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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 20 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

    They are coming to start the trapping Sept 5. They are on vacation for the month of August that is why the longish wait. 

    Would they be willing to lend you the traps in the meantime?  I've had to trap feral cats and they are really suspicious of the traps, no matter how good the food is inside.  If you could leave them around with the trap mechanism disabled, then your cats would get used to them and you could start feeding them inside.

    Hooray for finding someone to handle this!

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  2. On 7/16/2023 at 6:34 AM, mojoween said:

    I hate the Citizens Bank ad where people are trying to use money who have never actually *seen* money before, because when we were on vacation last week, nearly every store charged a surcharge if you used any type of card.

    Cashless society or surcharge, can’t have both!

    Really?  Around here it's all "put away your poison dollar bills!  We only take good American plastic!"

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  3. I've forgotten who turned Derrick - could he be the real factor in why?  Nice touch having Derrick use the genus and species name for bat!

    Guillermo has managed to make neither of his homes safe.  At Casa Vampire, he has to worry about Nandor finding out and killing him.  At Casa de la Cruz, he'll be surrounded by van Helsings who just want to kill vampires.

    And his bat ears looked just like the Sire's.

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  4. On 7/14/2023 at 8:09 AM, iMonrey said:

    We see the same pattern every season. Once winter sets in there's no more fish and no more game and it's just who can last the longest without food. I'm sure it's specifically designed to keep the season shorter but I wish they'd drop the people off earlier in the summer. If it didn't always come down to a starvation contest it would be more within the true spirit of who could withstand the Alone part the longest.

    Plenty of people have managed to get game once winter sets in.  Woniya and her trap line come to mind.  "It's a two rabbit day!"

    They don't drop them off earlier because of black flies and mosquitoes.

    Did Taz smoke the meat that went bad, or just put it up in his cache?

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  5. On 7/11/2023 at 6:45 AM, meowmommy said:

    Nope.  The finale was Leanne, Korto, and Kenley.  First all-female finale.  Rami competed against Christian and, IIRC, Jillian.

    and Chris March 😪

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  6. I thought the looks were great individually, but not cohesive as collections.  Was it last season, with a similar challenge, where one team decided that all their people were attending the same funeral and it just unleashed the creativity?  They needed something like that here.

    I don't follow Kara Saun's career that closely, but one big job she's had is costumes for an acapella singing contest with Ben Folds as the lead judge.  The acapella groups come in all sizes, shapes, and numbers, and the costumes are color coordinated, but not matched identically.  She always always featured plaids!  Maybe she's in a rut.

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  7. When you think about this from a business point of view, it doesn't make much sense.  What would make sense is if they had given Uncle Jimmy his money back from the cans, and then sold the restaurant.  (Apparently, they own it or Carmy couldn't have made that part of the bet.)  They could have then scouted locations that would be better for the new style of restaurant that they want to open and bought something in reasonable shape.  Instead, they've invested hundreds of thousands into a building that had to have everything rebuilt because of deferred maintenance and Mikey trying to burn it down for the insurance money.  And it's in a location that may be good for a sandwich shop, but it's iffy for fine dining.

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  8. 2 hours ago, T Summer said:

    I remember Korto from her season being  easy going and gracious toward her fellow designers and I certainly don't recall her griping about the judging. A favorite of mine I was happy to see on the All Star cast list!


    Korto's season was filled with Kenley who brought constant drama, with Suede who referred to himself in the third person, and with Jerell who was hysterically funny.  It is not inconceivable that Korto was just as snarky then but it didn't get aired.

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  9. 19 hours ago, GiandujaPie said:


    Count me as someone else who wants to know how to get in on the cocount wireless! Da Bald Guy always seems to make gourmet upscale versions of Hawaiian food and I would love to try it!

    Join a church with Polynesian members.

    Back in the olden days of this show, they used to show how the used social media.

    Kumail Nanjani's Urdu was so much better than the Khana truck gal's.  She kept sticking in English words.

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  10. I liked it, but didn't love it.  There seemed to be lots that could have been cut out without hurting anything.  The class of kids and the band for example.  I liked that they actually used the brainiacs' inventions.  And who doesn't need a martini machine?  If 10 quarters got you a piece of real estate, how much would a martini be?

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  11. 5 hours ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:


    And Noma is in Copenhagen so that tracks, but French Laundry is in California and not NY, so is it supposed to be someone other than Thomas Keller and maybe an NYC restaurant?

    Keller has Per Se in Manhattan - with 3 Michelin stars.  The chef at Noma, Rene Redzepi, has a reputation for being really laid back, so probably not the model for the yeller.

    I thought Richie was going to Alinea, but no Grant Achatz so I guess not.

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  12. 7 hours ago, Leeds said:

    What the hell was Kaura San yammering on about in the bar and in the talking head, going on about the OGs?  (Had to look that one up!)  They may have experience but they have to keep up with the times and keep innovating.  And, Rami, the judges are going to greet/interact more warmly someone they're personally familiar with - Brandon and Elaine weren't judging when they were on. 


    Rami was talking about Christian, not the judges.  The guy he competed with so many years ago.  The guy who should know him and greet him warmly because of that experience.

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  13. On 6/28/2023 at 7:26 PM, blixie said:

    What is the 'thing' Francine Fak did!!!! I loved that even Fak got an arch helping host FOTH. Matty Matheson is so good in this role.

    An absolutely beautiful season of television, I never expected to cry so many times, Richie sing TSwift in the car, Pete's heart breaking over Donna and Natalie. The I laughed really hard when Alex Moffat as Josh was caught smoking meth and claimed it kept him sharp. Just a perfect season of television.


    Fak gave Claire Carmy's real cell phone number.  I loved that line from him.

    I loved this season.  The second season is rarely better than the first, but they pulled it off.  Wish they could have more than one Jon Bernthal flashback though.

    Why does Claire call Richie "cousin"?

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  14. On 6/25/2023 at 7:28 PM, PurpleTentacle said:


    I think it was just to set up that she is a bit of a coffee-snob / loves coffee. So it doesn't come completely out of left field when she opens a coffee shop at the end.

    Annie Murphy as Joan says to her therapist that she'd always wanted to have her own coffee shop.  So, we knew.

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  15. One of the best things about the episode was how everyone stayed up and on service to help her and how she was so thrilled at being able to pull it off.  There's no room to prepare anything in advance in a kitchen that size.

    I don't think it helps with the sexually explicit stuff that they are running two episodes back to back.  It's TMI on top of TMI.

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  16. 3 hours ago, iMonrey said:


    I honestly don't get this. Why are cabinets and drawers constantly flying open? They know this is a sailing boat, they know it's going to heel. If the latches aren't strong enough they should have fixed them by now. I realize there are things that just can't be locked down because the chef can't stop working while they're sailing, but all these doors flying open every single time makes zero sense. Unless the boat's owner has been instructed not to fix the latches because they love the shots they get.

    They're not.  Production uses the same clips over and over.  Watch for the one in Daisy's cabin where the lower drawer shoots out - same shot all season.  The exciting stuff is what's happening in the galley.

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