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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. On 4/11/2023 at 11:01 PM, Harvey said:

    I found the flower poeple / hippies / whatever they were extremely tiresome, stupid and not fun. 

    But the line about how they had been getting naked and talking in parables and nothing changed was really funny.

    Alan Cumming commits totally.  

    • Like 8
  2. 23 hours ago, Dobian said:

    That's where I recognized her!  I couldn't put my finger on it.  Yes, her For All Mankind role is a whole lot meatier than this glorified cameo.

    Jody Balfour also played Jackie Kennedy on The Crown.  She's a good actress.

    The actress who plays Jade the restaurant hostess is not.  She relies on staring blankly ahead with no expression.  She played the caterer on Love Actually.

  3. I cracked up at Sara's comment about being willing and happy to judge anyone anytime.  Me too.

    Poor Begona - you can't make eclairs in that amount of time.  They have to bake slowly, then cool, then get filled, then get glazed.  At least an hour and a half.

    The picnic sandwiches reminded me of Angel Strawbridge and her maniacal insistence that they be made properly.  She does a lot of tea parties.

    • Like 10
  4. On 4/11/2023 at 9:11 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:


    I am wondering about the white guy with a hophead wife and who it might be.


    One of the attorneys- We were specifically told by Rich Lady's attorney that he was going home to his real wife, so we know he has one. He probably has money being attorney to Rich Lady. So not the craziest thing. 

    And we found out that Rich Lady likes marijuana and really really likes to be taken care of.  And, if anyone was going to drive a Lincoln, it would be her or her minions.

    Shoes hanging on a telephone wire are supposedly an indicator of drug dealers nearby.

    Watching this I realized that one of the things I liked about Perry Mason original recipe was not having to hear about Della's sex life.  And I didn't even know it at the time.

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    • LOL 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Leeds said:


    The first season of Idol, there were two hosts interacting with the contestants, Seacrest and another guy.  There was also a woman who interviewed people auditioning while they were standing in line.  Seacrest went to the producers behind their backs and negotiated to handle all of it for subsequent seasons.  All Ryan all the time.  He doesn't care if people lose their jobs.

    He made most of his money in radio initially and still does an afternoon show where he interviews stars.  If he doesn't like somebody, instead of whisking through it quickly, he sticks a knife in and twists it.  I listened to him "interview" Jonah Hill where he made it clear that Hill was too fat for anyone to ever be interested in him so his girlfriend must be a gold digger and that he didn't deserve to be with her.  Fun stuff.

    • Like 2
    • Mind Blown 7
  6. Martha Stewart has a sense of humor about herself and how she is perceived.  Her own daughter had a show about how nobody but Martha could actually make the things she brings up and Martha would occasionally be on to demonstrate actually how to make things.  With Snoop's rapper buddies, she would always mention that she'd been to prison.

    Ryan Seacrest is a truly horrible human being.  

    • Like 9
  7. 37 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

    I always thought partridge was a small bird, as in partridge in a pear tree (the 12 Days of Christmas).

    Technically partridges are medium-sized game birds.  Quail, in contrast, are small game birds.  I haven't eaten partridge but imagine they taste much like quail, pigeon, or pheasant - like gamey chicken.

    And for once in my life, I predicted the winner last week.  

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  8. On 4/5/2023 at 5:12 PM, anniebird said:

    That judge really took his biscuits seriously but Tom (the chef who refused to make a biscuit) annoyed me. If everyone just decided they didn't like the challenge and made whatever they wanted, it would be a crappy competition.

    No - it's a QuickFire.  If Tom decided he didn't want to compete for immunity, he didn't have to.  Just as Hyung did with the Smurf Village and Mike Midgely with mashing together a Snickers bar and a Cheeto.

    In Germany, like in the US, cookies/biscuits frequently are not hard.  The Brits can be weird.   

    • Like 6
  9. I completely agree that Carolyn's inability to connect socially is on her.  And I question the Three Stooges alliance if they didn't tell her they were voting for Josh.  She was the only one to vote for Kane and so knows she's out of the loop.

    Her beef with Brandon and David (?) macho manning out and ignoring her at their meetup is totally legit however.  When three people are present and two of them ignore the remaining one, it's hard not to see it as deliberate.  Not getting your point across in a group of 6 exited people at the merge feast is on her.

    I don't see her as a fantastic player.  If you can never convince anyone of what you're saying, that's somewhat on you.  Maybe they're giving us the reverse-Gabler edit because she can't be perceived as anything other than a goat by the rest of the players.

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  10. I agree about the outside appearance - I wouldn't want to buy a big black house.

    It would be more interesting at this point to focus on how much money each team has left.   They mentioned it for a few, but not for all.  I suspect that those with more money may pull off a hot tub for the final episode.

    At least they're not decorating with trash.

    • Like 2
  11. They're re-writing history for this.  To build the Dodgers stadium, properties in Chavez Ravine were seized by eminent domain and the majority Mexican-American tenants and property owners lost their homes.  But that was in the late 1950's - the stadium opened in 1962.  This is supposed to be mid-30s.

    Increasingly the parts with Paul Drake are the most interesting in the episode.  Paul Chalk did a great job in the scene where he had to beat the information out of the suspect.

    It does look like the Gallardos are getting guiltier by the minute.

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  12. On 3/31/2023 at 5:24 PM, WaltersHair said:


    The banquet scene reminded me of The Secret History which was published in the early 90's. There was also a great documentary about The Donner Party put out by Ric Burns circa 1992. The actual Donners who survived supposedly were the only ones not to participate in the cannibalism, so I was glad to see Coach recuse himself. I hope that bodes well for him, but maybe not.


    The Donners mostly didn't survive.  It was the Reed family who managed to survive without cannibalism.  This would be a good year to check out the monument at Donner Lake.  It's built to have the figures at the height of the snowpack the year they were stranded.  Usually it's way over your head.  This year, so much snow that you could probably shake hands with them.

    • Like 3
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  13. I think Mei is shaping up to win this.  No one else has got a score in the 90s, and she has two.  The scores seem lower than previous seasons.  Mei has the RBF of all time, but her flavors are always on point.

    If we can comment on the commercials - are they planning to rerun TruTV's Fast Foodie episodes, or did they actually remake it?  The set looked different to me, but I cannot believe that Justin has recovered from his accident in time to do this.

    • Like 2
  14. 6 hours ago, Leeds said:

    Are you inviting me to visit?  My (North American) Safeway does not stock British biscuits.

    My Safeways in northern California do stock them.  Ask your store manager to look into it.  If they do, you'll have to buy lots.

    For the record, I do not buy them but I see them in the stores.  More than one store.

    • Like 2
  15. 17 hours ago, Leeds said:


    Petit Ecolier - yum indeed!  Do you deconstruct them (like some people do with Oreos) or eat the chocolate and biscuit together?  If you have access to World Market, Hobnobs are a great biscuit to try.  Talking of biscuits, McVities Digestives, plain or chocolate.  Custard Creams, yeah baby.  M&S Almond biscuits (do they still exist?  If so, someone please send me a case.  I'll send my firstborn in return.).  Rich Tea, Jammy Dodgers.  OMG someone stop me, please, I'm about to book a ridiculously expensive plane ticket.


    Save your money.  You can get all of this at my Safeway.

    I am interested to see how this episode is dealt with in those end of season charts that show who won and who lost each episode.

    • LOL 1
  16. 15 hours ago, kirklandia said:

    That wine rack was for show, not for go. Backlit?? Wine is supposed to be stored in the dark.

    Actually the wine was on a wall that didn't receive any direct sunlight so it should be just fine.  Compare it to the one the Baumlers did on the first floor in direct sunlight.

    I thought they did get some time at the end of the show to fix up problems.  The NKOTB team can get a quantity discount on dishwashers.

    The sad thing is that it's not the design but how each house is situated on the property that probably determines the selling price.  

    • Like 2
  17. On 3/25/2023 at 4:34 PM, aghst said:

    Speaking of Ben, Robinson that is, the chef who was on both BD and BDM, you can go on cruises where he's prepared special menus and also do special activities with him.



    I didn't click through the links to see how many guests these cruises would have -- this isn't like BD 1-day charters where maybe 5-10 guests get run of the whole yacht, with the water sports toys and so on, not to mention unlimited expensive booze.

    OTOH, these are for 8 days, not 1 or 2 days.  Ben will have some sessions with the guests but guessing he won't cruise for 8 days nor cook.  Instead the dinner menus are all supposedly from him.

    Certainly $4000-5000 for 8 days is a much better value than the supposedly 5or 6 figures that guests pay on BD -- which we know is hyped and likely not true.

    Not sure what you'd do for 8 days on a boat unless you want to lounge in the sun all that time or have shore excursions.  Then again, cruises are probably not for me.

    It says one boat has 100 passengers so this is like a small cruise ship.   There will probably be a staff like in a large restaurant to prepare the meals, but the recipes will be his.  And he'll give cooking demonstrations and glad hand people.  He's "monetizing his brand."

    The German guy who is on this season of Top Chef does this but up a notch.  He's the executive chef for a line of large cruise ships that hold thousands of passengers.

    Many people like to cruise - it's like being in a fancy resort hotel, but it moves.  You can hangout by the pool, go to the movies, go on shore excursions, etc.  Not for everybody for sure.

    • Like 1
  18. My new favorite is Sharon and Ozzy Osborne in an add for Playstation.  They're taking a trip back to England and Sharon wants Ozzy to help pack and he just wants to check out the Playstation.  It even includes their dog Minnie!

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