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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. Why target Sarah over Yam Yam?  Because Sarah was honing in on Josh's little super secret about being a doctor.  And Carolyn wouldn't care either way.  None of them are coming to her to talk strategy.  

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  2. 18 hours ago, Starry-Eyed said:

    Honestly, given that Manja burned the crap out of her puff pastry

    Manja didn't just burn the crap out of it, she made it wrong and all the butter ran out of the laminations.  Then she burnt it.

    Is "Blitz puff" the same thing they call "Rough puff" on the GBBO?

    I think this episode was the very first time I saw the bakers using scales.  It always looked to me like they were just randomly dumping ingredients into their mixing bowls.  You should weigh (best) or measure by volume to be consistent.

    I don't mind the judges - at least Nancy and Kardea aren't sniping at each other the way that Nancy and Lorraine used to do.

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  3. 3 hours ago, luna1122again said:

    I love Jeremiah's hair and always want to slide my hands into and grab it. He probably wouldn't care for that. I think he's almost preternaturally beautiful, so all these 'poor Jeremiah looks bad' posts are astonishing me. Nate is and always was cute AF. 

    And he's a 49ers fan!

    I loved that cabinet door with the tape messages!  Speaks to their sense of humor.

    I was surprised that a downstairs bathroom didn't come up as needing renovation or to be put in.  If I had big parties all the time, it would be right after the kitchen renovation on my list.

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  4. 4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    I've been bracing myself for a layoff announcement next week, when we were supposed to have the scheduled leadership meeting, and expected to have a say in which of my team members would be let go if it had to come to that. But today at 8am we got a company-wide email from the CEO asking to attend an impromptu all-hands meeting at 8:30am, at which he announced that 15% of employees would be laid off today. We immediately got emails whether we're safe or not, but those of us who are managers or directors were not told if anyone on our teams was affected. I had to beg my department VP via Slack to tell me - turns out three people in my org were let go (out of 18). I asked if I could be part of the HR meetings so I can express my sorrow and gratitude to them in person and was told no, but that their access will remain until the end of day, so I can talk to them in the afternoon. I'm so livid at how this was handled. Two of the three people that are being let go are what I consider "critical talent" but I had zero input into the decision. I'm guessing they were targeted because they've worked at the company for a long time and are in senior roles, i.e. they were expensive, but they were some of the most knowledgeable and productive employees as well.

    What a crappy situation - as a fellow boss, I sympathize with how you feel. You have to lose anyone and especially the key performers.   Often management decides to make the decisions without input to limit exposure for people like you to unlawful termination suits.  That's the rationale in government anyway.

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  5. On 3/21/2023 at 5:09 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

    Another thing: Since when did Americans start placing toilets into cubicles or even separate rooms, and then start calling these spaces "water closets"?

    We aren't British/Euro. 

    And no, a urinal is NOT something that belongs in a home. 



    I just watched two episodes of Million Dollar Listing LA from 2018.  Out of the house porn shown, half the bathrooms had toilets in separate rooms.  One even had a urinal.

    I think we do it.

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  6. If the guys are smart, they'll replace the urinal with a bidet before final judging.  The extended deck was great.

    Why in the world did they pick the larriats over copper?  You could turn a pipe into a lamp easily.  And I thought at one point she was talking about painting something copper.  Too bad about the light fixture - should have just taken it down.


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  7. 2 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

    I’m very interested to see if we get an explanation for why the Imperials chose this exact moment to drop by and blow up Bo’s home.  Presumably they are after Grogu- but how did they know he was there, or that she was involved?

    Maybe they just really don't like Brutalist architecture.

    Have the fighter vehicles always emitted smoke? There were trails coming out of the back of each of the fighters.   I thought that was bad cgi.

    • LOL 3
  8. On 3/16/2023 at 8:41 AM, iMonrey said:

    Mirrored backsplash in the kitchen? Who on earth would want that?

    Also, why do the boys have their own rooms while the girls have to share? And why did we only see one of the boy's rooms? What about the other one?

    Do N&J only do makeovers for families that have had cancer? I'm not objecting it to it, I'm just saying, it seems like an ongoing theme.

    The girls are closer in age and got the bigger room. If they start not getting along, the little divider between the beds could easily be extended.  I doubt they are going to sleep head to head.

  9. On 3/11/2023 at 4:24 PM, dleighg said:

    and while I liked the idea before the explanation, I enjoyed her talking about the "don't let your pants slide down (i.e. don't let your boxers show)"

    Or if you're ancient like me, from the American Idol auditions way back when:  Pants on the floor!  Pants on the floor!  Looking like a fool with your pants on the floor!

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  10. 15 hours ago, blixie said:

    I know it's only episode 2, but I am fully in love with Tom, his food has been good to greatish (carrot dish and his amuse bouche quickfire) and he is hella funny, self deprecating. Easily the most charming contestant in the bunch. I hope he can hang tough, and continue to improve.

    I thought the quick fire was one of the best challenges they've ever done, scaling it down to one bite, but given them lots of curveballs got some amazingly creative stuff. I don't think a single one  got even side eyed and I loved that there was no one singled out for the bottom.

    I actually like Dawn, and her food, but I truly believe there are perfectly great chefs who simply aren't made for competition cooking shows, and Dawn is one of them, it seemed obvious she wasn't fully present for this and was probably only trying to keep a profile up for her restaurant opening.

    I share your Tom love.  He's talented and funny.

    I wonder if Dawn is suffering from jet lag.  It hits some people (like me) much harder than others.  If you can't wake up then you continue to make stupid mistakes.

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  11. 17 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    Isn't Ava dating a famous athlete who could have made an appearance? I guess she doesn't like to mix her personal and professional lives (lol).

    She's dating Andre Iguodala who plays for the Golden State Warriors in California. Not likely to show up on a moment's notice.  (I swear someone on the writing team has a Bay Area sports team hard on.)

    Miss Barbara's earrings were dreadful.

    Liked the quick conversation between Erica and Gregory in the car where it was apparent that she knows everything.

    • Like 10
  12. I found it refreshing that a designer considered that buyers might be readers and have lots of books.  

    I'd love to really see the blueprints for these houses.  Is there no real bathroom for those bedrooms on the main floor?  Page and Mitch were going to put one in and then were thwarted.  The other teams just went with "powder rooms."  (To me a powder room only has a sink, no toilet)

    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, aghst said:


    Trying to remember when’s the last time a cast member other than the captain was in a relationship or married.  Maybe Colin from BDSY?

    Natasha and her unseen but vitriolic boyfriend.

    The polish woman who facetimed her boyfriend so much that she exceeded the wifi use of everyone else on the boat combined.

    Aesha and her boyfriend.

    Captain Glenn and his ipad and nature videos

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  14. 2 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    I get what you’re saying in that context. Like you said, many of the Oscar voters are lazy and if they already don’t like a film, or heard it was bad, or can’t make it through the screener they’re less likely to award the actor. But the person I was replying to seemed to be indicating that it made no sense for someone to have delivered an Award-worthy performance if their film wasn’t considered the best. I don’t agree with that.

    Marion Cotillard won best actress for La Vie En Rose which was not nominated for Best Picture.  It's a bad movie but she's fantastic.

    Makes me want to see The Whale!

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  15. My mother put in a butler's pantry when she remodeled her 4br ranch house.  It got used for parties.

    One reason to have more than one kitchen is to appeal to Jewish buyers who want to separate their meat and milk meals.  They need separate dishes and pots and pans.

    Gotta agree with Michal about that brick floor.  Who wants to walk on that?

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  16. 1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

    And you seldom see more than five teachers in the break room.

    The set is really small - more people and they'd be sitting in each other's laps.

    When they had their hallway conversation, there was an extra teacher standing in the back of the group.  Not the eyelashes guy or Jacob's nemesis.

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  17. So Carolyn has the idol from the birdcage, but she has mistaken the real one for the fake one.  She never read the papers inside the pouch and so she thinks the coin one is real and the bead one is fake.  It's the other way around.  It'll be fun when she goes to play it.

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