they're drowning, unless you really know what you're doing. If they hadn't had lifejackets it could've been dangerous for both of them had Desi tried to help him.

    I think they took off the gloves with the sudoku because the pieces of paper with the numbers were sticking together in the cold and wet.  (Survivor would have had a bowl of wooden numbered pieces because the test runs would have identified that problem.)

    Having been trained as a life guard, the phrase "Reach Throw Row Go" is drilled into your brain.  Going to help someone like Enzo who is totally panicked is the last thing you do.  Desi really got screwed by being paired with him.

    I'm glad we finally got to meet Kiki!

  4. 14 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    Does anyone know why Tash was trimming the pineapple?

    At my house, we trim off the bits that the cat has chewed on.  My cats like to prune.

    On WWHL Dave also mentioned that after the show ended, he went to work for World Central Kitchen in Ukraine and really liked it.

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  5. On 9/10/2022 at 6:51 PM, Leeds said:

    A (professional) chef on a national TV show show just talked about "privileging the peas" and went on to add insult to injury by talking about "A better kind of trumpet of the pea possibility than the previous dish."  (I rewound because I thought I must have misheard.  Unfortunately not.)

    My only hope is that these pretentious dicks watch their performances at home surrounded by friends and family who go on to relentlessly mock them.

    That's like Posh Nosh!  She would always embarrass the vegetables.

  6. Does he take the shutters off of every place he works?  Not being from New England, the shutters always seem like one of the key characteristics of farmhouse architecture and you can see them on every other house in the neighborhood.

    I'm sure they are a pain to paint.....

  7. 16 hours ago, ICantDoThatDave said:

    Episode 1: Rhaenyra is 15

    Episode 2: We're told 6 months have passed.

    Episode 3: Another 3 years have passed.

    King: "Powerless over mine own daughter of seven and ten."

    Westerosi math is hard.

    Westerosi years are weird.  If the seasons can change in length, then so do the years.

    These people should be counting their ages in days.

    • LOL 7
  8. Very late to the party.  I agree with the speculation about Devon.  Is she a Lumon spy as well as Cobell?

    How did Irv get all the intel that he dragged out of the case?  There were names of many severed people as well as the map with their homes.

    Irv painting over and over the view in the elevator when they turned between Innie and Outie, was heartbreaking.

    Dylan clearly had the shortest arms of anyone in the group.  Why did he insist on being in the control room?

    • Like 4
  9. 12 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    And the dad in his 70s that wondered about his childhood address for years!  You don't remember your childhood address???  I use mine sometimes as my password. LOL.  About a week ago, I looked at the house on Google Streets. Still looking good!

    I had about 10 of them.  No, I do not remember any of them, except the last one.  But I've not seen the commercial.

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  10. 9 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    AV Club made a good point:

    Actually, I think they're wrong.  Freddie's to do list shouldn't change whether he's with Guillermo or with Nandor.  Otherwise, he's like poor Marwa doomed to like everything that Nandor likes.  Original Freddie at least should have agency.  It was great seeing him doing everything in light and in dark.  He and Guillermo went to a matinee!

    I don't care much about Nadja's club but seeing Sophia Coppola get it was great.

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  11. On 8/20/2022 at 6:37 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

    There is a similar law relating to any Ghost Hunters-type show:  If they ever really catch a ghost on film, you'd know about it right away.

    Sounds like the River Monsters rule that Jeremy only catches the fish he's after in the last minute of the show.

    Seems like a lot of these folks made poor choices as to what they brought.  And the one who lost his pot?  Now that's stupid.

  12. On 8/24/2022 at 7:41 AM, NaughtyKitty said:

    ....and the fact that he was using a straw on their night out. I thought no straws after any dental surgery

    I've never been told that and I have had a lot of teeth pulled.  With a straw you can direct liquid away from where the teeth were, otherwise drinking just sloshes things around.

    I had my lot of teeth pulled out starting in middle school years because my baby teeth wouldn't fall out, and there wasn't room for all my giant hard permanent teeth.  I have 10 less teeth now than everyone else.  It was my life for a while.  There was never any sewing up afterwards, but lots of bloody gauze.  I assume they just didn't film him at that point.

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  13. On 8/22/2022 at 6:31 PM, AryasMum said:

    It didn’t bother me, but they were clearly Dany fan-baiting by first focusing on Rhaenyra’s long white hair before we saw the rest of her. 

    She was also wearing the exact same dark gray wool coat that Dany wore in the last seasons of GOT.

    The wigs, the wigs!  Can we just call the black guy Ezekiel?

    Isn't House Tyrell's seat called High Garden?  That maybe where some of the confusion over the Hightowers is coming in.

    Guess I'm the only one who watched The Knick.  They did a C section sans anesthesia in their pilot episode.

    I wouldn't give this more than a C.  And the two cheesy elements near the end really pissed me off.

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  14. On Sailing Yacht the engines went out and they crashed into the concrete dock and did damage to the boat.  Captain Glenn painted over it.

    I'm beginning to think neither Natasha or Natalya are right in the head.  Natasha for the drama over cheating on her ex with Dave and Natalya for wanting every ounce of Storm's attention when he just started a new job, and for insisting that Courtney was an asshole for not immediately starting to clean cabins.

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  15. On 8/15/2022 at 7:38 PM, kirklandia said:

    Just watched the final episode On Demand. Gonna go ahead and put this out there before I see what everyone else has to say.

    Of course they chose the house that would be the least challenging to reno.

    The house itself was not ugly. It was a design that was not practical for a family.  Their decor was over-the-top, we can charitably call it "taste specific".

    They definitely did not chose the house that would be least challenging to reno.  That would have been the linoleum house in LA.  This house needed extensive changes to the HVAC and plumbing.  One of the three octagons was not inhabitable when they started the reno.

    The design of the house was not practical for anyone.  I've lived in homes where the walls didn't go all the way to the ceilings and hated it.  [There's actually a style of home in my area where this was very popular in the 1950s]  You have no privacy, they are very noisy, and the cats go everywhere!

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  16. 3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    At that point wouldn't anyone else on the walkies alerted Storm that Sandy could not hear him?  That is when the never seen engineers should have jumped in and helped or halted the engines.  At the end of the season that boat is going to look like the family car when a new driver takes it for a drive, lol.  

    I didn't understand why another deck hand didn't go back to help him.  However, I watched with my son who is a sailor (in the petroleum industry, not yachting) and he says lots of boat accidents are caused by walkie mishaps.  He also thought that the film showed that Sandy had used her forward thrusters to slow the speed into the dolphins.  We also had a long conversation about whether or not the dolphins were solid.  I'm not sure why that is important.

    Neither hit has been very hard.  In the first one, they got a fender between the boat and the dolphin.  This one looked to be low speed.

    Why did she have to exit the dock in reverse anyway?  Looked like lots of room to swing and go out bow forward.

    Natasha's voice is awful and I'm sick of her "love triangle."  Hope the old guy already has a rebound gal.

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  17. I actually liked what she did with the house, but also wondered about a third bedroom for the other sister.

    I think engineering the HVAC was a huge part of this and I'm sorry they didn't include an explanation of how they really handled it and why they couldn't just take out or box in the former vent center.

    If they don't like the green shelving, it's easy enough to paint it.  Likewise, get rid of the pecky cypress dining room table.   They got a free home renovation after all.

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