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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 18 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I forgot to mention one thing the documentary highlighted, which is the impossibility of dealing with Alex Jones and his followers.  I can't remember who it was, maybe a lawyer?  But he just refused to acknowledge them at all, despite how incredibly hard that is, because he knows they'll call him a coward or say he's hiding the truth, and that's NOT why he's refusing to engage.  And if he does engage, they'll call him a liar, regardless of what he says.

    It was particularly striking with respect to exhuming the kids' bodies.  I can see a parent thinking that as hard and painful and abhorrent as that might be, surely it would finally shut them up.  But you know it wouldn't--they'll just manufacture crazy theories about that, deepening their pain.  It must be unbearably frustrating.

    It was the attorney for either the town or the school board who refused to engage with Jones or his followers.

    The problem with exhuming is the scale.  If they had exhumed one body, run DNA tests to confirm parenthood, then the Jonesers would have said that the other ones were faked.  What if one of the kids was adopted?  What if one family used donor sperm or eggs to conceive?  There would always be room for conspiracy theorists to see conspiracy.


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  2. 11 hours ago, grawlix said:


    Delusions of grandeur is a little harsh.  I think a lot of folks who apply are just fans who want to participate in a season.  They want to interact with Phil and get  to travel around the world doing Amazing Race stuff for free -- and get some money for it (not necessarily winning it). 

    I think each season there are always some slots reserved for "super fans".  It keeps the fan base active with the hope of being a participant.  This season there does seem to be more of these teams.   Of course when asked, the racers will always say "I want to win" even though they aren't a competitive team.

    They were cast during Covid.  I'm sure the pool of people who were willing to risk their lives to get out of their protective bubbles and go on the race was a little bit smaller than normal.

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  3. That sounds awful.

    Drinking beer out of the champagne glasses was cheesy.  Why didn't they use champagne flutes?  They're just skinny beer glasses.  Or just give everyone a flagon.

    I thought the soup that the losing chef made looked great and sounded like a great concept.  That's the problem with not getting to taste anything.


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  4. 4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:


    Okay, I think I might grumble my way through this whole post, but...it irks me every time they reference the 'new era.'  All it does is remind me of the original, better recipe Survivor (remember the failure of 'New Coke'?  'New Era' brings the sad predictor of failure to me).  Q references quitting (then takes it back) and it's only day 10 or 11?  That would be a drop in the bucket in the 39 day Survivor, yet here it's almost halfway through.  Four immunity loses?  Again, a drop in the bucket.  Tribe of 3?  Sounds good to Stephanie or Bobby.  Oh, and challenges that didn't end in puzzles or tossing sandbags...Stop making me miss the 'old era' superior Survivor.

    I was glad Jem was voted out.  I don't appreciate needless manipulation and her glee at making her teammates dig/search for 3 dyas wasn't entertaining to me.

    Was Jem the one who told someone he was her meat shield?  Or was that Venus?  You can't do that!

    New Era sucks.  Too many identical challenges - do they think we're betting on whether it's sandbags or puzzles at the end?  They used to throw in a pity challenge when one tribe was getting decimated - often something that had to be "judged."  Or bring  back the gross food challenges, those mix things up.

    Hunter losing the journey challenge because there was something about Survivor that he neglected to memorize was epic.  And good for Q for trying something strategic.

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  5. This was chilling.  1 in 4 people believed him.  And that woman who thought the bodies should be exhumed because she "watches a lot of true crime and they exhume bodies all the time."  People's purient interests don't require action on anyone else's part.

    I wonder what he said after Las Vegas.

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  6. There aren't mountains like that on the Eastern seaboard and I doubt they are in Vermont.  It looked like the Tetons to me.

    I gave up on everything Walking Dead a few seasons ago and am only watching this for Rick and Michonne.  There's no way they wrap this up in 1 more episode.

  7. 19 hours ago, essexjan said:

    I agree with everyone that, if you know you're coming on the show, you prepare. Even though each Whole Foods store will have a different layout, you'd think the chefs would familiarise themselves with the products and in which sections different ingredients are found. And also practice unfamiliar techniques that turn up every season - pasta, desserts, leftovers, using different spice blends, etc.

    I think it's difficult to know what to practice.  In a season set in Wisconsin, wouldn't you expect challenges based on cheese, bratwurst, certain ethnic cuisines - but not stuffed pasta, soup, or roast chicken?  In Top Chef France they don't have to shop for themselves, so Kevin is at a disadvantage there.

    This season the judges are going to taste at the Quickfires as well as the Elimination challenges.  Only Padma tasted the Quickfires up to now and had to lose weight by the end.  Gail, in particular, looked poured into her clothes this episode.  Will she be in caftans by the end of the season?

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  8. Amber did well enough to help earn the US three spots for next year, so the federation should be happy with her.  It's so sad to see her land the hardest jump, and then fall apart on the rest of the program.

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  9. So far Ross and Diane are doing so much better than the "secret duo" in the last season it isn't funny.  Although Diane starting to suspect her son of being a traitor is.  We think he's deliberately wearing those awful glasses to disguise the shape of his face.

    Diane is the CT of this season - she's banked the most money.

    Are they doing the challenges in the exact order from the US show?  And it's definitely warmer - they were wearing shorts in the last episode.


  10. 18 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    The grief from the loss of his papa and some poetic words from his brother, Bernard have inspired Christian’s definitive piece. Hopefully the actual dress will look much better than this sketch. 😬   


    We saw the actual dress at the end of the first episode.

    Compared to some other shows I've been watching recently, this moves at a cracking pace and doesn't cover and recover the same ground.  I'm looking at you Feud!

    I appreciate the show comparing what's happening to Dior and Channel.  LeLonge and Dior made dresses for the Nazi wives and girlfriends while Channel closed her atelier and perfume business, but then partied with the Nazis.  On the surface, they appear about equally guilty of collaboration.  It's just knowing more details about Channel's association with Spatz and the bribes to get her nephew out of prison leading to her trying to contact Churchill that make her greater involvement apparent.

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  11. This was just terrible.  I don't really feel like watching more episodes.  They don't need to be 90 minutes.  They're just editing in a bunch of fluff.

    What makes a show like this great is the editing.  You lose that and you lose the show.

    Was that one of the sound guys helping Walla Walla mom out with the cold towel?

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  12. Ted Lasso nerds - I need help.

    I'm looking for the exact text of a comment made by Isaac (I think) - it's along the lines of "channeling my righteous anger to better serve my community"

    If anyone remembers this, or knows which episode it comes from, please let me know!

  13. 1 hour ago, violet and green said:

    So, that was basically 7 hours of Vanu (not an engaging or interesting or endearing tribe), heavily featuring Bhanu, to start the season off. On what planet is this good TV?

    And it was the second season in a row to feature two contestants who never should have been there in the first place:  Bhanu and Jalinsky this season, and the gal who quit and the guy who couldn't climb a ladder last season.

    Maybe you take a break and get people who can actually compete.  And edit the episodes to 60 minutes!  When you have to add orchestration to a camp sing along, maybe think of cutting it?

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  14. I agree that David was obnoxious.  However, his restaurant in San Francisco is based on using food that no one else wants and having zero waste.  Which are ambitious goals.  That's why it's called "Shuggie's Trash Pie" because they use things that are literally considered trash:  all the ugly vegetables and bruised fruit.  I haven't been so can't comment on how good the food is but it has good reviews.

    Not everyone is good at the game. Or at TV.

    I remember a first out contestant on a previous season who was dinged for under seasoning their dish saying that the judges must really like salty food.  How bad must the one gal's plate have been?  And it looked to me like she was trying to compete in all three heats at the same time:  she had stuffed pasta, and chicken, and soup.

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  15. 10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I've killed more ants in the past few days than in almost a year.  They tend to come indoors in the early Spring.  And I was out of ant spray so I had to run out just to get some!


    You don't need ant spray.  Use windex.  Kills them dead instantly.  And it cleans!

    I went for about three years with constant ant bombardments.  Windex is my friend.

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  16. I can't stand Paul - he's so smug in his THs.  Agree about Miles, adding him was a good idea.

    In the US version only two people were able to get across the bridges and production milked that for all it was worth.  Wonder why Anthony didn't try it?  Maybe he can't swim.

    Jaz is onto Paul for sure.  That's the risk when a Traitor has to call someone out at random.  Paul wrote down Jaz so now Jaz is looking at him full on.

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  17. 18 hours ago, Netfoot said:


    I never new they made Chevys that did not come equipped with a reverse gear. You know, for getting out of places without having to do a 129-point turn.

    Not only did they not consider just backing up, once they finally got the car turned around and headed back up the street, there was a truck parked blocking the exit.  And they didn't buy a map.

    Maybe it's just as well that they were eliminated.

    As long as we're talking about sibling teams - those twins are not identical.

    Really didn't like this episode, maybe I'm over TAR.  Only bright spot was the little boy handing out clues at the end of the rocking horse task.  

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  18. Michael's cake was so ugly.  Couldn't he have colored the buttercream?  The right cake won - I'm a sucker for a good mirror glaze.

    The Food Network vs. Comcast episode mislabelling continues.  On Monday, this was labelled as new Season 5 Episode 1, not Season 10, Episode 2.  Do they think they are the Great British Bake Off?

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