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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. Imagine if Arie had forced a vote.  Then Andie and Quentin would have faced knowing that they had directly given Cerie the win, rather than indirectly by not considering that she could be a traitor.  They were devastated enough as it was.


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  2. Cerie must be even better in real life to have completely duped everyone else in the game.  If I went in, she would have been my first assumption to be a traitor, based on what I've seen her do on Survivor.

    Watching Andie and Quinton at the end was really painful.

    • Like 6
  3. This is so cheesy!  You can tell Alan Cumming is having the time of his life.  I hope it paid well.

    I didn't realize they were going to show this on Bravo - I'm watching on Peacock and liking it.  It's not a "pause if you have to answer the doorbell" kind of show though.

    They get you to root for the traitors against the faithful.

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  4. So, who on the writing staff is a 49ers fan?  They name checked two football players and both are on the Niners.  Shouldn't they be going for Eagles players?  They're #1 after all.  And btw, McCaffrey has no backup.

    I loved that Gregory's secret gardening backfired on him.

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  5. 4 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

    I think this lineup makes sense.

    • Of course Dallas and Tom Brady get the Monday night game. That's the best ratings matchup this weekend.
    • Seattle at San Francisco gets the mediocre Saturday afternoon slot. They can't be the 1:00 game because west coast teams, and it's too boring to be a primetime game with the 9.5 point spread indicating it could be uncompetitive at best. (This would have been Sunday night had the Packers won.)
    • Chargers at Jacksonville has the Los Angeles TV market, so it shouldn't be slotted into 1:00 on Sunday, which is where it belongs as far as national interest goes, so it goes to Saturday night. 
    • That leaves our three Sunday games. The Giants/Vikings has the NY market and is a 3 point game. The Bengals/Ravens have small TV markets, is a 6 point spread, but the Bengals have Joe Burrow and are last year's AFC champions. And Buffalo/Miami is a 10.5 point spread, and is right up there with the Niners/Seahawks on the "least likely to be a good game" scale. 
    • So the Bills get to lead off the Sunday lineup rather than putting them in the night game where there's potential for blow out and people turning off the game. The likely competitive game with the big TV market ends up in the middle game, and Burrow and the Bengals go to primetime. 

    The problem with putting this much thought into it, is that the league will change the games around at a moment's notice.  They'll "flex" a game later if they decide that it'll draw a bigger audience than the one they picked.


  6. On 12/13/2022 at 9:30 PM, Shannon L. said:

    It was the chef's silent partner. 

    Not just his silent partner - his "angel" investor.  The VC guy who provided him the funding to create the restaurant.

    We got halfway through this and decided it would work pretty well as a play.  Was it adapted from one?

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  7. On 12/30/2022 at 2:58 PM, aghst said:


    I don't think we were suppose to connect all the dots necessarily.  For instance, River guessed that the cicada or sleeper was the husband, not the wife.  Apparently in the books, it turns out the whole village are Russian sleeper cell agents and that Kelly was the only innocent one.

    Having bitched about it previously, the production got around the "village full of sleeper agents" by never showing anyone but the one family in the village.

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  8. Very late to the party.  Loved season 3, but sad that things are ended.

    Was I the only one disappointed that it wasn't Maria Doyle Kennedy at the party?

    And I think the reunion episode provided the answer to where the girls all ended up.  Their mothers were a tight group of friends who were still a tight group of friends twenty years after graduation.  You can't know the specifics, but I doubt the younger Derry Girls won't still be friends.

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  9. How can there be so few people living in that village?  No other cars on the street?  Nobody walking their dog? No lights in any of the houses?

    I like Baby Agent with her gun.

  10. On 12/9/2022 at 5:56 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I love the Volkswagen Tiguan (?) commercial where the sheep hops in the open SUV door, and moves in with the two men.    

    That's my favorite although let's face it, if a sheep was in your back seat, it wouldn't be a big surprise at the end of the trip.  They do not smell good.

    Plus it has Make Your Own Kind of Music!  so then I get that stuck in my head all day.

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  11. The people who get jobs on super yachts aren't usually really up on world history.  A lot of them don't even know where the boat is.

    Kate was notorious for bitching to one subordinate about the other one so if she is the gold standard, then Faye should get a pass.  I don't know why they had to leave the boat in pajamas and parkas, then walk across the street to a wet bench just to have a cigarette.  Find some overhang on board and blaze it up!

    Faye showed one aspect of good management when she saw how freaked Oriana was from Jess's criticism and sent her to do cabins and then put her on the crew for the zip lining excursion.

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  12. On 12/2/2022 at 1:26 PM, HurricaneVal said:

    I was thinking about that snorkeling task just a little bit ago, and it just occurred to me that while it was really, really cool, in actuality I'd be a little wigged out about being between tectonic plates like that.  What if the earth decided to scratch an itch, or equalize pressure, or something while I was in there, and then *SLAM* squished HurricaneVal.

    The plates move millimeters per year.  I think you're safe.  It's more likely that you'd inhale gas from the volcanic eruptions.

  13. 1 hour ago, Xeliou66 said:

    I think the Niners may go after Mayfield, I don’t expect Brock Purdy to do very well and I think the Niners will need a more experienced QB in order for a potential playoff run, and I think Mayfield could have success with them, the Niners are loaded with talent and I think Mayfield could be a lot better under the right circumstances.

    There's not much speculation out here about Mayfield.  49ers just signed Josh Johnson from the Broncos - he's a multiyear veteran QB who was on the team and knows the system.  But that was as Purdy's backup.

    I think Purdy has played more regular season football than Trey Lance.

    But we all know:  Defence wins championships!

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