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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. Who cooks pork chops in the microwave?  Or under a broiler when you have a perfectly good stove top burner and pans?  Who gets an invitation to "Dinner?" and assumes they have to cook it?

    Jane Lynch was great as usual.

    Mabel was a little overdressed for that venue!  

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  2. I love one that Keenan Thompson does for an appliance company.  He's getting something new and it's going to be delivered.  The great thing is that all the other kitchen appliances are singing "never leave home!  never leave home!" in the background.

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  3. On 8/27/2023 at 5:32 AM, SoMuchTV said:

    Just curious - at that bar, do the drinks have ice cubes that don't float?  Because I see those on tv every once in a while.  I wondered if it's actually something that trendy bars have - like clear marbles that they chill - but it seems like that would be a potential choking hazard.

    No, trendy bars don't have anything like this.  For filming when they may have to do multiple takes over several hours, if the drink has to look like it has ice in it, they use polished stones like you might put in a fish tank or fancy flower arrangement.  The actors aren't going to drink the drink, although they might stroke the rim.

    Same reason why they don't eat the food.

    Of course in the magic bar where the guy goes to get lucky after being dumped, he's not throwing money down and dramatically stomping off.  Because he's getting lucky!

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  4. I think Laurence should have gone.  If nothing else, she needed a pop of another color.  Rami used silver edging, Bishme had prominent fasteners, but this was blue and black.  Not peacocky at all.

    I would have been as fangirly as Elaine over Coleman Domingo.  The man is talented!

    The reason no one squeels over the female models is that most of them don't have figures.  They're stick straight not vava voom.  The male models have great bodies in addition to great faces.

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  5. It was fascinating.  You feel for those young men he deceived:  no football, no college educations.  

    I read an interview with the producers where they said they deliberately kept the footage of Johnson to a minimum because otherwise he came off as charming.

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  6. I wondered if they were adding in his plaintive cries of being hungry in post, or if he was really going on about it.

    What's really funny are Jason's constant mispronunciations of Joao's name  - it's getting to be a cross between Joao and Joel, kind of like Jowowel.

    Thousands of dollars of damage!  Glen would just spray paint it and be done.

    • LOL 7
  7. On 8/21/2023 at 3:08 PM, Bastet said:

    A friend just sent me a link to a post on her unharmed neighborhood's NextDoor, that applies equally to mine.  It talked about assessing the damage from yesterday's storm, and how we can rebuild, with this picture:



    Hilarious!  Now you all need to get T shirts and yard signs that say Sherman Oaks Strong! (or wherever you live).

    Up here in NorCal, we got high winds and a little rain and humidity, which is enough to do us all in.  We can take earthquakes and being encircled by wildfires and pandemics, but 65% humidity?  

    • LOL 3
  8. On 8/19/2023 at 2:38 PM, magicdog said:

    I LOVE THIS!  Yes, I have a weird sense of humor.  I'm now imagining people who compete in various contests and give a sob story expecting their competitors to purposely lose to her out of guilt!!


    This was a show in the 50's called Queen for a Day.  These downtrodden ladies would come in and tell their sad tales.  At the end, the amount of audience applause would determine the winner who would get a new refrigerator or washing machine.  It's a bizarre slice of Americana that you'll never forget.

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  9. On 5/27/2023 at 11:48 PM, aghst said:

    Do wine experts claim to be able to perform this feat, identify the exact vintage from one single blind taste test?


    Yes.  It's part of the tests that you have to pass to be a master sommelier.  There are 3 different tests that mirror what happens in the 3rd test that Camille and Issei take.  One is a big written geography of wine exam like we see in the test where they are answering different questions ("Where is the Walla Walla valley?").  One is a test of service:  serve this table and find and serve the best wine for the food they have ordered.  One is a blind taste test to identify 12 different wines to their best ability.

    There was a great show on the Esquire network called Uncorked that followed people trying to achieve master sommelier status.   People can be really talented in one area but not in another.  They showed one guy doing blind tastings at a party and he got them all right.  You have to have an incredible palate.  Most of us don't.

    We're supposed to think that Camille and Issei do because of their father.  He isn't as talented as she is; she is hampered by not having tasted many wines as he because of her "allergy."  Having finished the show, the quickness of her getting past the "allergy" was what struck me as ridiculous.

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  10. On 8/10/2023 at 1:37 PM, Tom Holmberg said:

    Maybe you have to be of a certain age to know that.  I'm not sure we boomers use that cliche (unless we are quoting or parodying our parents) with our kids.  We probably say something like, we had to use an actual book, or add that up in our heads, or use a card catalog, or whatever.

    This boomer and my family used that exact cliche to make fun of my father - his house growing up was literally next door to the school.

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  11. On 8/11/2023 at 8:39 AM, proserpina65 said:

    Yeah, I'm struggling a bit with that, but I just pretend he isn't Jim Chee at all.  I also find myself trying to remember which book is the source of some of the plot (the truck bombing at the hospital).  Pretty sure that wasn't in People of Darkness but one of the later books after 

    I paid attention to the starting credits for this episode, and it definitely said this season is based on People of Darkness.  I've never read any of the books so don't know how far the show deviates from this book.

    How did Chee not get all shot up?  You can't exactly scamper about when you're hiding in that kind of a ceiling.

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  12. On 8/10/2023 at 9:28 AM, rur said:

    In one of the episodes, he said that he'd forgotten to take his medication. 

    I'll admit that it's never affected me, and what little I know about seasickness comes from Horatio Hornblower novels. In those, he got sick every time he set sail, but knew he'd adapt after a few days. I thought it would be the same for Adam, but since that isn't so, I, too wonder why he'd want to work on a boat. Was the lure of the 15 minutes of fame so great?


    He is supporting his family.  Being on BD pays better than on commercial vessels - that's what he was doing before this.

    His entire attitude suggests that he is regretting his decision to take this job.

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  13. On 8/5/2023 at 10:17 AM, Cotypubby said:


    No clue or interest in this other Bravo reality show. I liked the “real clients” challenge more when it was actually regular people and not D-list “celebs” from another show. I guess they didn’t want the designers to offend anyone like they have in past years.

    The problem with real regular people is that they get too caught up in what's being made.  When you use a cast like this, they know that they are just hangars for whatever the designers come up with and don't have any ego associated with the design.  And usually, they are reasonably fit people so you don't have to handle plus size issues.

    I was surprised none of the designers who got male models brought the drama.  Just designed for them.

    The design I hated was Kotto's for Daisy.  She made her look wide and short and Daisy has a great body.

    • Like 8
  14. On 7/31/2023 at 6:49 PM, possibilities said:

    Is the implication that the sheep with the extra horn has radiation poisoning? 

    Also, sheep are not typically aggressive, so... WTF?

    I don't know where the show is going with this, but the Navajo breed a special kind of sheep with extra horns.

    Wiki:  "The Navajo-Churro breed rams can have two, four, six, or more horns. This is because they possess the polycerate gene, which is also found in old heritage breeds like the Jacob Sheep. They also have the ability to have fused horns. Ewes also can have horns, or nubs called scurs. The color can be black, white, or striped"

    Sheep, especially rams, can be aggressive.  

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  15. I didn't think Alan was making that big a deal out of his birthday.  Before they even left, I'm sure that he looked at the calendar and realized that if he made it to his birthday, he would have been out there a significant amount of time.  Day 43!  Why not celebrate that?

    He may have been celebrating other people's birthdays all along (wife, kids, grandma, etc.) but they just haven't shown it.

    The thing that surprises me about this season is that people aren't using snares or traps much.  In the past, people have been very effective with them.

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  16. 4 hours ago, candall said:


    So other people can use wool, leather and stifling neoprene and incorporate other inappropriate yacht-job features, and get away with it by saying "Oh, it's for after work, when they go out to the bars," but Anna gets sent home because the Jason is dressed too casually to be on duty as the top professional operating the boat.

    Capt. Jason looked comfortable and gorgeous and would appear right at home pouring out of that big Hummer limo production hires to haul everyone to dinner.  How is a black leather jacket look different from a black silk kimono look if both men liked their outfits?

    It was supposed to be a dress uniform, not an outfit for after hours.  

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  17. On 7/29/2023 at 7:04 PM, DrSpaceman73 said:

    Now that I've finished season two and still don't understand the reasoning behind the money in tomato cans....that seems so gimicky and needlessly complicated, only for storytelling purposes.  If you're leaving  money for the store just say it....leave a will. 


    "Because Michael was a drug addict."


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