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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. On 11/4/2023 at 8:24 PM, buttersister said:

    If you hold a sprig of thyme at its top  and move your thumb and index finger down the stem, every little leaf comes right off. Maybe most were cautious about putting in too much. I thought it was a set-up critique point, as neither Paul nor Prue yakked about what a proper balance would be, (not too much or not enough, thanks).

    Using your method, you end up with the smaller stems included with the leaves.  Then you have to pick them out.  I just made two batches of spiced nuts that require a tablespoon of thyme leaves so I know.  That's why the thyme was underwhelming in the bakes.

  2. On 12/19/2023 at 9:58 AM, sistermagpie said:

    I kept thinking about this, and it made me see that for me, one of the things that made the earlier seasons better was that with Elizabeth and George, you had a sense that they took the monarchy seriously as a responsibility. Agree with them or not, they saw it as their responsibility and would often make choices based on what they thought that meant they had to do.

    Once you get to somebody like Charles, it's just all about him and the monarchy etc. is a burden. 

    But both Elizabeth and George came to the throne quickly.  George never expected to be king at all, and then his brother abdicated.  Elizabeth expected to be queen, but her father died very young so she got there sooner than expected.

    Charles on the other hand knew from birth that he would be king some time.  70 some years later, it happened.  I think the show portrays him thinking about his future as king and what changes could be made.

    And I'm personally very disappointed that I can't apply to be the Royal Herb Strewer.  Sounds like fun!

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  3. 7 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

    @Ruth Diaz will be able to assist with any survey enquiries/queries, thanks.

    Please see above, thanks.

    was this passed to her, or are you expecting me to seek her out?

    • Like 2
  4. I submitted a BUG about that time, because to fill out your survey I am required to login to Google.  I do not have a Google id, nor do I want one.  If this is required, you should mention it.

    I'm running Edge on a PC.  It happened before the crash and now after it.

    • Useful 1
  5. 14 hours ago, quarks said:


    Plus, someone has to provide Mrs. Fish with gossip and drama! She can only get so much out of opera openings and dukes! Even out of people TALKING WHILE THE OPERA IS GOING ON which definitely is something Mrs. Fish should be complaining about and naming names. The HOUSEKEEPER AND THE COOK had the common courtesy to SHUT UP during the performance, wealthy people. Take notes!


    The 400 aren't there to hear the music, they are there to be seen and talk to one another.  It's only the Housekeeper and Cook who really want to hear the opera.

    • Like 10
  6. 14 hours ago, OlderThanDirt said:

    Did anyone else see that the wing came off the brothers' plane as they were running to the mat? I wonder if they made him run back to get it.  I guess its purpose was to give them the address in Kenmore, not like when they had to bring the Amazing Gnome to the mat.

    Did we have a Gnome-free season?  Huzzah for that.

    I was rooting for Greg and John so that was a great ending!  I really appreciated the structure of this final leg since it let both members of the teams participate fully.  Having a final memory task dependent on a single racer to complete always sucks.  They did all of these together.

    • Like 6
  7. We really only have Lee's word that Andy is abusive, right?

    I agree that Andy + AI butler as killer is a cop out.  Unfortunately, since they haven't fleshed out any of the other characters at all, anyone else would also be a cop out.  At least the kid isn't a robot - they showed him eating.

    I'll watch next week to be completist, but this isn't convincing me to watch anything else that this team puts out.

    Harris Dickinson is amazing though.

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I don't think run of the mill government employees should be on private planes either. However, there's a lot of charter planes that are small like 8 people, and totally bare bones. So I can see where it would be all right.

    Not to get all real life, but the Federal government puts together big contracts with airlines and hotel chains to guarantee availability of fares that are affordable and refundable as well as hotel rooms at the approved per diem rate for any city.  Once the contracts are in place, government employees are required to use those or have a good explanation why that option couldn't be used.  It would be extremely unlikely that chartering a small plane would ever be more cost effective than using commercial flights, and the cost of doing so would push the purchase price beyond what the employee could handle through normal travel procedures.

    The taxpayers are not getting fleeced.

    But it's much more glamorous for Mulder and Scully to galivant about on private aircraft so that's what they do on TV.

    • Like 5
  9. 3 hours ago, Moose135 said:

    I do... 😄

    Whereas normally I would agree, we were delighted with the Cowgirl's success this week.

    Jalen Hurts really can look hurt.

    • Sad 1
  10. 20 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    One thing I have noticed recently is how readily available private jets are for tv people. I was watching Watchmen on DVD last week and 2 FBI agents were flying from Washington to Oklahoma and they were on a US government private jet. 

    As a U.S. federal employee I can assure you that most of us fly exclusively on commercial aviation.  That includes elected representatives.  The easiest way to meet Senators and Congresspeople is to take a late afternoon flight on Friday from Dulles.  

    Some agencies/bureaus do have their own planes.  Most of them are for accomplishing their mission, not for transporting passengers.  For example, NASA has lots of planes, but their employees fly commercial.

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  11. 15 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    I honestly feel like I've already watched all this happen!

    That's because he is rehashing plots from Downton Abbey.  And becoming predictable.

    We can thank our lucky stars that no plucky servants have been accused of murder yet.

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  12. On 12/8/2023 at 7:00 AM, Tuggy said:

    My understanding is that they were running out of food and that Danielle was giving much of her share to Danny. 

    From this episode it looked like Danielle was giving her food to Danny, but no where has it been said that they were running out of food, or even implied.  The black market is full of food brought in surreptitiously.  There should be no problem bringing in food (not great food) through normal channels.

    This was a "we only have enough $ to pay him for two scenes" solution.  And pretty terrible if Danielle was planning to drop by, give him one can, and say "there won't be any more ever, good luck.  Maybe Jesus can find a way."

    Margo speaking Russian with a thick Texas accent was funny.

    • Like 2
  13. I think at the point when Austin gave the idol to Julie, that his amulet hadn't become a full fledged idol yet.  That happened when Kellie was eliminated in the following TC.  

    Loved Jake's comment about having been cast as a tree all this time, but now becoming at least a supporting character.


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  14. Well looky there!  Epsom salts and copper nails!

    I have had experience with burning stumps out but if it's close to a fence or buildings, you might not want to do that.  We waited until it rained hard, then built a small charcoal fire on top of the stump and watched it like a hawk.  I would never inject lighter fluid into the roots or base of the stump.

    • Mind Blown 1
  15. 17 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Niners had injuries to key players. They're healthy now. 

    Niners also picked up Chase Young which is like double Bosa.  Hufunga is still out.

    And it must be said:  Fuck Philly!  Especially that Phat Philly Phucker who inserted himself into the game.  He should be fired.  The League should insist on it.

  16. On 12/1/2023 at 4:32 PM, marinw said:

    Why smuggle porn when you have the internet? I would spend my Mars money on chocolate or decent coffee. You could get lots of porn on the web even in our 00’s. Or so I’ve been told.

    And if they do have internet, it's on a government node where they continually sweep for porn and gambling.  

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